2 Mgust 28,1990 Campus Leaders Welcome Class of 1994 SGA President Encourages Freshmaen to Become Involved Dear New Students; Salem College has many opportu- nites for the class of 1994 to get involved in. The SGA wants to open all possible doors—all you have to do is knock. The Freshmen class will pull to gether and become a group. As a group you will participate in Fall Fest(a huge tradition at Salem), class fundraising, and many other projects. As individuals you will work with others in various as pects of Salem life. Positions open to freshmen range from Student Government to Faculty-Student Committees, to dorm life and sports. We are very excited about you being here. We will do our very best to make your new home an exciting part of your life. You need only the desire to be involved and we will get you involved. I know this time is a transitional period that you may be unsure of or nervous about. I, and the other members of Executive Board, want to do whatever necessary to make Salem a great place for you. Please feel free to come ask questions or just to visit. We do have an open door policy. Sincerely, Dear Freshman: The most important liffS pleasurable welcome we ever extend is the one we offer to entering students. It means much to us to have you join the Salem family, for you constitute the ever important link between the past and the future. By taking up residence at Salem Col lege, you have elected to become the newest members of a very special community—one that has endured for more than two centuries. In very short order you will come to understand and appreciate why it is that so many people believe that Salem is a place truly set apart. Above all else, Salem is a place that genuinely cares about people. By tra dition and conviction, we are given to ensuring that in all that we do and say we celebrate the talents and interests of each and every member of the Salem community. While you have come here to study and to learn, I hope you quickly will discover that Salem is concerned to nurture and support you in any num bers of ways. Upperclasswomen, staff, and faculty alike are dedicated to guar anteeing that your transition to colle giate life will be filled withexcitement, wonder, and genuine joy. Whatever your concerns and needs of those of Two Centuries of Salem Community Continues your family may be, do not be shy in letting us know how we can be of assis- stance. Again, let me warmly welcome you to Salem College. May you soon dis cover what so many others long have believed—namely, that in coming to Salem you have embarked upon an ex perience you will remember the rest of your life. Sincerely, Thomas V. Litzenburg Jr. President WMts you! The Salemite, the voice of the Salem community, is looking for you. The Salemite offers many opportunities you won’t find anywhere else After all, who else is willing to have a pajama party with you the nlqht before a deadline. And where else can you learn about true journal ism at the hands of those editors - 3 Spanish major, the other a Bjoloqy major What we don't promise is to enrich your vocabulary, in fact you miaht even learn a thing or two. ' So here is your personal invitation to join The Salemite We are understaffed, underpaid, and in need of yoj^! ' (P.S. We have an Air-conditioned office) ^