BAILEY BUGLE ?oR0 2 BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA Doconpor 16:, 194-7 HEKEAND NOW CHRISTM'S HOLIDAIS will bagin DoccmbGr 19 and end Doccmbcr 30, From the play, "TH’i: MXNIS- TER’S AUNT," presented by the Methodist Yovmg People, approximately "ll^l was col lected froni ads, door re ceipts, end a cake italic, NSW LOCKERS will be put in the upstairs hall. They will be built against the wall and made to look like thti wall. The school filled 19 R3D CROSS boxes for overseas relief. Mrs. Rudolph Glo ver's first and second grade, Mss Linda Vann's first "radc, Miss Wilma Johnson's froshmen,and rlrs, A. H. Famer's sophomores filled two boxes oach. There has been a new coat ing of tar and burltp put on the ROOF of the school. Twenty barrells of tax and 15 rolls of burlap were us ed. PICTURES shown at school in the past tv/o or three weeks are Care of the l|yes, People of China, How to Study, People of the Con go, Treasure Island,Control of Bleeding, ia.octrons on Parade, Safety in the Home, and several fi]jns on bio- logy, general business and commercitl geography. Under the supervision of M. W. I'/MVm, instructor, the biology class has grown a paramecium, a one- coiled animal. County Supplies Films For Schools' Use So that students nay learn more about their sub jects by the eye pre sentation, the Nash County Film Library fju’nishos films for all schools in the county. Some of the more j'eccnt fiLns to bo s’lovm were Seeds of Destiny, Caro of tho ’5‘70Sj Control of Blooding, Ho\/ to Study, Safety ia the Home, and difreront films on first aid. Host of the high school recently sax^ a pic ture of Treasure Island, The motion picture is one form of the nev; trend in audio-visual edu.cation. Do You A1 waysFVorounce These Cor lectly? mischievous—(mis^chi’ vus) athletics—(ath lot Iks) elm—(elm) unbrella—(um broil^ a) lightning—(lit ^nXng) seared—(skar^ d) bcrbarous—(brr ba rus) drowned—(droun'd) evidently-—(cv x dent li) prefcra^'lc—(prof or a b 1} ofton—(o? on) exquisite—(eks*^ kwi z^t) donkey—(dong^ ki) also (duiig'^ki) ClassesSuffer FromDecreasedEnroliment Classes decrease because of marriage and changing schools. Senior class-loses three* freshman class, two. Joyce Erantley leaves the senior class to join the Middlesex soniors. Drop’^ing out of . school for are Mario Hilliairs, v;ho married Wal ter Harris, and Billie Freeman Vick, who plans to wed Johnnie Nichols during the holidays. Ectty Joyce Bailey,fresh man, has married Glover Nines; Rudolph Pittman loaves the class for no particular reason. It's True;Bul WhoKnBA/? That North Carolina pays more federal trjc than any other state in the Union oxdept Nov; York? That it is gonsrally believed that Christmas x^as first observed in the beginning of the third centviry by Clement of /J.oxandria? That the Chinese have no alphabet? Thrt each word is represented by a single symbol or character? That Robert Louis Steven son was educated as an engineer, and that ho studied lav; beforo he became famous as an author? That in spite of its sizeable crop of 700,000, 000 pounds of peanuts the United States imports 7,000,000 pounds.