BAILEY BUGLE3 BA.ILEY,. NORTH CAEOLIM. OCTOBER. 19^6 PAGE 13 Hdve You? Keith Glover VJELCOMED: The new stu dents in school? They are EDO/lR and VERLIE MONEIHAII froiri Fayetteville. MC POV/EN is back with us fror.i Wilson. ¥e surely are plad to have you* KOTICED; Accidents are al- ro?.dy taking their toll of the students in Bailey? Please, BE CAREFUL 1 Ki'i.NCY DEliT’S dimples when she smiles? Smile more often, Nancy; they are real cute. The improvement made on the gym floor. It really is attractive. How skilled some of the freshmen boys and girls- are with shoe shine kits? Hoxit noisy the halls are? Let’s all do our part in being- quieter. How well pleased everyone is with their pictures and memory books this year, THOUGHT; Of a way to at tend all school activities and still have time for study? Please, tell us your solutioja. About your manners? If not, you should; you know, they can be improv>od, PL/iNNED* "To attend the Halloween Carnival tonight: To cooperate with your teachers and classmates to bring those conduct grades up? To buckle doi^n, study, and be a better student during this grading period? TRIED: To be friendly to everyone and not just a chosen fevr? To take Mr, Weaver’s ad vice on courtcsy and po liteness? DONE: At least one act of ccoirtGsy a day? If you do, you’ll find it easier to be courteous all the time. Besides, you make others happier and you are more pleasant to be with. Try it, won’t you? ENDEAVORED; To eet good examples for others to fol low. Help your classmates to be better students and citizens. CONSIDERED; Buying a BUGLE; if not, please do. Help the journalism stu dents keep parents in con tact with the school, OFFStiED; Your assistance to the teachers in any ex tra work needed to carry on an inters styig class, ASKED: Peggy Braswell v*y buses stop at railroad crossings? It’s not always to let the train pass, Peggy, READ: The teenage column in this issue of the BUGLE It’s a new attraction. Please give us your opin ions of it. SHOWN: Appreciation to everyone who has favored you? THANKED: The students and teachers for the enjoyable assembly programs that they have presented? SEEN: The Elvis Presley Bracelets many of the girls (especially sopho mores) are wearing? Our prospective basket ball stars in action? (If you haven't, you didn’t at tend the class tournaments; See the Sports page for the winners. Gold Seo L ino Igum REGULi'vR SIZE—BY THE Y/JXD Maytdg Washers Auto motic-fiLingerTypG DON'T FORGET OUR GIFT DEPARTMENT BAILEY FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 3121 BAILEY. N.C