The SaJemite Vol. LXVin No. 4 Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC March 11,1988 •frrrs Candidates Promise Continued Momentum Players in "Fashion" ready themselves for their opening tonight by Amy Washburn Change presented itself as the major theme of the SGA meeting March 7. This meeting provided candidates for 1988-89 SGA offices to speak of their qualifications and goals, and for students to choose their leaders for next year. Primary voting was waived this year as a result of the small number of candidates running. Only 23 people were candidates for the 15 available offices—a President for the Salem Recreational Association still has not been found. Because of the limited numbers, final voting .occurred directly after the speeches, and the results were announced the morning of Wednesday, March 8. In the wake of administration approval of five major changes proposed by SGA this year, several candidates used progress as the theme for their campaign speeches. SGA Secretary Ginger Saunders, who will serve as SGA President in the upcoming year. pointed out that"... we still have a long way to go to make Salem even better . . ." 1988-89 SGA Vice-President Johanna Metzgar challenged Salem to "keep the momentum going!" Other speeches included such innovations as a rap song, a poetry reading, and a fashion show from the most recent Fall Fest. Elected officers for the 1988-89 academic year are as follows: SGA President: Ginger Saunders SGA Vice-Pres.: Johanna Metzgar SGA Secretary: Heather Glasscock SGA Treasurer: Ashley Neill Interdorm Chair: Sheila Elliott Interdorm Sec.: Diane Davis Honor Council Chair: Mary Poole Honor Council Sec.: Page Laughon Chief Marshal: Ashley Pruitt Big 3+3 Chair: Mary Bryan Pierce Big 3+3 Vice-C.: Kay Costenbader CAC Chair: Tammy Taylor Fall Fest Chair: Cathy Bowers April Arts Chair: Parker Hubband Farris Appointed Associate Dean by Susan Webb On March 3, Millie Eubanks announced Dr. Cindy Farris' appointment as Associate Dean in the office of the Dean of the College. Dr. Dorothy Russell will be returning to the Education Department as Associate Professor of Education, Director of Teacher Education, and Director of Graduate Studies. Dr. Harris will continue to serve as Assistant Professor of Sociology and Acting Chair of the Department. She will teach two classes each semester. Dr. Farris has long been recognized as a valued teacher and friend to students in the Salem community. The applause that followed the announcement made at Sophomore/Senior Banquet clearly expressed the students’ pride in a teacher that just a little over a year ago they voted as Most Outstanding Teacher, an award sponsored by the Omicron Delta Kappa honor society. In her years at Salem, Dr. Farris has worked with students on many different levels: as teacher, as friend, as advisor to the class of 1989, and faculty advisor for Sights and Insights, and advisor for the Catholic Student Association. She has served on several student/ faculty committees as well. Dr. Farris brings with her into her new position a wealth of experience with students. Dr. Farris feels that Dean Russell’s footsteps will indeed be hard to follow. She discussed how Dean Russell had really done an excellant job getting the Peer Advising Program off the ground and further developing the January Program. Dr. Farris feels privleged to move into a position that has been upheld so well. In a letter to the Salem faculty and staff. Dean Thompson expressed a "warm and sincere word of thanks and appreciation to Dorothy for her fine years of service in the Dean’s office." Dr. Farris is looking forward to her new position as Associate Dean and sees the position as an opportunity to have even more contact with students. "I saw the position as being strongly student oriented," she said, ’’. . . the advising aspect appeals to me a great deal." She hopes students will continue to feel comfortable coming to see her. In a Salemite interview last year. Dr. Farris expressed the hope that down the road she would still be perceived in the same light as when she was chosen Most Outstanding Teacher. She accepted her teaching award as a challenge for the future, and her new appointment will undoubtedly present her with even more new challenges, challenges she greets with great enthusiasm. Dr. Cindy Farris will begin her new responsibilities in the summer of 1988.