COUNTY TOUTOIAMENT FHA BANQUET FEB. 17-26 -ROCKY MT. ^ UQJCaCE FEBRUARY 19 VOLUME lli NTOER 5 BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA JANUARY, 19$k Seniors At Work On Final Edition Already in proccss is the Special Edition of the sen ior section for the May is sue of the Bugle, Because of numerous activities lat er on in the year^the sen iors and their sponsor say they should have this task behind them. This section, as in for mer years, will include individual pictures of the class, the officers, the superlatives, highlights of the high school years, and various snapshots, PlonsFor 'MReveoled Leading the list for de sired goals and improve ments for Bailey in the 'Sh school year are four items that, if gained, will add beauty, improve instruction,and meet state requirements, discloses Principal M. W, Vfeaver. Plans are still in the making for the improvement of the school grounds, A cart for the moving of the filmstrip projector is on the proposed list. Future plans call for the removal of the present laboratory to the former home economics room and the turning of the old laboratory into a library large enough to accommo date any elenontary group at one time. High SchoolLibrdryAdds 67 Books Sdyty~oeven new library books have been added to the high school library. Approximately one-third of the books desired were not available; but appro priate substitutions were made. According to Miss Oglesby^ COMEDY COMING "Aunt Samanthy Rules the Roost", a three-act comedy, will be presented by the juniors around the middle of March, The cast has been select ed and practices will start sometime in the near future, a number of things have to be done to the books be fore they are ready to be put in the library. Listed here are some of these re quirements : in accession 1. Listed book. 2. Stamped BPS. 3. Shellacked for pro tective purposes. It. Posted and date due slips pasted in. $. Have catalogue cards made for each book. 6. Checking-out cai’dsniade. Short Stories were the most needed books. Miss Oglesby says. Nineteen new ones were added. Four new reference books- AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY, NE’-J ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MUSIC, AMERICAN AUTBDR-1600-1900, and I'fflBSTER'S BIOGRP.PHIAL DICTIONARY—were added be cause they are essential books for an accredited librai'y, THE NEW REVISED VERSION OF THE NEV TESTAMENT was also added, Ballteams id.ll find HOW TO PLAY WINNING BjISEBALL and BASKETBALL FOR GIRLS helpful, INDIVIDUAL INTEREST Of particular interest to those who like to read a- bout certain persons will be YANKEE FROM OLYMPUS, PAUL REVERE AND HIS MINUTE MEN, COLERIDGE, A POET OF ^.iflLD ENCHANTMENT, THE GREE^n^IOOD TRi.E, and NEHRU OF INDIA, Two new books about real American natives are INDI AN TALES and INDIANS OF AMERICA. Boys that like to tinker with automobiles should find ALL ABOUT YOUR C/Jl a help. Girls who like to save money and at the same time have new clothes could pro fit from reading BETTER CLOTHES FOR YOUR MONEY.