November 21. 1947 BAILEY BUGIE BAILEY NORTH CAROLINA Learning By Doing Exacts StudentPvGsponsibility In Jo u rn a I i s rn Class Page 14 Attempting to put into practice what he learns on cIgss about the "hows and whys" of nev^spaper writing, the average journalism stu dents of Bailey wrttos; .t^iro news articles and ono fea ture, designs two ads, and edits one special column. Aftor an article has been written, it is given to the student v:ho is in charge of all articles of that particular type; as, Evelyn Poole, news; Beth Bissette, columns. These students correct the pa pers for the first time, and then they arc turned in to Mrs. A. H. Farmer, Bugle advisor. POINT SYSTEM All papers are judged on a special point system, with points detracted each time a paper must be re written or is handed in late. Points are added for work done outside of class requirements. To get an ”A” on journalism, a stu dent must have at least 90 points. Besides his class prepara tory work and Bugle assign ments, every student has extra duties. Some of these duties are mimeo- Sraphing, proofreading, ■typing, and doing mimeo- scope v/ork. I\iillard Morgan and Patsy Lamm are assisting with the typing of the Bugle. fILSON THEATRE' SUNDAY AND MONDAY Ava Gardner Fred McMurray NtW MAPS PURCHASED To meet the standard of state requirement for maps was the motive for purchas ing this month ten addi tional maps and charts and one 16 inch globe. ■Mm SINGAPORE n .TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ‘ * • R.ed Skelton MertonOf TheMcvigs THUIURI.ANf) SAT. Larry Parks Rita Hayworth in DOWN TO EARTH ® A-* This season Fashion does interesting things to .miiad^’.s neckline SII.ULi-T£D PE/*rcL BIB irSCKLlCE M.94 Luscious ...QUILTED .SATIN ROBES, soft as down. Love- l.V> lon!^ flowing lines in baby pink and b^aby blue. Sizes 10 to 20 ^1^.95 TO i>29.95 Mother and Daughter Store - WILSON,N.C.