PATT.F.Y RTiar.F RflTT,TTY_, WOPTH r.flPOT.TOfl APRTT. Luncht'S Sen'ed IncrGose P‘^P'is Afflicted During fflarch - With Rheumatic Fever After ' consulting Ixmch- room management records and conparing figures of the month of JANUARI with those of MKH, PRINCIPAL M.W.^-JEAVER reports that in the latter month more lunches were served and more produce were bought. Actual results taken from the records are as follows: 1.Student lunches served per day— March-325^ January-313 2.Food and produce costs March4ll+19.l8, J anuary-$135l.10 3.Miscellaneous expense s March-!$3 7.83, J anuaiy-$li8l68 U.Number of one half pints of milk bought; March-^,7UUJJanuary-5,130 5.Commodities (turkey and butter) March-IU07.85, January-^215.05 6.Total student lunches served during the month— March-7,1^6^January-6,888 7.Income from student lunches — March-$l,28l.20j J anuary-ll, 214.6.60 8.Number of free student lunches March-7U0,January-655 9.Cost of labor during month March-0385.00, January-$$385.00 10.Reimbursement cost March-|i325.68y J anuaiy-^*235 *26 "The interest in the new lunchroom and pleasant surroundings", states PRINCirAL mV3R, "seem to be the raison ]unnhes have increased". Rheumatic fever has claim ed four victims in this school since October, MISS EDITH FARMER, high aohoci teacher, points out. CARL BOYKIN, freshman, was the first to be afflicted. Later on, in March, BOBBY EARL BISSETTE and JUDY SMITH, third graders, were stricken. Eighth grader^* LOUISE ■WELLS is the last one re ported having the disease. Students Receiv© Bus Driver's License Seven students passed the school bus driver's test given by J, A. Barnes, State school bus license examiner, this month and last. They were TED MORRIS, JERRY HIGH, ANDRE1.'F SHERROD, PATRICIA DEW,DOUGUS BRO^^fN, LEI7IS BISSETTE, and NF/TON GLOVER. PAPrF. R Looks, WELLS 5ER.5TA 5 TOP Throwing away half of your hams; have them sliced by —- SKILLED BUTCHERS AT Johnssn’s fflarket