February 12, 1945 BAJY BUGLE Page 5 They^ll Do It Every Time "The photographer is here J" is shouted un til it reaches every nook and corner. The high school girls quickly dab on powder and paint, stick in the last hairpin, 'and sneak to the end of , the line so as to have that affected smile perfect. Believe ine the boys make use of their combs too. On the other hand, the grammar grade stu dents never think of. . this, and just see whose pictures arc bet- tdr I School Enjoys Baslreiball Game Since the Bailey bas ket ball teams have , been xmable to get games with other teams because of rationing, the coaches dccided to divide the girls’t^am and the boys'team thua ' making four teams and letting them play each other. An exciting rally in the last period high lighted the girls’ game. The team led by Melbe Joan Stott won over the other by a margin of throe points, In the boys’ game the score was constantly closo with the team p&ced by Horace High and Tommy Etheridge pulling away in the last quarter to v/in. Added Honor For Bugle Delayed message from Columbia Scholastic Press announces that Bailey was chosen as one among tho highest ten percent of those rating first placc in the 1942 joiirnalism contcst, A bronze med al was sent tho school as an aY;ard. Class Activities Vary . For English Worl^ Creativo v/ork in the form of displaying word meanings, drawing pictures representing certain stories, dram atizing acts, or dis playing characters is the approved method used by Iilrs. Farmer and has to be done at the end of each unit by all her English sti>- dents. More interest in nu trition is noticed when speeches are made rather than when as signments are mado- in the text book is the opinion of Mrs. Rogers. LET US HAVE ATTENTION Is What Your Car Demands Of You To Give Its Best MOTORING SERVICE THE PLEASURE OF SERVING YOUR CAR \ I "A SOLID FOUNDATION