TONIGHT SENIOR PLAY Id JI ® 1 APRIL 21 JUNIOR PLAY THE NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION VOLUME XII, NUMBER 2 GOLDSBORO, N. C., DECEMBER 9, 1938 50 CENTS A YEAR 77 Students Make First, Second Honor Rolls 21 Take First Honors; 56 Make Second; Juniors Have 8 on First; Sophomores, 6 Twenty-one students made the first lionor roll and 56 students, the second honor roll for the first quarter of the year’s work. The Juniors led wdtli eight stu dents making first rating honor roll. The Sophomores followed with six, the Post-graduates with four, the Freshmen with two, and the Seniors with one. To make the first honor roll it is necessary that a student make a grade of excellent, or 1, on all four subjects or make excellent on three subjects and a grade of good,' or 2, on one subjects To make the second honor roll it is necessary that a student make grades of not less than 2 on all his reports. To make either honor roll a student must have a grade of satis factory on conduct on each of his four report cards. First Honor Roll Post-graduates: Virginia Hertell, Mable Grady, Mabel Humphery, and Betty Gray Best. Senior: Amy Herring. Juniors : Mary Louise Parks, Toni Lupton, Catherine Beattie, Harold Montague, Sion Boney,' Jimmie Whitaker, Elvin Sholar and Kala Rosenthal. Sophomores: Hortense Liles, -TT» ■» -T"*- . '^^•1. • T- - T-* T : ivii’uy x-u.vvii± Helms, Lillian Jenkins and Hilda Longest. Preshmen: Mary Beattie and Ruth Weil. Second Honor Roll Seniors: Marjorie Stenhouse, Edith Jones, Addison Hawley, Thelma Grumpier, Ella Mae Pelt, Margaret Bryan, Jimmie Hampton, Dorothy Creech, Charlotte Thomp son, Mary Bryan, Minnie Mae Howell and Edna Mae West. Juniors: Edward Bailey, Ruth Casson, Elyse Hooks, Shirley Pear sall, Chase Johnson, Sara Jeffreys, Marina Andrews, Martha Best, Bill Cobb, Herman Perkins, Ike Manly, Doris Davis, Harriett Kelly, Ruby (Please turn to page seven) ■ Merry Christmas ■ Junior Class To Present "A Christmas Carol" “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens will be presented by the Junior Class for the annual Christ mas program of GHS on December 20. The first act takes places in the counting house of Scrooge and Mar- ley. Harley has been dead for seven years. The spirits of Christ mas review Scrooge’s past, present and future. The speaking parts that have been chosen are: Scrooge, as yet iin- seleeted; Marley’s Ghost, Bill Cobb; Ered, Sonny Boney; Bob Crachitt, Harold Montague; ^ Tiny Tim, Mitchell Baddour; Spirit of Christ- mast Past, Sara Jeffreys; Spirit of Christmas Present, Mildred Lee; Spirit of Christmas Future, Kather ine Beamon. The speaking parts of various scenes had not been chosen com pletely when the Hi News went to press. Miss Langston, Miss Ipock, Miss Sanborn, Mr. Snipes, Hiss Hamer, Hr. Davis, and Miss Bell are assist ing with the various scenes. Mr. Askins is helping with the stage. Christmas Holidays Oh joy! Oh bliss! Just seven more days of school and then—oh, boy, Christmas Holidays!! Ten long, glorious days from December 21 to January 2. The only time of the year when ‘‘us students” get a break. So from us to you, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! The Staff. Merry Christmas Activities Survey Indicates Progress A survey of the many different activities indicates that progress has been made in the first twelve weeks. Miss Bell’s dramatic class of twenty-two junior boys and girls has recently given “The Great Choice.” They are planning to give three one- act plays sometime in February at night and charge a small admission. The:y^are studying from a textbook called “The Stage and Screen.” Their goal is to get every member of the activity in at least one play during the year. Students have expressed the opinion that “The Great Choice” was the best play dramatically that has ever been given in GHS. A piano, three guitars, a harp, a violin, and a fiddle make up Mr. Mahaffey’s string band. They play by ear. Robert Crumpler plays a guitar; Jerome Hodges, a harp; Roscum Byrum, a guitar and harp; Paul Stanley, a guitar and tenor banjo; Ed Britt, a violin and fiddle; and Herbert Weignant, a guitar. Mr. Mahaffey plays the piano. The ’ Pr.;js Best’s supervision is writing for the Neivs Argus. They are learning to write different types of news stories and are hoping to put out a mimeo graphed paper soon. Mr. Davis is teaching dancing. (Please turn to page eight) Merry Christmas Citizenship Is Topic Of P-T.S.A. Meeting Choosing the subject “Citizen ship,” Miss Margaret B. Kornegay spoke on ISTovember 17 to more than 400 parents and students at the first P.-T.S.A. meeting of this year held in the high school auditorium. Miss Kornegay spoke of the rise of Communism, Fascism and ]S[azism, which are causing much alarm. But she added, “we should not let these things alarm us when we are not alarmed by the abuses w'hich we allow in our own govern ment. Often we allow men to re main in office after they have for saken their duties.” “Citizenship,” she said, “im plies certain rights and these rights carry responsibilities. The vote is the ‘key’ to democracy and should not be treated lightly.” Mr. Hugh Dortch, president, pre sided over the meeting. He an nounced that the project for the year is to furnish new equipment for the library at an approximate cost of one hundred dollars. Miss Adams, accompanied by Miss Bell, played violin selections, “Serenade” and “London Air” by Wode. Mr. Johnson introduced the new teachers to the assembly, after which the representatives were counted from the various home rooms. Miss Suiter’s room with the most repre sentatives came first; Miss Ipock’s room, second; and Mrs Middleton’s third. The officers who are serving with (Please turn to page seven) Take Leads in "Keep Smiling' Pictured above are the seniors taking principal parts in “Keep Smiling” to be presented tonight. Reading from left to right, top row: Frances Yelverton as Lolita, Jimmy Hampton as Bill Chandler, Rosette Farfour as Adela. Bottom row: Virginia Parrish as Senora Delores, Ruth Hinson and Willie Boykin as Mr, and Mrs. Hornby, James Kannan as Jose Martinez. Student Association Council Consists Of Forty-Thr ee Representatives Appoint Leaders For Paper's Twelfth Year Carolyn Langston, editor, and Addison Hawley, nanaging editor, xlCl V /ii. OJL11V./V/ the first issue of the Hi jSTews and will lead the paper through its twelfth year. The senior business staff consists of Mayre Best, business manager; Evelyn Dillon, Grace Hollings worth, advertising managers; Doro thy Turlington and Mary Frances Barnes, circulation managers. Other editors are: sports editor, Addison Hawley, ’39, make-up editors, Billy MacClure, ’39, Hart well Graham, ’39, Sion Boney, ’40; feature editor, Frances Yelverton, ’39 ; picture editor, Mayre Best, ’39 ; staff photographer, Legh Scott, ’30; alumni editor, Jackie Campen, ’40; junior editor, Hary Louise Parks, ’40; exchange editor, Sara Jeffreys. Senior staff writers are: Mayre Best, Hugh Dortch, Ernest Glisson, Evelyn Colie, and Mary Frances Barnes. Junior Staff While Miss Gordner teaches the Junior Staff Avriting, the Senior Staff has the privilege of reading in the library. However the two staffs work together during publication week. Miss Gordner’s double period junior class takes care of ad selling while the Junior Staff sells ads and writes. The Junior Staff is as follows: Sion Boney, Jackie Cam pen, Ann Daniels, Sarah Dees, Carolyn Evans, Rena Graham, Sara Jeffreys, Mildred Lee, Martha Mansour, Bill l^ufer, Herman Perkins, W. C. Stucky, Jimmie Whitaker and Mary Louise Parks. Members of Hiss Gordner’s double period who sell ads are: Marina Andrews, Helen Cox, Helen Boyette, Bill Cobb, Grace Alexander, Billy Horton, Harold Montague, Doris Davis, Antoinette Lupton, and Fai son Thompson. Because of the Senior Play Frances Yelverton and Edith Jones did not take any part in this issue of the Hi Kews. Hugh Dortch was in charge of feature and Mayre Best, the editorial page. Forty-three members, consisting of home room representatives, vice presidents of classes, chairmen of standing committees and the officers of the Student Association, make up A acjfvf'io+1 nn fbvQ term. The Council meets every Thursday in Room 21 with Mrs. White as adviser. The following are members: Home room representatives: Thomas Bland (Cone), Thomas Hodgin (Bell), Kirby Llart (ISTew^- ell), J. C. Harrell (Helms), Her man Perkins (Ipock), Ed Smith (Langston), I^orris Sutton (Ma haffey), Peggy Ballard (Middle ton), Doris Davis (Sanborn), Helen Denning (Jeffrey), Grace Hollings worth (White), Amy Herring (Gordner), Virginia Jernigan (King), Gwendolyn Malpass (Cox), Lois Rogers (Ezzell), Elizabeth Spruill (Hamer), Margaret Scott (Suiter), Marjorie Stenhouse (Adams), Delores West (Koch), (Gertrude Parker (Best), and Wil liam Morgan (Snipes). Vice presidents of classes: Willie Boykin (senior), Lamuel Summer lin (junior), Earl Layton (sopho more), and Bob Kemp (freshman). Chairmen of standing committees : James Kannan (Social), Horace Potter (Board of Elections), Mary James Best (Lost and Found), Mary Daniels (Bulletin), Olivia (Please turn to page eight) Merry Christmas GHS Delegates Heard President Roosevelt James Kannan, senior president, and Carolyn. Langston, editor of Hi IsTews, represented GHS when President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke in Kenan Stadium in Chapel Hill, December 5. Students from Mrs. White’s, Mr. Snipes’s and Miss Langston’s classes also attended. That ‘Sve live in a world of change — hence there can be no constancy of laiw,” a firm belief of the late Supreme Court Justice Cardoza, was emphasized by Presi dent Roosevelt. Two reserved-seat tickets were sent to each high school in the state to be given to the official representa tives. Tonight At 8:30 Seniors Present ^‘Keep Smilins^^ Cast of Seventeen Directed By Miss Spencer; Seven Com mittees Aid Production For the first time since 1930 the Senior Class is presenting a play, “Keep Smiling,” tonight at eight o’clock in the high school audi torium. The play is directed by Miss Fowler Spencer,, who was a member of the Carolina Playmakers in 1935- 36; Miss Spencer is a graduatft of Carolina and has had considerable experience in directing. Set in Southern California, the play centers around a Spanish- American family in 1860. Lolita, played by Frances Yelverton, is a young Spanish girl who is in love with Bill Chandler, portrayed by Jimmie Hampton, a young Ameri can who is visiting- the casa. Mr. Hornby (Willie Boykin) is Lolita’s American father and Dona Catalina (Ruth Hinson), her Spanish mother. Adela (Rosette Farfour) is Lolita’s rather unpopular sister who finally gets Mateo Garcia (Ernest Glisson). Don Jose Martinez (Janies Kannan) is en gaged to Lolita, an arrangement made by her mother, but spurned by Lolita. Lieutenant Paxton (For rest Simmons); Jack Wilkins (Maylon MacDonald); Padre Fernando (liat Ballard); Louise Sayre (Margie Wooten) ; Bill Sayre ^ . T • n. (Edith Jones); Senora Delores (Virginia Parrish); Manuela (Mary Daniels); Rufina (Louise Kannan); and Rufina, the duenna (Dorothy Creech) figure in to make the story of old Spanish love com plete. The committees assisting with the play are: program, Evelyn Dillon, (Please turn to page six) ■ Merry Christmas ■ Start Second Session Of Physical Education That GHS students may partici pate in more varied games, meet ings of the sophomores and freshmen were held November 29 and 30 in the auditorium to form new teams and introduce new games. This marked the beginning of the second session of the GHS Physical Educa tion program. The boys and girls will play soft ball, touch football, newcomb (for definition see sports page), aerial tennis, and volleyball as they did the last session. In addition to these there will be soccer, basket ball, and other games such as horse shoes, handball, tennis, and golf ball driving for girls. The boys will be unable to drive the golf balls because they hit the ball too hard and so accidentally they may injure some one. “The freshmen boys under 135 pounds will play regular football,” Mr. Crawford said. On the campuses five courts have been made as a part of the Physical Education equipment. There are three courts on the east campus for volleyball, aerial tennis, and new comb, and two basketball courts, one for the girls on the north campus and one for the boys on the east. ISTYA boys built these courts. The money to Wy the material for the posts and goals came from the Physical Education fund, which comes through the sale of activity tickets.