Page 8 Information Textook Committee SGA Notes by Dean Cindy Farris The Textbook Advisory Committee received a petition from a group of 127 students requesting that a list of textbooks needed for each class be published well in advance of final registration. The textbook room has agreed to make this information available. Once faculty members have made their requests for textbooks, Mary Louise Allen has indicated that she will be happy to give students this information. Usually, such information is available for the spring semester in January, and for the fall semester during the summer months. Any student interested in textbook information for a course is encouraged to see Mary Louise Allen or Doan Cindy Farris, who will be provided with a list of current information. Students seeking textbook information should be aware that publishers often make last minute changes regarding which editions are to be published. Every attempt will be made to be sure that the information given to students is up-to-date and accurate. As indicated in the last edition of The Salemite, the Textbook Advisory Committee welcomes your questions and comments. Thanks to the students who took the time to circulate the petition. by Heather Glasscock * Ginger Saunders and Dr. Litzenburg "switched" places on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1988. She was the acting President of the Academy and College for the day while he attended all of her classes as well as meeting with several students for informal discussions. * Executive Board sponsored a panel discussion that addressed the issue of the Adult Degree Program. Martha Fleer, Dean and Director of Continuing Studies, was present to answer questions and hand out fact sheets about the program. Dr. Cindy Farris, Assistant Dean of the College, was also. on hand to answer questions. Attendance at the three sessions was very strong, and Legislative Board plans to continue similar Grievance Panels in ^The members of Executive Board plan to set up office hours. Beginning Nov. 9, the S.G.A. office will be open from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. Students and faculty are invited to call or to stop by the SGA office during these hours if they have any questions or suggestions. The phone number for the S.G.A. office is 721-2666. Office hours will also be posted on the S.G.A. bulletin board in the Refectory. * Don't forget-There will be an S.G.A. meeting next Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 4:00 pm in Hanes Auditorium! Class Notes The freshman class held a meeting on Wednesday, October 12, to elect class officers. The meeting started late because Ronny Romm was entertaining in the Refectory. After his performance was over, the freshman class meeting got under way, and the freshmen elected the following officers for 88-89. They are: Pres. Gaither Smoot Vice Pres. Holly Walker Secretary Anne Bumgardner Treasurer Jennifer King Honor Council Rep. Mary McGinnis The sophomore class has just finished its second fund raiser, the China survey. The fund raiser brought in approximately $400 for I he class. If class members turn in ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ their dues the class should not have to do any more fund raising, according to President Betsy Saxman. There will be a sophomore class meeting this week to set a date for Sophomore-Senior and to get gift and decorations committees oraganized. Sophomores who have not paid their dues, please pay them as soon as possible. Last Thursday, the junior class held a hair and fashion show in Hanes Auditorium. It was co-sponsored by G. Carlyle Salon, with hair and make-up done by Gregory Carlyle and his staff. Clothes were provided by Anastasia Furs, Buxton's, Ski and Tennis Station, and the Villa Rosa Boutique. Models were Salem College students and select staff members. It was so much fun for ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ everyone that we're planning another show for spring! Special thanks to the models, all those members of the junior class who worked so hard, and those of you who came out to watch. Starting November 1, the junior class will be selling t-shirt dresses, splatter sweatshirts, barrettes, and paper earrings ranging in price from seven to forty dollars in the Refectory. Stop by and have a look! Despite the seniors' attempt to deny graduation, activities forecast their fate. While the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors presumably had their pictures taken inside, the seniors gathered in the square for environmentals. Already bombarded with fears of future economy attempts to break previous class participation records persuaded many to pledge various sums to the college over the next three years- broke or not! And though anonymous gifts are appreciated, names are required to receive the popular leather Salem coaster. Finally, announcements are to be ordered next week for all graduating. However, those in limbo may send invitations regardless of their plan. Fortunately, no rule exists that disqualifies anyone who wishes to engage in the sacrifices of a six-year diploma seeking recognition. Emily Post and Dr. Merrick, however, may not be corisi Blood Mobile by Martha Porter Mortor Board, the national honor society for scholarship, leadership and service, is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Monday, November 7, from 11 am to 3 pm in Babcock Basement. The Red Cross is asking for Salem's full support. Blood is in constant demand because it can only be stored for a very short time period. After blood is donated, whole blood and red cells may only be used for 45 days; and platelets, the other part of blood, can only be stored for five days. The Red Cross constantly collects blood to ensure that there will be enough blood on hand each day for patients who are ill or undergoing surgery. The actual donation only takes ten minutes. No appointment is necessary; however, a scheduled appointment will prevent congestion. Potential donors must be 17 to 75 years old and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. Donors must have a medical history free from specified diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, and heart disease. In addition, donors are screened and deferred from donating blood if they are involved in high risk behavior associated with the AIDS virus. Mortar Board encourages every student, faculty, and staff member to donate blood. Their goal is to obtain 65 units of blood. As an added incentive, they are providing pizza and refreshments for each donor. In addition. Mortar Board is sponsoring an ice cream sundae party for the class with the most donors. Upperclassmen are encouraged to challenge the freshmen even though they greatly outnumber all other classes. Volunteers are still needed to work at the blood drive. Volunteers or anyone with questions should contact Johanna Metzgar or Michele Brennan, the co-chairmen of the Blood Drive.