The Salemite Salem Suffers Growing Pains September 31,1993 jyKristan Majors To some students the idea of Salem coming larger is upsetting, but to )thers the possibilities of expansion fare exciting. Like it or not, Salem College has set a goal to increase its student population to approximately 150 by the year 1997. The Class of 1996, with one lundred fifteen boarders last year, rought several changes to Salem College. Likewise, the Class of 1997, dth one hundred thirty-seven board- students, promises to bring even lore changes. S alem ’ s newest addi - dons include the Salem Signature irogram, a new language lab, addi tional professors, the Career Coimec- ion program and other student serv ices. This year’s freshmen class is one |of the largest S alem has had in several years. The increased enrollment obviously brings more money into the school, and new students as well. During Freshmen registration. complications with classes brought a lot of attention to the growth. For instance, in three common freshmen classes, the maximum number of students for each class was increased. Biology 10 has seventy-one students. An additional English 30 course had to be ojjened. Also, Sociology 100 holds sixty-three students this semes ter. Dr. Doug Borwick, Associate Dean of the College, said “On the whole, registration went pretty well; but, we do plan to make some correc tions for next year so that everything will move more smootlily. I believe compared to other schools Salem registration is still much better.” Several upper-level courses have also increased in number because of the affects due to the size of the Class of 1996. Dr. George McKnight, the Gen eral Chemistry professor, who has forty-three students in his class, said “I wish I had more time to prepare for such a large; but, in all seriousness, I do not feel we have had any problems. A Visit to Neverneverland... ne junior Pirates, headed by Captain Hook (Larnie Yusan), gleefully f offPeterPan (Helane Anderson). Wendy (Wendyjane Garret) and inkerbell (Meredith Snelllngs) look on. Photo by Anna Mansfield. y Stephanie Peede Glenn. Fall Fest activites included breakfast, decoration of the refec tory, a treasure hunt, skits, songs, and a football game. The sophomore/senior class won the treasure hunt by collecting everything on the list which included such random items as a pirate s eye patch, a plank, and the Salem seal, -rsandposters to schools like After lunch, the classes sang ^ Forest, Hampden-Sydney, songs and acted out skits dedicated “■ State, Davidson and Duke, to their sister class. The afternoon =nn also designed and picked out colors for the Fall Fest T-Shirts. This years Fall Fest was one of le best ever, according to Gracen 'lenn, chair of the event. Fall Fest was kicked on Tues- ^y, September 22, when more than students showed up to hear the ®dBS&M play on Clewell patio. To prepare for the event, Glenn ersandposters to schools like came to a close with a football game in Salem’s square, which was also c sophomore/senior team wore won by the sophomore/senior team. ihe freshman/junior Senior Allison Bruce echoed wore tourqoise. Glenn’s words, “Everything was j.b^®™^®®lsher hard workpaid lowkeyandwentoverreally well ause the mixer set a positive a result of class cooperation. T 'c for Wedensday’s events. “It really rewarding to see every- —such a great time,” said a result of class cooperation. The new ideas of Gracen’s were great and it was the best Fall Fest I ever Mr I do not want the class to become any larger but this size is fine.” “Students should expect some crowding initially, but the upper-level courses are smaller,” said Dean of College Annette Allen. Dean Allen assures the student body that the fac ulty and staff are working together with the students to amend any prob lems. Within a year or two, Salem will be a much stronger and better place. For those who feel Salem is be coming too big, might be amazed to hear that Salem has not always been this small. In the late 1960’sand early 1970’s, boarding students totaled approximately five hundred. Presi dent Thrift said that women were placed in houses by the col lege in Old Salem, including Lehman Hall. President Thrift assures students that Salem faculty and staff have no interest in seeing Salem become as large as it once was, but they do hope that their goal of four hundred and fifty boarding studems can be met. Admissions New counselor is by Dianne Conley Andrea Meals is one of the newest additions to Salem s Admis sions staff She is outgoing, spunky and loves her job. What make Andrea different from the other counselors is that she did not go to Salem or any other women’s college. Meals has great respect for Salem and thinks that the school “sells itself when smdents come on campus. Meals grew upin VirginiaBeach, Virginia. After looking around at different colleges to attend she chose Radford, but only for a semester. The college was not for her, so she dedcided on Virginia Wesleyan Col lege for her second semester. While at Wesleyan, Meals took advantage of her opportunities there. She was co-captain of the cheerlead- ing squad, social chairofher sorority, a tour guide, sang in two choirs, and was a peer advisor. Meals graduated in 1992 with a degree in the Liberal Transfer student Kathy Franklin and freshmen Keisha Feinster and Lauren Tucker are part of the more than 120 new students who have joined Salem's ranks. Photo by Stephanie Peede. She also siad that Salem dorms will be able to hold all of the students. The staff and faculty do not feel that Salem will be hindered form the increase in students. In fact. Dean Allen feels, “Larger classes allow the students to be more innovative. Also, the increased funds will mean more services and technological advances.” At present, the total enrollment for Salem, including the Continuing Education and Graduate students, is eight hundred forty. Gains a Different View Salem's first to hail from a co-ed college graduation, she spent the Fall of ’92 as a road ruimer for Wesleyan. This job involved recruiting students from all over the country. According to Meals, “I got Virginia Wesleyan’s first set of triplets. I hope I can do the same thing for Salem!” Meals ended up at Salem a year later, but it was not her first time here. Andrea came to Salem as a prosptec- tive student for a Senior Overnight. However, she doubted Salem because of the fear of attending an all girl’s school and nobody told her about the benefits of a women’s college. Years later she decide to pursue aposition in the admissions office of a women s college, because she began to realize all the advantages women have by graduating from an all female uisitu- tion. So far Meals has been thoroughly impressed with everything Salem has to offer it’s students and has grown to truly loveSalem. She also loves going out and sharing the experiences of Salem with prospective students. “It . .V I* _1 As an admission counselor. Meals travels from Labor Day to Thanksgiving, spending about one night a week at home. Her temtory mainly includes western North Caro lina, Kentucky and the deep South. She answers questions and concerns about Salem and college in general. Meals acts as the students’ link be tween high school and college, and is very honest with the students she encounters. Andrea believes that “ [her] job is not to make sure that everyone goes to Salem, but that everyone goes to the school that is right for them.” She wants to find the students who are right for Salem! As for Andrea’s future, the only thing she is certain about is that she will go onto getherMaster’s Degree. She implied who knows where the future will lead her. For right now, she is incredibly happy to be here at Salem. She feels overjoyed that Sa lem chose her for this position, and the Admissions Office feels lucky to have her. Welcome to the Salem community, Andrea Meals! ..n.«,mation in Marketing. After September Horriblescopes. Page 3 Random Thoughts. Page 2 Sports. Page 4 Gramiey ovtarj

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