BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. SEgTEMP. R. 19^6 PAGE 19 Bus Drivers Travel 22 7 es Approximately 528 stu dents are transported dai ly over 227 miles in 9 busses to Mt. Pleasant and Bailey schools. Making up the team of drivers are two pirls and seven boys. JAMi^S Vv'LLSj senior pres ident, hps been a regular driver previously. James drives No, 136, the larg est of Bailey's buses, and hps the Hornes Ch-urch and Bullhead route. Driving the smallest bus. No. 5, is J. P. L/J^M, sen ior. His route takes him by Camp Charles ?nd Paul Peele's store. Drivc-r of PITTS, senior, Ifl/hitc Oak rnd district. M/ilY FLIZABTTH W.liiRIN and KFITH V. GL07’'E, seniors and the only girl drivers, ere the brunt of many remarks about "women dri vers" . ' "l'\te have to be. good-natur ed," they report. ary Elizabeth, No. 3, 105, A. W. covers the Green Pond loads from the* Gallberry. Driving ' No. 39? Keith, routed by A.llen Glover’s store through the Forrest Perry section, has the longest route. "Driving the bus is ;-ll right as a whole, but at times it is rough," states MITCH"LL be;HD, driver of No. 62. G^^N" P^'RSON, No. 35 '■■river, nods in agree ment. Mitchell is routed by Stone's store and the © Q O 0 J CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PHI LCO PRODUCTS, ALSO HOME FURNISHINGS-GIFTS BAILEY FURNITURE CO. Doily Rooster Liles home, while Gene takes the Sandy Level, Green Pond arra. They are both juniors. The only sophomore driver. BUCK PR01.N of bus No. 88' hcis the VJhite Oak area. Loading from the Middle s' x neif-hborhood is JPIMY D.W, a junior and drivr-r of No. 1. S5ETTE RE PA SHOP m North Cal’olina BISSETTES Repair S hop 6WOODAND IRON WORK • ACETYLENE AND E LECTRIC WELDING « ELECTRIC PIPE THREADING • STEEL AND PIPE IN STOCK Ralph M.Bissette OWNER Bailey, North Carolina