April II. 1947 BAILEY BUGLE RAILFY. NORTH CAROLINA Page 6 ReceiptsOfPbyToRecluce Seniors PrepareForLastLapOfHiqhSchool benior LxpensGS ' ”¥oney received from the senior play. Volunteer Bride, v/ill help be used to commencement pay for a defray expenses and gift for the school," says Miss Wilma Johnson, senior class sponsor. The amount received from the play was $103.25. CAST Bobby Vick, as Sam Ashton and Jfe-ry Grey VJ’iggs, as Alice, were the leading characters in the three- act comedy presented Fri day night in the high school auditorium. Supporting Bobby and I.®iry Grey were Kitty Lou Morgan, Pete Stone, A1 Williams, Betty Doris Sanders, Janice Burn, James Ray Stone, Keith Glover, Irvin Finch, Jr., Nancy Finely and Janice Medlin. To avoid last minute rush, the seniors are pre paring for commencement ahead of time by getting their invitations, securing a speaker, planning the gift to leave to tho school, and attending to other graduation re quirements. The number of invitations ordered by the seniors totaled 810. Student orders ranged from 15 to 50. These invitations were re- SEN.IO Rb MAKE STAGE SCEWEW The stuge scenery used for the first time in the senior play was made by the senior class but finan ced by the school. The framework was made largely by Junior Finch. Other class members cover ed this frame, with un bleached muslin and then gave the flats two coats of paint. As it is hung from the cciling, it can be moved and re-arranged as desired. The scenery cream and h; windows. is painted s doors and BUILDING STONES OF BHS Those people through their efforts have been among the building stones of Bailey school, adding prestige, honor, and improvement to the school. Other "stones” will be added from issue to issue. ceived Jferch 31. TRIP As Miss Wilma Johnson, senior homeroom teacher, is considering leaving for summer school immediately after school closes, the seniors have given up the idea of going to V^ashing- ton. Miss Johnson states that not very many were in favor of going. GIFT Though no definite plans have been made, the sen iors have been thinking of a gift for the school. Suggestions so far include purchasing stage furniture and starting a school fund. PICTURES Individual pictures of class members, appearing in the I^Siy issue of the Bailey Rugle, have been sent to S. C. Toof and Company to be printed. 1 : 1 1 i ■ i 1 LASSIT ERI IWEAV ER 11 N > UNDERwQCXil ■ N 1 1 4 I 'A LM- r-' 1 iii ,.L.feu i;- - .1 I fwAlKFR Marie Morgan Sims, member of Phi Beta Kappa Fra ternity. M. W. V/eaver, promoter of citizenship principles. Mrs. Jim Underv;ood,longest tern of service in Bailey school. Sarah Morgan Farmer, stu dent editor of the G-C. annual. Miss_ Rachel Bissetto, es tablished first aid room.