September 1941 rage 7 BAILEY FACULTY TO PRESENT "OH SUSAN!” ■» ■"Oh Susan-’" A comedy In three acts, is to be pro duced by the members of the faculty October 22 in the high school audi — torim. All of the fac ulty members will have some responsibility in the production. The plot centers around the'char act or JAITJT DAL- TOI-T, a designing young society girl who usually gets what she wants, played by '.IISS QUINN. In this particu lar case, the aggrosivo Miss'Dalton wants a hus band, and the objoct of her attack is MR,'DANVERS lEREDITH, A gay, witty bachelor who claims to be a v/oman-hatcr , played by MR. G.G. MORGAN. The play resolves itsolf in to a clever game of de ception with a surprise finish. This excellent comody would bo a tragedy for anyone if he failed to see it. Teacher: V/here did Cal- ho\m make his last speoch? Stephen 2arp: On the ground. SENIORS ENJOY FOOTBALL GAME Senior Day at Chapel Hill was celebrated on September 19, 1941, by members of the senior class, Tv/onty eleventh graders took the trip accompanied by fivo raon- bers of the commcrcial department. After viov,*- ing the c ampus and a Boy Scout parade, everyone went to Kenan Stadium where the Carolina foot ball team gave them a big thrill by defeating Lenoii’-Rhyne 42 to 6. COMLETE LINE OF »> M E AT S « AND » GROCERIES « CALL J. D. HASKINS BKQ BAILEY, N.C. FARMERS SUPPLY BAILEY, N.C. PHONE 141 ‘YDUR PATRONAGE w I L L B E APPRECIATED" y SCHOl SUPPLIES ICt COLD DRINKS FRUITS r VEGETABLES'^ AND A J COMPLETE LINE V OF GROCERIES WM. MANNING BAILEY. N.C, FOR THE Finest in DIAMONDS AND WATCHES SEE us WHEN iN WILSON DENNY'S JEWELERS 10?> WEST NASH ST. /•