OctolDor 1940 f Page Foiirteen WIT H T hi E A L U M N Louisburg College Loulsburg, North Carolina Ocbcber 7, 1940 Dear Members of B.,il3y Hl-h School, It is Indeed a pleasure to write you a letter for th e Bt^glOc I .^lrc•er'^lly hope tiiat ll: wiTl be a big sucess this year for av'jr7/c';iO OQn:.ierxied„ Your first Issue was very Intor- esting to me the orhor day, vVell, college life is sim.'oly wonderful. It has more advantages than I had ever rea].izcd boforoflf you have never had any exporionce with meeting people bofoso, college is a placo-you will learn, I ima gine some of'you have novor mado your own decisions concerning dif ferent problomSj, That is one ro- sponslblllty of your own onco you cross.the threshold of collogo, I would advise you to start shoring some responsibili ty of your own before you graduate from ■ hip-h school. You will find ’ that it saves many ombarsssing mx^monts when you have to dccldo things for yourself, I I am taking a Commorcial j Course, It is a v^jry h^ird j and it is altogether difforont from high school v/ork. My su'd- jects include Shorthand, Business English, Business Math, ■ 'Tppovvrit- Ing, Economic Geography, Physical Educati on, and a. course in First Aid, Those subjecto will bo only for the first somestor. After Christmas, I will tako subjects in the place of Business Math. Eco - nomlc Geography, and First'Ald„ I am very glad that l docldod to come to Louiaburg Collogo, Tho social life of tho collogo adds to tho enjoyment of everyone up horo. Wo huvo two fratornilgs that tho students have tho opportunity to bo a member of.if they work ' hard enough^ One is for tho Liberal Art students. Phi Tiiota Kappa, ■ .The other if for tho Commercial stu~ donts, tho Alphi Phi Epsilon. ”/o alsD have tho Y, C. A, for the girls, and tho Y.M, C,A, for tno boys, -Vo are going to organise a Journalism Club^a Dra matics Club,, and an Intornational Relation Clubo Wo have already org'.nlzod the Gloe Club, and wo are progressing very rapidly. Every year Loulsburg Collogo offero membership to tho students in tho Civic Music Association, I hopo many of you will decide to como to Loulsburg Col lege when you flnldi high school. It is a wonderful place to help one dovolop mentally and physical ly. You. also got wonderful spirit ual training, Sinceroly, Fr:.ncls Manning UJ ^ "-'T “ /)'/£ Ih HOflOBifeDL onk5 OmPCsXion Book's^ hoTE aooKFtLie/^Sy ^ , -Tablets So/jD/^T- IjRUQh TQI?f