BAILEY BUGLE, BAILEY, N. C. OCTOBER, 1950 Page 19 Sophomores English Discuss lleecls Ot Schcc After a unit on public speaking the pupils of Mrs. Farmer's tenth grade English class closed their study with a discussion on the needs of the school. LUNCHROOM Among the items discussed was a new and larger lunchroom. The one nov^ used cannot seat the en tire high school. The old lunchroom could be used as a balcony for the audi torium, LOUD SPEAKER A loud speaker in the auditorium, another sug gestion, would make it possible to hear more dis tinctly when a large crowd is present. This addition would probably encourage attendance to all activi ties held there. rUY GROUNDS It was pointed out that the grounds of the school need improving. Grass and shrubbery in front of the building v:ould help the school's appearance. Be hind the school a space could be set aside for outdoor games, volley ball, base ball and soft ball diamond, skating rink, tennis court, and a place for smaller children to play, DRESSING ROOMS Now that the dances are over, which were sponsored by the American Legion, the floors need painting and the dressing rooms cleaned and repaired, BOOKS More books are also needed. Some of the ones which are novr in use need repairing,. In conclusion the clasa discussed the need of more co-operation in the school, particularly in the hallsâ–ş In discussing the needs of the school all partic ipants were interested in seeing improvements made* Miss Tomlinson: Charles, fiTT you please be quiet? les! I vrasn't talking. Charii I 7/as I.v/asmotioning*. luiss TomlinPon: //ell, that was a loud motion. BAILEY FLRNITUI^E CO. Phone 121 Superficime Oil Heaters Ujith Fuel Sovers PliiicD and Crosiey Radios Come in ajid talk over your home needs with us. See our living room, dining room, and bed room suites, dinettes,refrigerators, cooking stovtis, and heators of all kinds. V/e also sail kitchen cabi nets, hot water heaters, v/ashing machines, rugs, pictures,mirrors. It is our aim to see that you are pleased in all our dealings, and maybe we can save you some money. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS