The "^.T.A. held its meetin^j for the seventh month Tlmrsdav ni,^ht April, 13, 1933, hr,Jones conducted the devotional. This v/as follov/ed hy a very intpirihg violin solo ‘bj?’ Irene Renfrov/ Ac companied hy ICaehelle Griff in. The next feature was an old time spell' ing match. Several people in town participated, Krs.J.D.Farmer won the prize,an angel food cake, "beautifully decorated. Miss ’/hite’s room,the second grade, was given the attendance "banner • 7/ilheimuna Smith CIIA'PEI PROGRAMS The tenth grade gave the chap el program Tuesday,April 18. The Bihle was read hy Penetta Ihirray, The program was devoted entirely to the^dignifiedS seniors. Lillie Mae Smith gave an inspriring talk ” The Seniors as the Juniors see Thenf' Re-oa Manning's talk applied to the word ”Senior^\ She thor oughly defined the word. Irene Renfrow gave a piece of sound advice to the seniors. Tuesday April 35,the ninth grade had charge of the chapel program, "Vernon Finch read the devotional part of the program. The whole program was devoted to singing joyon.s songs. ¥/e sang puite a nurnher of songs . Althou gh the program, consisted of only hanging" ^ it vms thoroughly enj eyed, Estelle Brantley On Friday,May 5 at 3:30 o^clock the Elementary School will present their annual Comnencement. A very "beautiful program is to "be staged on the lavm in the form of a May Lay Festival. In this presentati ion a "Spring Review" will "be made of the work done in the Music and Physical Education De partments of various grades. Beginning at 8:00 A.M. the doors of the school ’Will "be throvm open to welcome visitors, for this day has "been sot aside as "Parents DayV Every parent is urged to v " '• visit the school on that day. Outstanding work of the pupils will "be on display. Come early, visit the rooms and then remain for the commencement exercisesc "SEEinRS"AS THE MORL IMPLIES "In analyzing the word"3enior" I find that to'he called a senior means more than desirsnating one who is in the eleventh grade aril about to he graduated from high school. Have you ever stopped to to think just what the word means can mean, and ought to mean? Let us analyze you as seniors hy let ters. Each letter stands for a characteristic, "S", the first letter,of course, to you may mean "superior","supr eme'/ or"H^aporiority" , hut we-like to take the highmindness away and Idt it moan "sedateness". This V'lord signifies dignity, calmness,loftinosc,and sereness, "E" is for everlasting energy both physicall3r and mentally, (Cont. on Last Page)