iAil EY 3UGV: ZEZO'O PiliMARY NEV/S Pase 23i i N v''^ %y ■ - ff,TT^^ r»- .*' ’ ^ , J-A if Third Grade Buys War Bonds Tho third grade girlE and boys in Miss ThoH- pson'^p room have bought., TWO HMDRED DOLLARS worth of War Bonds since last May. Along v;ith that, they have EIGHTEEN DOLLARS and ten cents worth of War Stamps, Good for you third Grade. KEEP IT UP I ThirdGradeWin^ AttendancePrizes Miss Thonpaoii’s i’con won the attendance prize at P.T.A. Thurs day night. Each parent present at P.T.A, counts one vote for tho rooiii re presented, COLE Cii. P.^RENTS, LET »S WIN : it*'!' vS'.' ./'■ >' I ^ tp-' A iC\U /"I r\ tiDiTuP._M ThOM.PSON :yl / '/ .V • • '-'I / / / /t: ENI01.LMENT SHOWS i.AKS; INCREASE The primary enroll- rient this year shows a;i incroaso of 12^ over last year's cn- rollMcnt, Following is tho pre sent enrollment: Miss Ross, grade ono^ 42; Jiliss Batts, grades one and two, 55; Mrs, Glover, grade two, -32; Hiss Thompson, grade throe,33; I.Irs. Glover, grade three, 19., This makes a total enroll ment of IGl. Pr I maryOepartment V7f^.:c^mes NewT«ar hers The primary depart ment has two new fac ulty members. Miss Grace Ross, tho first grade teacher, v,'ho hails from Aurora,N.C, and Hrs* Roland Glover, f r om B a i 1 e y, i'K c;., v/hom yju know, has a com bination of third and fifth grades^ imj TEACIIE13 colt; you t WE VffiL- ORDER YOUR N O ■ W-.H' FA R M E R a n d B R O ■ I A L - 1 6 ! B A I I [ Y N. C.