October 23f 1942 eAlLfiY B'JGLF: Inquisitive Soul What would you sub stitute for the boys and girls to use in place of a car on week end dates? 1,Louis Bissette: A vjalk in the moon- 'light on rainy days, 2,Harland Perry: A bi- ■ cycle built for two, 3,Bobby Jones Corbett: A horse and buggy, 4,Bobby Ray I.Ieacomes: Billy goat and a lit- tie red wagon with' 'blue wheels, 5,Howard Barnes; A mule and a tobacco ■ truck, 6,Reba Earp: cart, 7,Iris High: ing room, 8,Maude Lev/is 'ride, S.Arah Fearl Go sit of the tree, 10,E.C, Griffin: Go boat~riding with ? at Morgan's pond, 11,James Haskins: Go swinging on the front porch swing, 12,Mary Rose Brovm: Go riding on a tractor, 13,Rela Mae Pinch: Get an extra pair of shoes. A hoover The liv- : A hay- Horton: in the shad old apple mm -JEagii. -ID.. IN r K o- II-LL.// 'il LUCAMA KENIY- BAIMK BAILEY, N.C. Insured Under GOVERNMENT P/an of Insurance V wmm SWEATERS wmm :mm 'JUNIOR ffASHilOiS/ soas COMS See Our Reversab/es SKIRTS WILSON, N,C,