Bailey Bugle. Bailey, North Caralinaj Novemherj 1953. Page 12 Whdt's In A Ndme?^^^ Again/ this menth .WQvask ’What’s in a name?”, siiEssing particiilarly, 3 characterize certain qualities «f suc cess? If S9, many students in Bailey are headed for dignity, fame, and good fortune. Remember how much we Americans ewe to the naval activities ©f John Paul Jqnes during the Revclutienaiy War? Will America .be able to look up to the Jrnes of BHS Carrall, Betty L»u, Stella, and Clarence—^with the Same admiration? What is more annoying than a cold I Many of us turn t© Vicks-Vapor-Rub to get relief. If Charles, Dylvia, Rex, Martha Jane, and Polly Aun live up tr the name Vick, who knows what medicine has in store? Our 17th President of the United States, Andrew John son, challenges his name sakes, Doris and Angela, to set their gfal high. John Adams, se^and Presi dent,’ and John Quincy Adams, sixth President of I the United States, had a lot in common, since they were father ^d son. Caro lyn and 1. B. are brother and sisterj maybe a great honor is theirs too. Elizabeth Warren has the name of a newly famous American, Earl Warren, our new Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court. Can she pos sibly match that honor? If Shirley, Shelly Jean, and Charles Williams,, ever hope to attain as much success as T«d Williams, they will have to get busy training on the athletic field. Will Katherine Whitley ever invent anything like the cotton gin that Eli Whitley did? We wouldn’t say NO, since she has in dicated she ha,s the brains. Jimmy Bennet, having the same name as the famous novelist, Arnold Bennet, h^s a great career as a pattern t© follow should he decide tr walk in Mr. Bennet*s shoes, Willistine and Violet Cooley have the surname of ^^prth Carolina Congress- By-'i’Carolyn Finch man, Harold Cooley. They will really have tf» know their history and practice speechmaking for a while if they ever become Con gresswomen. Enter Into HIS Getes ' With Thanksgiving Pssb.Joo JOYNER'S FUNERAL HCME Wilson, N.C This Could Be Your Home Insure Now For Protection John D. Bissette _ Insurance Agent Bailey, North Carolina Phone 2216