•BAILEY BUGLE, BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. FEBRUARY 19^h Page 13 Closs Colors Determine Cop .Gown Selection Miss Oglesby OoesntStop Because Its Work Mix youthfulness, energy, amb it io nj and indus t rio u~ ness and the result is a driving force. This might be said to be a true pic ture of Idalia Oglesby, student, teacher, and li brarian, A HELPING HAND Youthfulness could have something to do with the willingness Miss Oglesby shows when called upon to help others or even in helping herself. VIhen she sets a goal, she usually reaches it—proof that "where there's a will there's a way,” Serving as school librar ian and junior sponsor, the latter of which in cludes raising funds for the class's activities, staging the banquet, and directing a junior play, reveals Miss Oglesby has energy to do anything, OTHER QUALITIES Ambition is another excel lent quality seen in Miss Oglesby, She's now working for her Master's Degree, which she will receive in August, To make this possi ble, she has had to be both student and teacher this fall and winter. In addition to her regu lar teaching, she has tak en three courses at East Carolina College and one at Nashville this year. She's getting her degree in Administration and Sec ondary Education with a teaching certificate in English and Social Studies. She's proof that "It's the busy person who gets things done," By Shelby Eatmon Red and white, the class colors, and the red rose, the class flovrer, were the deciding factors last week in the seniors' choice of their caps and govms. With these colors ixi mind, the class voted to have white caps and gowns with red and white tassels, and red and white stoles for the valedictorian and salu- tatorian. At the same meeting the seniors selected their in vitations and individual calling cards# ATTENTION! All Freezer Locker Owners. YOUR BEEF THE CLUARTER AT See Don Johnson At SEE HIM TOEW. Bailey. N, C. Phone 2h01 i