[NOV. 27 - pUCAM VS. BAILEY NOV. 30 - HERE R .RIDGE VS. BAILEY _ MONTHLY-lOf HIICES yearly-7 12:, NO. 3 ■ ‘ • MILEY. Ni C.. NOVEIvIBER. 19^1 Seniors Endeavoring To Buy Public Address System Treasury Surges Upft Result Of Carnivol Profits from the/ Hallow een Carnival climbed to $335*85 after expenses were taken out, reports M, W. V/eaver, Ihe Halloween Queen Con- tast, with a total of 5^^30.57, netted more than two-thirds of the total revenue. Next came the drink booth with $18.20. The hot dog stand was close behind with $18.10. More than 500 attended the Carnival; however, Iifr. VJeaver commented that there wasn’t as much money raised this year as last. Hhe P.T.A, expects to use the money to help carry out the ground beautifi cation plans, Principal Y/eaver and the P.T.A. wish to thank the parents, teachers, and stu dents for their fine co-op eration. Judge Warns Truonts Juvenile court judge, M. G. Sills, states that un less a student remains in school until he is sixteen years old, a case worker will check upon the situa tion, and if absence con tinues, no choice remains except training school. Gxint Your Besshgs' As the Thanksgiving holi days begin today, thoughts turn to the many blessings received and the thrill of pleasures and delights to come for the next two days Attending special church services, visiting rela tives, or gathering all the family together for a feast v;ill be a few of the pleasures in store for nany. Thanksgiving Day was de- :reed for a dual purpose ; bo count one's blessings 3-nd to thank God "from yhom all blessings flow." Music Dept. Turns former Gr. foom Into Use All public school music classes are now meeting in their new quarters, the room formerly knovrn as the seventh grade room. The use\of this room will offset this drawback of rattling pots and pans in the lunchroom. Because of the large open space of the auditorium, it is hard for Miss Lav/rence to r. con- dUct her choral work there. At the last Parent-Teach- er meeting, the associa tion voted to match a coun ty $2^ allotment for pur chasing records for use in Ivliss Lavnrence's department. Theater Model Needsc' In an attempt to purchase a public address system for the auditorium, the seniors have contacted twc companies. The first one, the Caro lina School Service, has done work on the school's present sound system. This company did not have the amplifiers that were need ed, but it did suggest to the class the type requir ed. The second company, call ed in from Raleigh, gave a demonstration on November 1 during dress rehersal for the senior play. It was soon discovered that this type, because of the smallness of the auditori um, gave a rebound or ech’.*, which proved this syster to be unsatisfactory. TYPE REQUIRED The type needed is simi lar to the ones used theaters with amplifier^'. or units, that fit on each side of the wall. Such a system would make the sound uniform throughout the room. The cost would be approximately $350. The seniors next contact?:: Clifton Brilton, dramatics instructor of Goldsboro High School, who has the type of address system de sired. He will be able to advise the class as to pi’r-- chase, type, and. C C£y t,