BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH Ci-JIOLINA. OCTOBER. 1956 Principol Reporting - - -j--r - - - PAGE 7 A Future Teacher Chapter was officially started in cur school this week with the presentation of the Charter, One of the criti cal problems in education today is the shortage of qualified teachers. With the number of children go ing up and the supply of tcachcrs going down, there seems to be an increasing rather than a decreasing problem, Jfy congratula tions go to Miss Oglesby for helping to organize the club and to the stu dents who have shown a willingness to go into teaching in an attempt to solve this shortage* ALUMNI TEiiCHERS During my stay in Bailey, there have been 19. stu dents who have become teachers. There are seve ral from the last three classes who are planning to teach and arc now in college. We hope that many of our students will de cide to becomo teachers, SPORTMilNSHIP Before another BUGLE goes to press, we wiU be in our basketball schedule, Bailey is proud of its teams of the past and wish es for this year's teams the very boat. Remember to be a good sport at all times, both on the court and off. Respect the oppos ing teams and the game of ficials, Be a good winner or a good loser as the need may dictate. By all means let your basketball he in addition to your school work rather than in place of your school vjork,’omnipnfr. is going; fine WHEELBARR.OSV TWINS WALK Students Present Two NCEA Performances Members from the fourth and fifth grades of Bailey school gave a demonstra tion at the State Teachers Meeting in Raleigh to show what could be done in an athletic program. Skin the Snake, Chinese Getup, Merry- Go- Round, Turk Stand, and Gobfy Walk were exhibitions presented. Those participating vjore Linda Glover, Faye Carroll, Betsy May, Kay Strickland, Helen Francis, Ann Eatmon, Larry Finch, Ted Whitley, James Ferrell, Callie Bissette, Grady Haskins, and Mickey Narron. The program was scheduled twice during the day, so that ' all teachers could see the possibilities in physical education. A number of parents were present during the day to see their children perform, for the term. Let's keep the attendance up and our school will grow to a new peak in size. We beli^a-ve that with more teachers wo can do a better job. Parents, did you loo k over your child?s report card last week? We hope that you did and through understanding will help him or her to achieve the btist. l^dcher Prep d res, Cominq Yedr^ Work- BUT— Having taught history classes for the past fiv^ years. Mss Idalia Oglesby decided to spend her siun- mer vacation visiting old historic sights so as to add interest to her class es. She began her trip by touring to Nashville, Tenn- esse, where she visited the home of a famous Amer ican, Andrew Jackson. In July she took off for Washington D. C, Here,:she really began to prepare herself by taking interests ing notes on places visit ed; The lilhite House, Ar lington Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Lee- Custie Homo, and the Iwo Jima Memorial, Wl:iile at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, she saw the chang ing of guards. That, she knew, would be a good story. At Williamsburg, Virginia^ she attended the drama, "The Common Glcry", a story of the Revolutionary War, Other Historic places' were included in her itin erary, How proud she felt of her material gathered I Soj'^as^you can seu. Miss Oglesby was well prepared to teach in interesting history class when school began. But, alas, she found she would have all Engligh this year—no Amer ican history 1 J. Whitley There arc several ways to speak: to speak well, to speak easily, to speak justly, and to speak at the right moment.