98. FANNY PARKER daring — swiynming — witty — showers — green eyes Iiinior Red Cross Committee, 4 (chairman); Swimming, 3, 4; Basketball, I, 2, 4; Homeroom President, 4; Junior Class President, 3; Junior Play Publicity Committee, 3; Class C^ouncil, 3: Reception Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decora tion Committee, 3; Homeroom Secretary, 3; Band, 1, 2, 3; SA Council, I, 2. ★ 99. ROY J. PARKER, JR. Roy Jr. — bashful — Packard — blonde hair — neat Salvage Day Worker, 4; Waste Paper Drive, 4; U. S. History News Chairman, 3; Biology President, 2; English Treasurer, 1. ★ 100. JANE PARKS “Tessie” — “there is a lost and found de partment” — Geometry — play grounds Lost and Found Committee, 4, 5 (chairman); Chemistry Secretary, 5; Home Nursing Secretary, 5; Home Economics President, 5; Senior Play Ticket Committee, 5; NCSPI Con vention, .4; Hi News Reporter, 4; Junior-Senior Program Committee, 4; Junior Play, 3; Jun’or-Senior Decoration Com mittee. 3; Biology Secretary, 2; Latin Class Treasurer, 1, 2; English Class Vice President, 1. ★ 101. A. J. PATE “Dopey” — softball slugger — broicn eyes — goo-goo smile — office boy Homeroom President and Vice President, 4; Baseball, 2, 3; Football, 1, 2, 3; (Pikeville High School, 2, 3; Miami Edi son School, 1). ★ 102. EVELYN PATE Kinston — “J don’t understand” — mis chievous — “Red” — b-b-b-but Baccalaureate Comm'ttee, 4; Commencement Committee, 4: Salvage Day Worker, 4; Majo-ette, 3, 4: Junior Play Ticket Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decoration Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Waitress, 2; Library Assistant, 2; Homeroom President, 2: Biology Secretary, 2; Home Economics Presi dent, 2: Math President and Secretary, 1; Homeroom Secre tary, 1; Glee Club, 1. ★ 103. VERNON PATE “Bud” — three-letter man — Tar Heels — s-wimmin’ fan SA Reception Committee, 5; Senior Play Usher, 5; Sociology President, 5; Football, 2, 3, 4, 5; (alternate cajitain, 4); Shriners' All-State Football Team, 4, 5; Basketball, 3, 4, 5; Track, 4. 5; F.ng'ish President, 4; Monogram Club President, 5; History President, 3; In The Principal’s Office, 3; Base ball, 3; Homerc om President, 1; Biology President, I; Civics Judge, 1. ★ 104. DOROTHY PERKINS bangs — jitterbug — sweet ’n hot 7nusic — telephone fiend Hi News: Co-Feature Editor, 4; Junior Lssue Co-Feature Editor, 3: Ad Solicitor, 3; Supplement Committee, 4; Senior Play Program Committee, 4 (chairman); SA Council, 4 (alternate); NCSPI Delegate, 4; Salvage Day Worker, 4;. Chemistry Secretary, 4; Why The Chimes Rang, 3; Junior Play Property Committee, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 1, 3; SA Lost and Found Committee, 2; His First Dress Suit, 2; Cleaned and Pressed 2; Girls’ Athletic Club, 2; Bio'ogy V^ice President, 2; Dramatics, 1, 2; Commencement Program, 1; Photography Club, 1; Wittiest, 1; Latin Vice President and Parliamentarian, 1_ ★ 105. JUANITA PERSON mail fiend — “Panther Eyes” — Durham —Army and Marines — “Honey chile” Glee Caib, 4; Senicr Class Council, 4; Bulletin Board Com mittee, 3; Glee CUub, 3; Junior-Senior, Decoration Commit tee, 3; Class Colors Committee, 2; Home Economics Presi dent, 2; Home Economics Hostess, 2: Library Representative 2; Junior-Senior W'aitress, 2; Math Class'Secretary, 1; Needle Craft Club, 1; Industrial Arts, 1. ★ 106. J. D. PIKE, JR. cute little fords — Effie—Citadel—“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?”—personality GHS Defense Board 4 (chairman); SA Social Committee, 3, 4; Senior P!ay, 4; Northeastern District of NCSSCC Con vention Delegate, 4; GHS Quartet', 3, 4; Commencement Committee, 4; Homeroom President, 4; Football, 1, 3, 4; Band, 1. 2, 3, 4; Junior-Senior Program Committee, 3; Why The Chimes Rang, 3; Junior Play, 3; U. S. History President, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 2, 3; Bills and Troubles, 2; Birds’ Christmas Carol, 2; Baseball, 2. 107. DEES POLLOCK wild west stories — baseball — smiles — play boy — Asylum Chemistry Class President, 4; Sociology Class President, Secre tary, 4; English and History Co-chairman, 3; Womanless Wedding, 2. ★ 108. LUCILE POPE “Cille” — “that chewing gum” — “Oh, shucks!” — “Where is Ruth?” — gossip Math Class: Secretary, 1, 2, 3; Treasurer, 3; President, 2, 3; (ilee Club, 1, 2; Biology Secretary, 2. ★ 109. LEONA POTTER talkative — E. M. I. — swing ’n sway — y-S’s — pepsis Commencement Committee Secretary, 4; Home Economics Vice President, 2, 4; Junior-Senior Banquet Committee, 3; Class Clean-Up Committee, 3; Biology Hostess, 2; English Secretary, 1; Home Economics Hostess and Librarian, I. ★ 110. JOEL POWERS “Joe Pete” — brown eyes — left-hand tvriting — studios Marshal, 3, 4; Band, I, 2, 3; Biology Vice President, 2; World History Secretary, 2; English Secretary, 2; Civics President, I. ★ 111. DORIS RADFORD “Cy” — big hair ribbons — bookkeeping — flashy colors — pleated skirts Senior Play Make-Ui> Committee, 4; Homeroom President and Secretary, 1, 4; G'ee Club, 1, 2,’ 3, 4; Junior Play Scenery Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decoration Committee, 3; History Vice President, 3; Shorthand President, 3; History Roll Secretary, 3; Biology Vice President, 2; English Secre tary, 2; Glee Club President, 1; English Secretary, I; Math Vice President, 1; Math President and Secretary, 1. ★ 112. BARBARA ROBERTS “Babs” — “Charlie is my Darling” — fluttery — Kinston — “Hi, Keed” Sociology Bulletin Board Chairman, 4; English Secretary, 4; Junior Play Ticket Committee, 3; English Secretary, 3; English President, 2; Home Economics Vice President, 2; Dramatics Treasurer, 2; Biology Secretary, 2; Homeroom Pres'dent, 2; SA Council, 2, 3; Math President, 1; Dramatics, 1, 2. ★ J. C. ROSE (no picture) “Smilo” — baseball — “Model A” — baby clubs — night owl. Baseball, 2, 3, 4; Junior-Senior Decoration Committee, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 2. ★ 113. MARY EMMA ROUSE blushes — tease — Steve — giggles — “Shotty” SA Social Committee, 3, 4; SA Council, 4; Class Council, 2; Basketball, 3; Manager and Junior Girls’ Basketball Team Coach, 4; Song Committee, 2, 3 (chairman); Class Stage and Property Committee, 3; Hi News Staff, 3; Tennis, 2, 3; Sophomore Class Secretary, 2; Swimming Team, 2; Junior- Senior Waitress, 2; Birds’ Christmas Carol, 2; Dramatics, 2. ★ 114. MARGARET SCOTT “Scotty” — Adamsville — “do it” — ivhat a smile! — “OK, kid” Senior Play, 4; Baccalaureate Committee, 4 (chairman); Marshal, 3, 4; Class Council, 2, 3, 4; SA Athletic Commit tee, 4; Salvage Day Worker, 4; Commencement Committee, 4; Chemistry Secretary, 4; Home Economics Hostess, 4; SA Corresponding Secretary, 3; SA Council, 1, 3; Junior- Senior Overhead Decorations Committee, 3 (co-chairman); Homeroom President, 3; History President and Secretary, 3; English President, 3; Birds’ Christmas Carol, 2; SA Bulletin Board Committee, 2; WCTC Silver Medal Contest Winner, 2; World History President, 2; Homeroom President, Secre tary, and Parliamentarian, 1; Latin President, I. ★ 115. TOM SHAVER Ipana smile—Hi News shop—junior girls —SA money guardian—cute cracks SA I'reasurer, 5; Senior Play Stage Crew Committee, 5; Cieometry President, 5; Manager Hi News Shop, 5; Finance Committee, 5 (chairman); SA Council, 4, 5; Sociology Presi dent, 4; Homeroom President, 2, 3; Math Treasurer, 2. 116. HANNAH SHRAGO “Shrag” — music — W. C. — convertibles — golf Class Council, 4; Senior Inspirational Committee, 4; Senior Music Committee, 4; Senior Play Prompter, 4; Chemistry Treasurer, 4; Staff, 3 (Junior Issue, Assistant Ad Manager); Junior I’lay Property Committee, 3; English Secretary, 2; Dramatics, 2; Homeroom Secretary, 1. ★ 117. DAVID SIMMONS “Boogie” — air corps — one-woman man — ringlets — songnut Homeroom President, 4; Track, 3, 4; Junior-Senior Decora tion Committee, 3; Homeroom President, 3; Class Council, 2; Homeroom President, 2; Homeroom President, Vice Presi dent, and Treasurer, 1. ★ STEVE SIMMONS (no picture) mongrel hair — football — checkerboard shirts — soccer — Mary Emma English President, 5; Football, 5; Track, 5; Swimming, I, 2, 3, 4; English Secretary, 3; Band, 3; Biology Secretary, 2. ★ 118. FRANCES STAFFORD “Blondie” — square dancing — cherry pie — friendly manners — cackles Basketball, I, 2, 3; N. C. History Treasurer, 2; Homeroom Library Representative, 2. 119. BILL STAFFORD “Cotton” — blonde pompadour — Steva — jit — “K” town Homeroom President, 1, 4; Distributive Education President, 4; SA Council, 1, 2, 3; Class Cheerleader, 1; Industrial Arts President, 1; English Secretary, 1. , ★ 120. EDWARD STRICKLAND “Ed” — exactness — Iona — skating — Physical Education English Secretary, 2, 3, 4; Sociology Host, 4; English Presi dent, 3; CJeneral Business President, 2; Math President, 1. ★ 121. NANCY PAIGE SWIFT “Swiftie” — vocabulary — clothes — glamour mop — “BOATS” Marshal, 3, 4; Defense Stamp Committee, 4; Movie Com mittee, 3, 4; Senior Play Property Committee, 4 (chairman); Senior Invitation Committee, 4; Commencement Committee, 4; Junior Play Wardrobe Committee, 4; Junior-Senior Decoration Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Program, 3; Hi News Staff, 3; Dramatics, 2. ★ 122. BRINKLEY TAYLOR “Tator” — left fielder — Grace — hunting — A. T. Griffin Baseball, 1, 2, 3, 4; Football, I, 2, 3, 4. ★ 123. VIOLET MAE TAYLOR sweet — winning smile — New Bern — songster — baby girl English Vice President, 4; Sociology Secretary, 4; Glee Club: Secretary and Treasurer, 4; Vice President, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 3; English Secretary, 3; Homeroom Secretary. 2; Library Hostess, 2; Mathematics President, Vice Presi dent and Secretary, 1; Library Representative, 1. ★ 124. ESTHER TILTON movies — tutti-frutti ice cream — Brod- gen — candy kitchen — popular songs Lost and Found Committee, 4; Junior-Senior Decoration Committee, 3; Biology Secretary, 2, 3; Glee Club, 2; Home Economics Librarian, 1. ★ 125. ROSA VINSON college boys — wistful eyes — debutante — Dunn — “Row Ven”. Glee Club, 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 4; Homeroom Treasurer, 3; Devotion Committee, 2; Homeroom Hostess 2 ★ BETTY WARD (no picture) “Wiss” — soldiers — records — Glenn Miller — sweaters ’n skirts Glee Club, 2, 4; Homeroom Vice President, 1; SA Council, 1; Basketball, 1. Page Eight