RATIEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLim, JANUARY. 1953 Bailey Students View Opera CRRfllEn Thirty-four English stu dents from Bailey High School watched the opera Carmen as it ■was present ed in Spring Hope by the Grass Roots Opera Company on Wednesday evening under the SDonsorshio of the Nash County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs. Local •women took the students to the event, which began at 2 p.m. The performance marked the second aopearance of the opera in Nash County. An oDeratic production entitled "School For Lovers" was presented by the organization in Nash ville in October, Carmen , by the French composer Georges Bizet, is under the direction of Robert Bird, director of Journalism CbssCeoses Editing Bailey Nows "The journalism class assumed the responsibility for editing the BAILEY NEWS last fall with the aid of a heloer oaid, in part, by the NEVvS. When this helt) was withdrawn, the class gave up the job, as it was too much to do without assistance,"states PRINCIPAL WEAVER. The fourteen-member journalism class edits and publishes the BUGLE month ly, Since ALLEN BARBrjE, publisher of the NEWS, could not for "economic reasons" continue the fall arrangement with tho class, the staff will no longer be editing the NM/S. At this time it is not known who will be in charge of the editing. the Grass Roots Opera. According to him one of the purposes of the Grass Roots Opera is to present opera in a manner that can be understood by the aver age person. All performances are sung in English. Last season the opera, which is under the supervision of the Extension Division of the University of North Caro lina, presented 79 per formances throughout North Carolina and Virginia. Formed in 19li9 by A, J, Fletcher, a Raleigh attor ney, the Grass Roots Opera has gained international fame as the result of pub-; lie interest. WRONG ANS1/\'ER While studying road maps’.^ this discussion went on in' general business class. Ctudent: Vifhere is HollSy— wood? Miss Farmer: Didn't you know Hollywood was ,in California? Student; No ma'ra, I thought it was in Carolina, ■ _ ; PAGE^ ADVENTUBE SEEKERS Looking for two boys always desiring adventure? See BRUCE FINCH and WAYNE UMM. and see our OIISS SHOLS MEN 6 WOMEN fTlEDFORQ 6 STOTT Bailey. \lC._ For choice meats from a grade market buy at D. L, JOHSON'S MARKET Phone 240-1 Bailey N.C