Bailey bugle, bailey, north Carolina, octqber, 19$6 PAGE 16 Bo'ley Girl Competes In Miss NashCo. Finols 4-H Members Witness Applied Ideas Making housekeeping eas ier and feeding beef and swine were demonstrations made to Bailey High School U-H Club members at their regular monthly meeting. For the girls a polishing rag and dust mop were used to illustrate the easier way to housekeeping, and for the boys, corn, corn- meal, salt, and water were recommended as feed for beef and swine. The U-H members named for their president, CHRISTIE FINCH; vice president, HODGES PRIVETTEj secretary, SUE BISSETTEj devotional leader, BOBBIE LOU BATTS; song leaders, KAYE WIGGS and JIMMY "JUNIOR" WELLS; and teacher-sponsor, W, Ge Edwards, FOR HELP The Virginia Dare Book Club desires to get in touch with some person vd-lling to become the lead er of a Girls Scouts organ ization in Bailey, You may choose your co-leader. If we do not find a per son, many of Bailey’s younger girls will be dis appointed, If interested— and we truly hope you are— please contact Mrs, Eunice £eslejt Ranking among the five fi nalists in the Miss Nash County Contest at Nash ville's Harvest Day Festi val, October 18, was Bai ley's representative. Lane Farmer, All contestants rode in the parade, were presented on the speaker’s platform, were entertained at the home of Harold Cooley for whom the day is dedicated, had dinner with the judges, and then participated in the contest in the school auditori\im that evening. According to Lane, meet ing and talking with the Maid of Cotton, *’Pat" Cow- den, and the Tobacco Queen, Shirley Bagvjell, who ■ were two of the judges was "a For The Best in Applidnces visit Esmszszoi s. C3S> c2ZS> .B. Privette &. Co. Bailey, N, C, Phone 267-1 most enjoyable and reward ing experience," Selection for Miss and Mrs, Nash County was based on personality, appearance, poise, mannerisms, and beauty. Representing Bailey in the Mrs, Nash County Con test was I'irs, Dan Chris- tain* Corbett Oil Co. We S el! • Motor Oi .Fuel Oil .Gasoline .Tires . B a 11 e r i e s Phone No, 2286 Bailey, North Carolina 7