BAILF.Y BUGLE February 14. 1947 BAILEY^ NORTH CAROLINA ; Page 7 Team Loses Two Players To” Wi Ison BoysNameR Stone,Captain Because of their desire to play football, Paul Dew ajid Rex Perry leave Bailey School to join the Charles L. Coon high school in V/ilson. The coach of the Wilson football squad invited Rex apd Paul to join the foot ball team next fall, Ii) order to meet the school’s requirement of a one-sem- ester attendance before playing football, Rex and Paul enrolled at Charles L. Coon two weeks ago. Coach Weaver ' has re organized the team, and the boys elected Pete Stone as captain to re place Rex. Rex has been a member of the team for three . years; Paul, for three years. Dribbles By Evelyn Poole According to Coach Viea- ver, "The girls' team has improved so much during the season that there is no comparision in the playing. The boys play hot and cold basketball. Some nights they are pretty good, and other nights they aren't.'* At last the tops for the boys' basketball suits have arrived. They are solid green with gold num erals. The boys used them first at the game v/ith Rod Oak, It seems that luck has at last come our way. The girl's have won ten out of fifteen games. The date set for the coun ty tournament is Yarch 10, 11, 13, and 14. Games are to be played in the Rocky li’.ount high school gym. Coach ’Veaver views next year's team as average or a little above average. "We are going to lose four good gu.'?.rds and some of our good forwards on the girls' team," he states, "and a few '^ood players on the boys' team." The girls' team will be composed of more new players than will Filling Rex Perry's vacan cy, Pete Stone becomes cap tain of the boys' basket ball team. Pete has been a member of the squad for three years. Scoring d9 . points this year, he is high score on the team. When questioned as to why Pete was chosen, a member of the squad gave his opin ion that Pete knows more about filling the «aptairi's position, and that he is calm and peaceful and doesn't lose his head v/hen playing ball. the bovs. m wi Hi If *'V W: ti Vi SCORE BOARD Vifake-lon at Viakelon Girls-23-13-Winner, Bailey i?adge Brantley, high score 8 points Boys-33-2D-Ti‘inner, Bailey Paul Dew, high score 9 points Spring Hope Here Girls-31-19-Tinner, Bailey Kadge Brantley, high score 18 points Boys-33-28-Vi(inner, Spring Hope Bobby Vick, hi^h score lb points Benvenue at Benvenue Girls-22-l7-Viinner, Sailey I'Adze Brantley, high score 11 points Boys-24-20-Winner, Benvenue Rex Perry, high score 7 points Castalia at Castalia Girls-20-15-winner, Bailey Madge Brantley, high score 14 points Boys-35-17-’vinner, Castalia Paul Dew, high score 4 points Whitakers Here Girls-27-12-Winner, Bailey I&dge Brantley, high score 11 points Boys-40-35-V('inner, Bailey L, G, Deans, high score 10 points r- - ''h