B/.ILEY BUGLE. MILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. SEPTEMBER. 19»^6 PAGE 18 G rades CONTINUED FROM PAGE lU kcr's room also placed sec ond in the P.T.A. Member ship Drive, Sponsoring the third and fourth grade combination is Mrs, Olivia P, Bames, Enrolled are 33 students, ].8 boys and 1$ girls. Safe ty is the main subject Mrs, Barnes has been teaching the first month of school. Thirty-seven students com prise Miss Clee Eatmon's third grade, 22 boys and 15 girls. Miss Eatmon is taking up reading, travel ing, birds, animals, and people, RKIDING TEST Mrs, Altermise Glover's second grade has enrolled 3? students, A readiness test has been taken to help divide the class into different groups to im prove their reading. Thirty-two students make up the first and second grade combination, spon sored by Mrs, Horace Mea- comes. There are 13 stu dents in the first grade and 19 in the second, Mrs, Jerome Vick, Mrs, Ed, Co- zart, and Mrs, Elmer Deans are serving as grademoth- ers, Mrs, Effie Mao Hagwood*s first grade has 36 stu dents, The students' are prodest of laaving learned to write thslr names. School Shoes? Buy Yours ’'/here You Get The Best, | Ed^ 5c- ^5 Store | Bailey, North Carolina! 1 w -I For Fast On home radios-auto radios-phono combinations-and T, V,'s ALL M'-KES AND MODELS SEE Woody Porker Bailej Radio & T, V, Service TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTRONICS All Work Guaranteed Phone 31it6 ' Bailey, N. C. ^ 0 dj Tht Night or Day Service NATIONAL Gua INSTITUTE GRADUATE Work