Salemite Vol. LXX No. 1 The Uncensored Voice Of The Salem Community August 31,1989 Freshmen Join Salem Sisters by Jean Williams "No way, all of the freshmen are so cute! Did we look like that last year before we came here?" Despite the sweat trickling down their somewhat excited (or was it confused?) faces, the freshman girls talking through the alarm doors looked cute. Needless to say, as sophomores will atest, we all ^clt just a pang of envy. Getting passed the initial shock, we put on our smiles and best "Susie Salem" ®et to welcome the freshmen and their parents. An endless stream of people with varying loads of what can only be termed 'freshmen junk', trudged up the stairs, Mr. Teddy dangling through one arm. Up and down, up and down wiping Perspiration from brow and neck ''^ith the grimy sleeve of the Customary Salem Station '93 ^■shirts, hall advisers, dorm P^'esidents, and their right hand h^oinen evoked a boundless energy load after car load, then the parental good-byes and "Be a good girl" partings, some tearv-eyed and others impatient, left the freshmen alone. The young women turned back to face their roommates and the task of finishing the constant process of decorating thier rooms. Hesitantly they proposed shallow questions to answer and the turned to deep for "roomie" small talk conversation. No sooner could they sit down to catch their breath when a knock at the door produced the head of a hall adviser to inform them dinner was in five minutes in the basement. From dinner stemmed hall activities and campus tours. Forty-five minutes remained to rest before heading back over to the FAC to watch "Salem Through the Years" as performed by the semi-talented campus leaders. Luckily this offered a look at the seemingly confident advisers cracking on high notes to songs sung to the tune of "Do-Re-Mi" and "Summer Lovin’". There was hope for these upper-classmen after all! Freedom at last! Finally, around 10 p.m., they handed out SDH keys and the freshmen dispersed to tlieir BMW's and Saab's (envious again?) in search of night life around Winston-Salem. Those who have been here aa while may have to laugh at that. Alas, all is quiet at 1 a.m. as the exhausted campus turns in for the night. Not even the suffocating heat can keep anyone awake as the whirl of the rhythmic fans lull everyone to sleep with thoughts of the people they have joined to make up the Freshman Class of 1993. Welcome Class of 1993