BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. .APRIL. 19*^1 8 Illuminating The fliumni S, EATMON BOYS ATTENTlANCE HIGH Teachers, take heart. Yours may be the "foot prints on the sands of time" that inspired the a- Ivmni in this month’s col- imn to choose teaching as their career, English is the subject most of these alumni teach. At West Edgecombe, Beth Bissette Frazier is teach ing English and math. Evelyn Poole, in Martins ville, Virginia, chose Eng lish as the one subject she would like to help high school students with. East Tennessee State Teachers College, Johnson City, Tennessee, is the home and "teaching center" of Ambrose Manning. There are a number of coaches amoiag this month’s alumni. Coaching at Pine Level this year is Bobby Stott. The Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh lays claim to James Brovm and his "lit tle family." Former alumnus of BHS, Bobby Vick, selected Bunn as the "school of his choice" to instruct the boys in agriculture. Principal of Mt. Pleasant School is Norman Petterson, who came back to his child hood school to teach. Ralph Farmer is the busi ness administrator of Berry College in Georgia and is teaching Money and Banking, Accoxmting, and B^osiness Lavr. Also at Bunn teaching sci ence is Betty Doris Saunders. Rttt’h Farmer Perry is home economics supervisor at Dunn this year. Rock Ridge has been Cecil Brantley’s teaching base since graduation. He is one of the agricultural teachers there, A1 Williams, not desiring to leave the Carolinas, is teaching English in South Carolina, Eighth grade teacher at VJhiteville is Martin Liles, Martin says this is the age level that boys need the most sympathetic un derstanding. Not very far from her home, Marjorie Brown Finch, is teaching at Stanhope. "To better farming" by teaching modem means of agriculture, Paul Dew de cided upon this subject for his teaching career. J. C. Lamm is teaching, but we were unable to lo cate his school or the one in which Florence Pace Creech is a teacher, Sallie Lou Perry Stott and Marks Underwood did teach but have decided upon other vocations. Tonight PTA will elect its new officers for next year. The senior boys’ attend ance record for the year is better than the girls\ Building supervisor, Opie Brantley said Bailey stu dents showed "more respect to the carpenters than any other students contacted" Spring ( s Bailey N. C. moy o(/i? At M.A. FINCH'S GRO. Green Gables, gaileyj—IL-Jl...