STATE WIDE CONTESTS This yearns boys of the Future Fanner Organization have a fine opportunity of centering education al contest: Chapter contest, pub^* lie speaking, livestock judging, music supervised practices, and star farmer and project story. With the exception of the pro ject story Future Farmers must enter the local contcst, county federation, half didtrict, dis trict, and state to bocorao a state winner. A Futtiro Parmer may write a story of his project and send it in to the TAR HEEL TALKS. The four best in tho- state will be published in each issue. Then the best on is pickcd out for the state winner. The Bailey Chapter entered the seed judging and identification contcst held February 2, at Groun- ville. Through toosc contests a boy may secure practical knov/lcdge of Future Farming. WANTED ; SCOUTMA.STER Carl Walker Jr. L, S, Inscoo, County Sup erintendent of Public Schools in Nash County, is striving to got a Boy Schout Troop in Bailoy. The only thing stopping him is find ing a leader, Mr, Inscoe sent several blanks over hero to bo filled out by boys who are in terested in being Boy Scouts, Of the eleven blanks filled out each b£Sm8d^’'Mi?, Bro&ks' Privotto as the desired Scoutmaster, Bailey needs a Boy Scout Troop very badly, because there are so many boys amund here with no organization. The Boy Scout organ ization is to teach boys how to bo good citizens. It also teaches them handicraft, health craft, campcraft, ...and swimming. The boys of Bailoy hope all good citizens will*.got a Boy Scout Troop in Bailey, BOOK CAMPAIGN FOR THE LIBRARY Marks Undorwood Mr. Walker is planning a book campaign to secure books for the library. This campaign is to start in a few days. Each child is to soo how many books he can bring. Miss Ferrell will take these books and classify them according to thoir authors, their name, and their type. Thi) library is especially short on nature and ■ lacks Q.11J very intorsting advent ure books. Those sliould bo filled in first. Any books that are in your homo thv-t you h‘:.vo road and do not v;ant, why not turn thorn in>»» to tho library so that others may enjoy them. \ \ / \ \ / s. ) \ / K N A FRESH AND CURED MEATS OF ANY KIND BAILEY, N ,C. b ;