BAILEY BUGLE BAILET. N..C. OCTOBER. T9n Page 3 Classes Eloct Officers, Grad ©mothers ITpon the shoulders of six students from the ninth to the twelfth grades: Peg©’- Liles, Cornelius Boykin, Jeriy Horton, Denry Liles, Toitotq?’ Glover, and JimTiQr Jones, elected as nresi- dentp of their home-rooTTiS^ rests the resT^onsibility of puidinfT their classes, F',.E''rn^EN Co-workers of ’’eggy Liles of the freshman ._^irls class are Lou Horton- vice-_oresidentj Shirley Webb, secretary; Carolyn Bissette, treasurer. The girls grademothers are Drexel Webb, Mrs. Robert Beard, I.^rs, Ellen Bailey, Freshman boys chose as the suDT3orters of "Corn^/" Boykin, James Paul Stott, vice-oresident; Finch, secretarj'-j Jerry Perry, treasurer. Gr?de- mothers are Jfrs. M.; Hv Glover and I^rs. Clarence Harris, SOPHOMORES Jerry Horton's sophonore associates are Jackie Bragg, vice-president; Barbara Rhodes, secietc'.ry; Coleen f^urray, treasurer. Mrs, Josh Barnes and ?'’rSs Jack Pragg are grade- mother So Promotors of sophomore Denny Liles are ' George Pittman, vice-president; Roroaine Thigr:ipn, secretanr; Clara Lou Stott, treasurer. Grademothers for this class are Itrs, Julian Finch, Zettie Stott, and ?frsr. T. Manning- J'J?.TioRS Tommy Glover'c fellow colleague" of the junior claes a:'0 Gone Finch, vic3-oresident; Ruth lYilliams, secretai^''; Mar^'' Ann Miller, treasurei'. For their grademoihers they chose Mrs^ L. Ec Vioke, Mrs. Finch. Thcron ?^anders, vice- .jresident; Jane Kor^>'an;, secretaiy; Loris Furray. treasurer, arc Jimin|^* Jones' co-partners of the senior claf^s. As their grads- motherr: they namod Mrs, Jiarshall s'illians, J'rs, M, F. pibrgan, Mrs. J* A. Brock, and iiirs. Robert Finch, LAfCr>0'^jNG li'INNi^R^ IN T.‘LENT COI:tECT Ten dollars was won by Dailey's 1|-H representa tive, Royce Li'.mm; as he competed for honors v/ith the hp.i-monica, guitar, and vocal selections in the Talent Coutejt at the Rocty Fount Fair, >tember 29,. •Newly-elected officers of the club includi' /James Paul Stottj, president; Lois Jean fedlin, vice-' presidenu;^ Coris ?.furray, secretary;, ivtlldred Mai'ining ne"rs . reporter: Irene Clover and Jimrry Harris, song leaders; Burley Dunn, iieacher soonsor. 'i'he other day in study hall JJr. Dunn said, "Charles, stop talking," "But, I'm not talking," protested Charles. "i-Till, aiiyffay/' said W, Dunn_. "I see your voice," "How does it look?” orom'^tlY inouired Charles. :;f|r-2VViMer Hail' Styles Permanent Vv'ave 88-1 For Your Appointmer^t Bailey. N.C. iho3i7ig"eT Pivoted Floating Brush for ©asier , quiGKer , ., m o re thoroLjgh cleaning It fleets’ It-s alwc^ys at cor rect cleaniJig height^ gently '/j-oosenir.g and sv;eeping up embedded '.Singer Sevang Center JOG West Najh ,',5treet yfil5on,. Korth Carolina P h h o 3 n 7 e 3'