October 4. 1946 BAllEY 8UGU BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA Mysterious Cloud Makes F&ceLendin g Page On a v/arm day I decided to take a walk in the woods along a babbling brook'. I was enjoying my stroll when suddenly I heard a buzzing sound. At first I thought it must be an airplane, but, us the sound came nearer, it be came obvious that it vms something that didn’t have a motor exactly like an airplane. At this moment there ap peared on the horizon a black, whirling, twisting, and roaring cloud. litl* cloud hovered over a near by tree. I decided a fev; more steps would give me a better view of this curi- ous moving cloud. As I stepped under the tree to investigate, I received a sharp stab in the forhead Yelling like a whipped puppy, 1 fled running headlong into the little brook, IIo sooner had I hit the vmter than I realized I had ruined my nev/ fiver- all pants I had been so proudly displaying. I de cided that the bees didn t like ray exploratory scarch. Maybe this was v/hy they gave mo such t^n unfriendly welcome. This was my first --and I hope will be my last--contact with bees. Marlyn L.• ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS TO MATCH YOUR OUTFIT ScoutsWinBlue l^ibbon AtCountyCamporee Troop twelve of Bailey won a blue ribbon for be ing one of the best troops represented at the county camporee held in Hashtrille the week end of September 13. The winners were deter mined by contests and the results of an Inspection of all camps, tents, packs, and cooking.Each item in spected counted a certain number of points. The Bailey Scou^:# won a blu# ribbon for having the points required. There were four troops re presented at this camporee; Nashville, Bailey, Spring Hope^ and Mt. Pleasant, SENIORS VISIT UNIVERSITY Twenty-'two seniors and Mr. V'/eaver were guests of the University at‘the foot ball game played Saturday between V. P. I. and Caro lina in the Konnan Stadium at Chapel Hill. A program of entertainmeir% was planned by the Univer- sity for all state seniors^ Made Especially For You A Dress From Our Shop (s Perfect For- Your Fall And Winter Wardrobe. THE LONDON SHOP WILSON. N.C.