t Decenber 15. 1944 BAILEY BUGLE Pare 51 CLASS DESIGNS SCRAPBOOt; FOR SILAS MARNR Pictures portraying visualized scenes fror.i Silas Marner and arti- cles" "discussing prin cipal events of the story v/ere conpilod in a scrapbook by the tenth grade during their atudy of the novor The signed scrapbook as the believed Silas v/o'ald have done hinsclf, as de- class Marner it for PICTURES Pictures wore drawn or cut fror.i nagazines to illustrate the characters and noat interesting scencs. Articlos written by Phyllis J. Finch and Betty D. Sanders dis cussed the raain events. 4H Members Hold Achievement Day v/.as ish at Achiovonent Day held for all County 4H inonbor the Hone Denonstration Curb llarket Building in Rocky Mount,IIov,25* The program, consist ing of the giving of av;ards for canning, a.ewing, and other 4H projocts, began at 3:30 P. M. and was follov/cd by a picnic at 6:00 P. club r.icribcrs wore urged Jirjnie Cullo. the Nash leaders, to invite their Ixmch All Miss c ounty ttond JOHN TEGJ-US, janitor, t; placo sincc for the Arr.iy now ikes Joe's ho left Belle/'s Hit Perede B. D* Sanders ”’3woot Stio (Lasaitor)” "Hey I Mable (Vick) wait for r.ie" "LIy Gal Sal (Perry)" "Marie (V/i 11 iar.is )" "Margie (Glover)" "Wait for ne Mary(E, Glover)" "Sing a Song about Susie (Boykin)" "Ranonia (Lar.m)" "Oh I Johnny (J.G1over)" "Dance with a Dolly (Btuin)" "Old Bill (B.Murray) Bailey" "Franl:y (Lewis) and J olmny " J 0 ann e (Th o r n t on) v; 11 h Light Brov:n Hair" THE PERFECT GIFT Jewelry 'r::x DENINYS WILSON. N.C