QMLBT MII^T WQETH CAHOUNA. OARCR. 19^7 Chart Shows Expenses Of CbssTrip BOUNTY MAKES UP DAY Aftar making all reserva- tiotis iinci receiving theat rical ticketa» the advis ors gave to oach journa- 34.«m student going to the Press Convention in New lork an itemized statement of all expense money need- 3d for the trip. Past experience has prov ed that the expenses range idthin the estimated bud get and that the accoxmt includes every penny need ed on the trip unless un- forseen expenses arise. The amount of each item per student is here listed: GPSA Registration—8»CX) Ebbitt Hotol{l night) 3.25 (Tips and tax inclxided) Hotel Times Square— 15.3S (Tips and tax included) Car Storage-Washington and New Yoric — 2.15 Transportation — 8,05 Entertainment Dan« Yaricee———— 3.1^5 No TUne for Sergeants2.95 Li'l Abner———— 3.00 Radio City———- 1,85 ToUs 1.75 Meals--————— 13* 50 (li>2.75 per day) Subway—————— . 75 (5 trips ©I5j5) Statue of Liberty— ,75 Smpire State Building 1.50 United N^itions Tour- .50 ^IDTAT 72.00 Students in Nash County attended school this month on SatUBday, March 2, to make up the day lost in January because of icy roads. The principals in the county met and decided to have school on Saturday instead of extending the school year one day. Principal Weaver reports, "Saturday school is just a way to mark time. We have to go over the same thing taught on Saturday again on Monday, After lunch over half of the students were absent." fl'escboolers Number 37 Preschool clinic for the school year 1957-56 was prepared for 37 paHjspac- tive begiimers, showing an increase of five over the cUnic for 1956-57. Thirty out of the 37 ex pected reported for the vaccination. M, W, weaver stated, "We would like for all to come. ^even failed to show up • Shine At Edster USE OUR lay^away plan SWDP EARLY FOR THE BEST BUY Inmm's Dept. Storb BAim. WORTH CABOUm PAGE 12 BHS Rates'Good' In X-Roy Count “That Bailey had only one person to take the chest X- ray twice is a rcmaiicable record," said M, W. leaver, principal. Each student receiving satisfactory results was sent a card to report the news. The cards advised the students and adults to make an effort to have a chest X-ray at least once a year. The report requested that the card be kept so that if a doctor needed to re- f«r to toe student's chest X-ray he would have the film nuadscr. for the clinic. For The Best Mono y C^n Buy s E E W.BR-ivette S C a . bAllEv.NOCTHCAROUNA