f TJie r , - y./ • ; j; 6 6 %^/s*-^ All Tjhy 3elt^rhgr, Giit Underslanclirig.’'' Yol. 2. inn _ I GOLDS450HO, m-^a, WEDNESDAY, J-ANUA^XY, ,]8,„1929. ■! ' I/. T ' NEW PRINCIPAL HAS BEEN ILEGTEQ; WILL ASSUME DUTIES FEBRUARY iiUzi.L ONE OF TEE BEST HIGH SCHOdL DEBATES, SAYS MR. AliMSfliONG •itl M j( !oi I; ! /. !fA The Sophomores v/on the debate with the Seniors on Wednesday, Jan. 16th. The query was; Resolved, That the President of the United States shall he elected for a single term of six years. Needham Crow and New- hern Piland, representatives of the Senior Class were on the affirmative side, and Etta Mae Perkins and Ezra Griffin, representing the Sophomores, were on the negative by choice. Dan Powell, an experienced debater in the Junior Class was chairman. Eleanor Bizzell, also a debater, was secretary, and Edward Outlaw was time-keeper. The Judges were. Mr. Armstrong, S'uperintendent of the G-oldsboro Public Schools, Miss Celia Perry, and Miss Nellie Cobb, both teachers of Goldsboro High. It was the first time any one of the participants had debated hefore,except Ezra Griffin. Ezra has a splendid rec ord, and it was natural that he showed up better than the others, although they were all exce'lent. Mr. Arm strong stated that it was one of the best high school debates he had ever heard. JUNIORS AND SENIORS HEAR INTERESTING DISCUSSION “Why I am proud to be a North Carolinian” was the subject of a talk given by Dr. MacRae, P.'istor of the St. Paul’s Methodist Church on Wed nesday morning, December 12, to the Juniors and Seniors of the Goldsboro High School at Chapel exercises. ‘‘The main reason that I am glad to i'roith Carolinian, ’ sci.'u Dr. Mu:- Rae, “is that North Carolina loolrs for ward to doing something in the futu e instead of being satisfied with the pres, ent or the past.” By this, he meant CARELESSNESS MAKES NEW DEPARTMENT NECESSARY LOST ARTICLES MAV K'OW BE RETURNED TO THEIR OWNERS - ■ Jesse Stanley is at tl:je head of the lost and found department,.,which-sti;- dents’ carelessness has made n€^cess.ary. The purpose of this depart^ie^nt is to, take care of the articles, fqiijjd, and see that they are returned to the r owners. In previous years the students lost many valuable artic^l^S'Avh^eli'wef EFFACE UP STUDENTS! , Exan^inat^jOn, ,w^ll b^egin. in t;wp j^we^ksJ^.And i will follow . ,v, ■ ,,lpu,g, u^broke'n gprijig term.• Be-. cause of, the , leijgthy Cliristn^ias ^^hp.liday^^s.,„ ^Jie,^ . Gpldsboro,, , schools jW'ill notj^ciose until Ji|pe 12th, and ,Easter Monday ;vvj[ll nyji.be ob^rv-,,' ,ed ^s a^jhpiid.a^^,,. Tljis informa.tipn )vas givenjt9 t’he,;^evfs, Supe.rin-,, tendent' Armstrong. FORMERLY ASSISTANT 'PRINCIPAL OF THE CALDWELL SCHOQI. (JREElfSBORO; Mft. WILSON HAS BEEN DOING POST GRAD- UATE WORK AT COLUMBIA UNI VERSITY, NEW YORK. " MB. - ARMSTRONG AT- ' tflNDS; meeting,, 1 AT CAPITAL .. MANY CHILDREN MADE ! HAPPY CHRISTMaS ' Mr. J. W. Wilson has been electe{[ to the, pri^icipalship of the Goldsboro ifigii School tind will assume his du- ties on February J: At present Mr. HIGH SCHOOL WORK'Si^fopJ «A‘LVW-' >'^of1^^ng toward his master T-ION, ARMY., A|MD SMITH HARD- Columbua Univ^rsUy, .I^ew WARE COtOP.ERATE. .. t. ^ v%. Mi;., Wilson .comes. ■ .to. .GoldsVjoro with a nun|ber ,oi^ years^ of .successful school ’yvx)ri; to ,his ^redlt.. After..gradr- Uidents^have NORTH .CAROLINA IS THE MOST ?Avh^eh'wer§ • PROOR'esSIVE §TATE IN THE never found. This new dfej)&flnienfflias I U^iON-—BUT NEEDS NEW The t.oys - ieceived. into .the .G.H..'3. been organized in hopes that the many I wpr-ivghpp b,e.f,ore..thG. holidays .were. dift- losses will be decreased;' . | tributpd Christjnas; eve by the Salv.x-1 Citadel he was..l^ead Articles which are found-shoiild be ' ^ttehdiiij^'the nreetirib’called by Gcv-j tio.h Army, and many unfprtunute chil, i.9-^ P'®. P’9Pai'tment at > Chester taken to Jesse and lie will sri thst the McLean In Raleigh on Monday, Idren of tUe .city wsro .made haw>y. ,, School,, C,hcster, S, C. From owner gets them back. -If '-an article i?>?•. ^ response to an S'. O. S. call for I Chester he went to Due West, S._.C., Jesse has-' no vaca^it is found give activity period. frpm. IVJiss IpocX’s ;Christmas work at the High School, Smith Hard- Company played Santa, and sent periods and it is too annoying'tp t«7e i 9ther superintendents ! loads of toys only slightly out of or- articles to him while he Is-cn class, i They arrived via truck ins^t^ml 6f If you have lost anything sefe -Jesse; | Capital, was | sleigh- on Wednesday/December 12, he’s at your service. • ' j^alled for the purpose of . selecting a i and Mr.- Omer’s manual'trainin Mr. Armstrong has found', another | more modern North Carp-j and Miss Ipock s cP-workers an which will help. All books have i • ,diatety-started repairs; ■- ■ as,. Superintendent of, the city schools. In this position ho stayed only.a short time, coming to Greensboro as assist ant principal of the Caldwell School. !*l)efeirilvg' to better prepare himself in administrative . work he ■ gave up "his work . in Greensboro and for the past Imme-] been studying at ColumMa. plan which will help. All books have i local school authoiities-'are-lian. been tagged for the New Year Stick- } ^ is'quoted as hav-j Smith' Hardware was - not the only j to. announce his • election and-feel ers have been given out -by^Mr. Arm-1 that though North Carolina | spiirce of supply, for when the project that the school will continue its strone and each home ronm tpnphpr 'of 'the most progressive and ] was announced, toys ' from ’ studfenis has her Initials on tlS^e stSeis.in, the Union, she | hegan ponring In. Helen Marie Weil The students have ])ut their name on herself than most other the march, after'searching celhvr, the stickers and then put them - in wul work, under .Mr. Wilson’s leader- their books. No pupil must be found with a book that does not contain' his name. By this new plan it is hoped that no books will go astray. ' Newbern’s Disastrous Newbern Piland came near having • a serious accident during the program, that North Carolina is not satisfied which he and Edwin Evans presented with her present schools and roads, jn the auditorium. This program but plans to make them better all the v/hich consisted of acrobatic ' stnnis was given before the Dramatic Club “North CaroTina,” he also said, “h^s ';vnd visitors' on December 3. made more progress in the last .“^O They did a good bit of eloWnin"-, rnd years along the line of education thnn often failed the stuntg once or ^.wice it did the 75 years before thi't time; ivofore doing them perfectly.;:;N:aTRtbSJtt\ but there is still mucli to be done. states Iviievr of 'themselves. Mr. Arm'j Kan'ot and'everything-in between, she strong said, “The need for a new | had quite a -collection of antiques. North Carolina history book is more I Then Wyatt Exum brought many rel- essential tlijln the need for,a new book j of his childhood days; he seemed oh invention. There are new. things AHed wit!' remorse as he htnifUxhQV^>r ^ I of historical ihipprtance taking place j his little ’ rown teddy boar which was StlJ'lt' " V IV •''-i “.T^'.cv cor-V- /qr Kjuwi.u x'MOd.iijr I written dPwn for the students to study {our Vford when wc said wo coisld fix I and learn.”' • , anything,” said Miss T|)0ck as she Ipolr- : __—^— ,ed fit some of the headless dolls, bent, THE MINNEHAHA I up n.utps, and unstufCed rag dolls. Since Mr. Hamiltxm’s resignatipn, Mr. Armstrong: has been «erving as- P,rincipal and Sui)erintendent. MPUSE HALTS PROG RESS PF BIPLPGY CL VISITS ITALY ,The* ■'the^ namc'' which the travel cluh-his cho^^n^ iSacii mem. \Vill s'oniobody pliKgK^'raing a ‘ r? or a mouse tra]) to the biology room? I l'>'iiring class, Monday, January 7, ;m over-bold mouse had the audacity to I run around the moulding on the wall, starting from the bookcases. With frc- Cars. wagons, trucks, dolls, teddy ‘l^ont halts to wash its face and ears, MUTILATED TOYS ARE A PROBLEM he trous. I expecting to make a flopj [ Miio expected him to ma ed him with all his strength-. The Girls’ Glee Club of Goldsboro ’^e^nlt he landed on his^ head High School will be one of the con- shoulders. Then althojiglj" -he GIRLS’ GLEE CLUB TO ENTER STATE OONTEST l)er of tlrp club rfeOres&nts a^cbuntry, bears, and flre-trucks lay scattorcd I'l'oceedod arouhd the wall, much lA and as Miss Perry, the ^sponsor, is to j around the work room for days'waiiing amusement of the clnss. rei)r6S,ent India, .they decided to give ; for much-needed rssistance. Cars with M'tor turnin.g the corner it climbed the club an Indian name. ■ i mismatched wheels or no ■\vh9els at all "'indow shade to the top, and dc- was doing the l)ack flip and a misun-'- Minnehaha was in Italy on Nn-ja,t flrst'proved a proplem, but Frank scendod by means pf the window cord. ■ -■ ‘ - ’ ' ' '^ ::vember 27,. and ..Annie Lee Bynum, Edmundson. eallant worker, camo for. Sonie of the class could not heli) laugh- the aloud. When it. cauie down head lli'.st, '(,{)cllng as tail to one side and ^;-’j>Annie Lee took,great interest in show, ^^’^'ling them the art gallery at Venice ®Among the many beautiful pictures on all fours. :’S carried, put by the manual training boys and soon evorything was running and had ::that,she called at-i ent ion to-were-the ' Then the work l)e :an! I'''ianU Kd- contest, but to get the of good to be derived from a contest of this kind. They get to hear good music and the practice in appearing before the imblic. Mr. Frederick is quoted as' having said, “I would like for the whole glee f'lub, all thirty^wo members, to go on this trip. We will most probably go to Greensboro on Thursday and stay over the next day. made so that the students will not be Moye goes most of tlio credit'' F^dV* Helen tTie.ti' 'fi;orv, '■^"’’ 'reiVt'frink. For tlVeTu'st^ then to the other. The mouse continued from one shade to anodier until it readied the last one. Then at. a loss as to whei'e'To go, descondVtf the window (;oi'd to th(i bot. t(Ui. It was too iniu*h for the boy iu ttie' n'eare.'it seat. Quu'kly he ftrabbed the motise, but 111 rued it loose oven , hardlv hod time to recover from his' Madonnas, by Raphael, niunson, who, although not a i)rofes- testants in the state contest of ,g1ee nartiiy naa time to recovei trom "is-^^ . hv Leonardo no vhiri • t", • ' i’’ 1 ' ' ,11,^ 1 • , . f-iK hp did t?omethiTi£r that' '■'^onar.do De \ mci. ;-ional ]); inter, admits that he can olul's at Greensboro in the early spring, 'ai. ne did sometning tiic.t cai.'Sa roiAfter bavin!; a verv nninviuin +imn ' • w '• s' 1 t ' '1 - i-1 ■ 1 , rpii norvp t-Tp srnt nn infj-'' navjuj., a vei y onjoy.iblc . inio , swiiW a wicked brush, did most of tie most probably the latter part ot March, nerve, lie got uj) and (nd-vv I’e.-,. , Ypnice tlie clul) spf mi.- mu ,1 ' ■ v- ' 1 r-'i - ■ ■ i S- - ■ v 1, ^ Mr Frederick 'uid Mr Armstrong de- feet back flip, causing his f.-^Ji , f ^ ^'0 leceived a bile. Tho ivii. i^ieaeiicK ana All. Aimstiong de-i ^ ^ entered .Jilan, Helen ^evv l trucks turned'a blood red racer's Ionk cided to let the trlep r1nh e-n nnf- fnr PPf^r as only part of the exhibition ... . . ’ niuuK -uiueci .1 oioou leu, uKCis lonu. H 1 • f • I ^ f f Thev performed manv iiitamslirur ' -here to welconie and enterta n ; ed like one blue streak; while doll car- tbe sole ))ur])ose of Vv^innlng the state * aej perioimec. many>,■ siiA.Khow.ed- ■ 1 v ■ ■ ''-i reat amount and some difficult stunts. and dressers were made streets, all of which lead to the now again.' To fcsther ' Drown idid ':.ceriter SENIOR FALLS' VICTIM -^o^ia ted." Helen tiien carried them to jjof doll mouse scampered across (he roPni, to I’’e'consternation of the girls, and dls- aniiear'cd behind the 'boPkx’aso' I’ron^ \Vhe'nce it' caihe. ■ TO DAN CUPID rin niany inoiitlis th6 dolls"’fficbs" were' Vash'ed, tlielr' ('‘lonves 'laundered;' and pn the whole they were completely r^novated. To Ezra Griffin befell the LATIN CLUB ENJOYS 1>LAY BY Members ;sojrie of the beautiful ])arks and ponds. : ilelen Daniel wore^an Italian dress Cupid again hit his mark in ,tli^ G.';to illustrate the ty])e of costumes that H. S. and this time the„^ vU;tim,waS; a ;[the Italiaii w&pien 1 f l-.-. M r-novated. To Ezra Griffin befell the -The Necklaco” a Roman play was dignified senior, Pauline ^P; ,nnell. j; While the Minnehaha is in Greece, task of washing Wyatt’s little brown .givm bv members of the Latin’club Pauline eloped^ and wa.s married .oh ;;FUzabeth F.\\ss,ell mS .Bettie 1 Marsh |eddy-bear .and althougil''^1h‘e mV at" then-^'mVdaHA' December 12. The , ... , Christmas Eve in Ma.rion, S. C., to jg^plTino will entertain them; in Japan, steadily gro^ned its ■approval; the'task idaviwas coached by T.ticv Leroy and Arrangements will le E. H. Walker. Jr., of tlu. .ity. Friends ;»ia Wilson and H^e^ ..... . was a great success.' v‘ .. Aveie notified of her marriage on Wed- :|icstesscs; in Holland, Mac Tatum and j| Other -outstanding helpers were: little Rohnn -girl.llelen- K.llenwood ‘ After a week’s truiiJo^Char-^®l|anoi^Roberts;__^Jn Ellenwood,. her .father, navid 'Dland rnd a acpvant- leston, Spartanburg, Fimwg,—S«rTTafesrTh'W6fr^hrCTanI'r.eT1?dw^^^^^ Halh.Smith.:,Sidney Myers,.and girl, Eli’.^abPth -Smith.,. -T,vo litlle.'girl counted absent the day they are nesday. iway.” Each club will sing approximately iGreenwood s hree songs; two songs required for Goldsboro, ivery glee club to sing, and one or The young cou))le are makin C.. in jScoilanHoseplV'Sl"at'hTws" wiYf'be theiy Jiosrt. lore extra songs selected by each club, home with the groom’s parents, Mr. i’f As thp.; >Tin’n^h^Ha tj^av^‘ls>! £-’^mat 'his contest has been held every year and Mrs. E. H. Walkeiy at/their at- |eaj by shlp,'^ thV officers'were* given or the past six or seven years. The’e tractive new home on 51n E.’Walnut (itlos of ships' officers. Those elected re a number of schools enterin'^ this S't. When the new apartment Ij.^use Were: Helen Daniels, captain; Eleanor ontest, some are: Wilmingtnn, Ra- on Walnut street is completed, they ^ ^loljerts, doctor; Mae Tatum’, purser: ‘igh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston^ will reside there. ' an^ Mildr.ad'Edia'nmlson, br^vild.i^hster. alem, Gastonia, and Gohlsboro. Paulme came to us three years ago | | * The G.H.S. Glee in fact almost everyone. >Tbo litlle.' while out one: day was' at(ackel by the -' ' -nf.'T-'—T-'—'——r-T—i—r .- ■ wiv^s.;o.f. two' thievesi - Etta-'Mao Per- ; George Washington died in -Iho last kins and Mary T!(n'don, w.|io wished to ■ year of the century,-tUt' last.month .(if .nteaMner nccklace. i.They v.'cre.mi'able i- the year,. tlj« last day of thecweek and to do lUis Iiei'unse nf the mu.g'ic chnrm the bjfSt ^hpm;,.pif.,thfi,,yea?:, , ■, .;nf tiio ne",Vine ’ ilJiut\ aiwavM'-'W.fO'her ■ -,tt ,:—■:—rr ,M .. ; . .igiood lu.cK'..- She asc^JTies .and arrives- >■ ^ Hei^bpj:^ ;Hqpver’&,'na.pie.ihas: in; let-xhpmfcMsalfGiy. .1. -..r. ters, Woo(irpA^ , W.tlson’s jiawe. has, .1.*^ club enjo.v.ed tho>iv'I;'y;v^'j yui»,uch./.. letters, ,,ther^. ar,e 13 ^tr^pps on o\ir,M.^ ractiee »on. on the contest 4 J ij3iiers, ar,e ^vrAPps on o\iri. ,, ,r TrKi-'-v-rh——r-r- C ul, stnrt from Greenwood, S. c. SV’to ma.le , i Dnn Cupil >,nd tIleM?lu h.ave tvieil flag, No);tJl,.CaroHna has icttnrs. ana': .Teaclmv; „»\V|,at.,ix .i-eoflnatleK ..test ra..s„. ve- y a splendid record and is well Hi ed |liejf test to intei-fere with the prog- I? ships'oame over to help 13 colo-1 .IoI.ji:,tecwJc (Re.il„rt;,..R«mathi:.g.. by all. «es3 of G.H’.-S3 , ities. .tiyPii eat. ,Sure> .aoid.fwhy.r not?.’,’*, . i luvjf;Jfnlv ,.•! * 11 . I'.-!' -f