VOTE YOUR OPINION dl D NOT YOUR FRIEND'S THE NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION VOLUME XI, NUMBER 4 GOLDSBORO, N. C., JANUARY 21, 1938 50 CENTS A YEAR Mr. Maddox Starts Agriculture Groups With Definite Plans Agriculture Students To Put In Prac tice Things They Get on Class Two classes in agriculture witli a total enrollment of 31 liave been recently organized and definite plans made under the guidance of Mr. Maddox, new member of tlie In dustrial Arts faculty. Each student is to put into actual practice at home what he is learn ing from the course. The classes are planning to have tobacco-plant beds. Field trips will be made to study up-to-date farming methods in the community. In ad dition the boys will get practical ex perience in repairing farm imple ments and machinery. Chick brood ing will probably be done at school. Plans to organize a Future Farm ers’ Club are underway. The Club will set up a work program for the year. State experiment stations and government bulletins will be used for reference. Each student will set up a course of study for the year and carry out a program over the summer months. The vacation’s work will be sub mitted the following year for grad ing. The students of the two classes will have charge of all tne shrubs on school campus. Mystery Man BIRCH Mr. Barrett Assumes Miss Wood^s Position Mr. Eobert Barrett on Wednesday of this week took over the duties of Miss Marion Wood, who for the past semester has been the French teacher. A 1937 graduate of the University of JSTorth Carolina, Mr. Barrett has been teaching the seventh grade since September. Miss Wood, a native of Vance- boro, and a 1937 graduate of ECTC, is planning to go to Rhode Island, where she has secured work. •Miss Janie Ipock, who has taken Mr. Barrett’s place in grammar school, has been a teacher of mathe matics in GHS for tjie past 12 years. Due to illness she was not able to teach during the fall term. Lunch Fund Treasurer Reports Poor Response The Free Lunch Fund is definite ly not a success, according to the report released by Harry Hollings worth, treasurer of the SA. “Grammar grade students are meeting their obligations, and the situation is reversed over there,” Harry stated further. Here is GHS $32.80 each month for the next five has been pledged. To date only $47.41 has been collected, including many cash pay ments at the beginning which swelled the total considerably. In other years the P-TA has ac cepted this responsibility of provid ing funds for the underprivileged. This year the students have accepted it. A total of $155.00 is needed to give seventeen students lunch each day until the end of school. Supermagician Birch To Return With Show Can you get out of a wooden box with the lid nailed down? Well, Birch can! Can you get about 800 students out of class at three o’clock WITH MR. SOIINSOWS PER MISSION? Well, Birch can! Can you change a five on history to a one? Well, Birch could if he wanted to! For Birch is the Master Magician that was here in 1934 and will be back Tuesday, February 1, at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon and 8 :00 at night. This year Birch has a new and larger show than ever before, featur ing his extra-super-colossal per formance of escaping from a box sealed with nails—a feat which few magicians can perform. Many students from the leading schools and colleges in the State have been amazed, astounded and even fooled by his troupe, the Magi of Magic. II II Huckleberry Finn To Be Junior Play From among the many plays re viewed “Huckleberry Finn’ has been selected for the annual Junior play. Coached by Miss Margaret Bell and Mrs. W. «I. White, the ])lay will be presented on April 22. ,The cast ing will begin about March 1. Somewhat different from the story “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, the play has a main cast of six girls and four boys. The characters are: “Huck” Finn, Tom Sawyer, John Finn (Huck’s father). Aunt Polly (Mariah Watson, who is so nervous), Ruth Watson (her sister), Mary Jane (their young niece), Fred Raymond (in love with Ruth), Melba White (colored maid at the Watsons), Clara Woppinger (deaconess of the church) and Amy (her irrepressible sister). Cyril Clemens, president of the International Mark Twain Society, has said: “Those who have tried know how difficult it is to write a play that is based on a famous work. People are never satisfied. Some blame the author for putting in an uninterest ing scene; others blame him for leaving out most interesting ones. Mr. Roy F. Lewis has succeeded in making a fascinating play out of Mark Twain’s greatest work, ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ N^ow he has slavishly followed the original work, but has added many new incidents and even characters, realizing full (Please turn to page four) Hi News Sp onsors Snapshot Contest For GHS Amateurs Three Divisions Open, Candid, Scenic and Unusual; Impartial Judges Selected The Hi News Staff is s])onsor- ing a contest to secure the three best pictures taken on the (illS Campus. A prize' of $1.00 in trade at the Hi News Shop will bo offered in each of the following divisions: Candid, Scenic and Unusual. Contest Rules: (1) Every student in GHS except those whose names appear in the mast head of the Hi News may enter. (2) Only three pictures, one in each division, may be entered by any one student. (3) All pictures must be taken on the GHS Campus. (4) All pictures must be turned in to Room 19 before 4:15 February 21. (5) The Hi News will not take the responsibility of returning any pictures. (Pictures will be kept and returned if called for.) (6) Any one student may win only one prize. (7) The de cision of the judges will be final, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belk and Mr. Henry Moore being the judges. (8) Pictures must have the following in formation clearly written on the back: Name of the contestant, date taken, division entered in and short description of picture. Survey of Classes Shows Interest in Debating Nil Less interest is being shown in the Giddens’ Cu}> debates than ever before with only nineteen students volunteering to debate for their classes, a recent survey shows. Usually one of the biggest events of the year between classes, it appears that there will be no debates this year unless more students answer the call. Bill Cobb and Martha Best won the Cup last year for the Freshman Chiss, the first time in the history of the Cup that a freshman class has won it. Tlie freshmen, with eight wanting to debate, have shown more int(!rest than any other class. Three students volunteered to debate for the Sopho more and Junior Classes respective ly. Bill Cobb and Martha Best, Sophomores, arc not allowed to de bate this year, since no cup winners can compete for a second time. Five (Please turn to page five) Spring Calendar January 25 Exams end. 26, 27 Make-up exams. 28 First term ends. 28 Junior Order Essay Contest February 1 Birch, the Magician, 9 Westminster Choir. 22 PTSA Meeting. 23 Cooperative Concert. 26-March 3 NEA Meeting. March 3 Cooperative Concert. 17-19 NCEA Meeting. April 22 Junior Play 26 Cooperative Concert. May 6 Junior-Senior Social. June 5 Commencement Sermon. 6 Class Day Exercises. 7 Graduation Exercises. Hi 'GHS Hunters" It You Can Call Them That Yes sir!! These hunters around the school are a mess! I haven’t heard such classy hunting news since Red Jernigan w'ent hunting and shot both of his dogs. While talking about Red, that re minds me of the day he went duck hunting. An entire flock of about fifty came over, and Red ])ut up his gun to shoot. After pulling the trigger six or eight times, he dis covered ho hadn’t loaded his gun. Rod now shoots sparrows with an air rifle. Novv iuko uie mucieiu iivMiUuio men for instance. Paul Garrison and Boddie Perry go duck hunting on a nice cold day. They get in boat and started upstream. Boddie sees a duck and scares Paul so bad ly that he shoots a hole in the bottom of the boat. These boys are the earliest outdoor swimmers that I’ve heard of this season. But Boddie did see a duck, .lack Smith and R. T. (>)znrt tliought they did too. But after shooting five or six valuable loads, the boys, much to tlieir disgust, discovered they had murdered a poor innocent skunk. That’s even worse than when Ernest (»lisson went (juail hunting and lost his dog. He’s still looking in the lost and found depurtnient. But now we get a di{rer«>ut story. Believe it or not, Bert (Jrillln went quail hunting and killed four rab bits. He has submitted his name as the first hunter to bag any game. (Please turn to page four) DOWN the halls Glances and Comments TO ATTEND: Principal John son and Superintendent Armstrong are to attend the meeting of the National Association for Superin tendents and Principals to be held in Atlantic City, N. J., February 26 through March 3. They plan to attend for four days if not longer. VISITORS : Fifteen seniors from Atlantic Christian Col lege in Wilson observed classes last Monday week in GHS. This was to fulfill part of their college course. After school these future teachers were entertained at a tea by the GHS faculty. SUCCESSFUL: The office was successful in placing 94 students in jobs with local business firms during the Christmas holidays. HARD-HEADED: There certain ly are some hard-headed students in GHS. For instance, what boy tried to ram his head through a (h)or i)ane in an upstairs door? HELPING: .lournalism students are cooperating with the Ncaus- Argus staff' in reporting the Wayne County Tournament basketball games every night but Monday and Tuesday. SHIVERS: These class and as sembly meetings that we students have been attending recently are getting on our nerves. Reason? We sit for fifteen minutes with teeth chattering like squirrels cracking nuts until the auditorium Warms up. NEXT ORDER: The next order for senior rings will go off' on February 23. All seniors wishing to order rings should see William Hardison and Mary Louise Schweik- ert. Point System Issue, Passed By Council, Put To Assembly NHS Members Revised List Drawn in '34 and Presented It To Council Today at asscnnbly a discussion of the Point Systc'ui will be con ducted. The decision on the })oint system and the election of the SA officers in the s])ring are the most irii[)ortant things that the students will do for themselves this year. For the past six weeks the sys tem has been before the Council, and last Friday it was |)assed by a 12-8 vote. Council members voting as their homerooms had instructed them. The tioor this morning will be open to any student who wishes to express an opinion. All the week student groups have been forming to fight or defend the issue, and a lively discussion is foreseen. Drawn up by the National ironor Society, at the faculty’s recom mendation, it Avas presented to the Council for their consideration. As a basis for the present system the Society used the ])oint system which functioned in 1934-35 and which was nuide by a group of students working with a committee of teach ers. If any student favors a point system but does not approve of the present evaluation of points, he may +'(M* if that it can bo further revised. Had the system been defeated in the Council, it would not have been brought to the Assembly. But ac cording to the SA constitution, since (Please turn to page six) Junior Class Plans To Donate Bleachers Bleachers for the (jlllS gridiron! That is the ]>roject which the (vlass of ’39 has undertaken, a(^!ording to a decision at a recent class meet- ing. '.riie con\niittee a])poiut.ed to ])reseut ])lans for the project were Carolyn Langston, chairnuin, Mayre Best, Randolph Middleton, (ilrace Hollingsworth and Billy Mc(]lure. The approximate cost of the bleachers will be $300, lumber being $150 and labor $150. Mr. Helms’ honuu’oom brought up the idea of the bleachers as a Junior Class ])roject. It has been discussed in the homeroom since tlu‘, beginning of the year. Another project suggested was building a fence around the grid iron, but it was thought that bleach ers were needed nuire. During the recent class nu>eting it was decided to have a .lunior Council, composed of the class of ficers, the homeroom presidents and a representative elected from each homeroom. The homeroom repnisentatives who have been elected are Evelyn Colie, (Mr. Barrett), (Jlenwood Johnson, (Mr. Helms), Frances Yelverton, (Mr. Freenuin), Ilavt- well Graham, (Miss Langston), and Marjorie Stenhouse (Mrs. White). Mrs. White is the adviser of the Junior Class, which has an ap proximate enrollment of 225. The officers are Sidney Gordon, pres ident; Carolyn Langston, vico pres ident; Lorraine Taylor, secretary; Olivia Ferguson, treasurer; au(l Berta Parks, cheer leader.