THE NEWSPAPER OF TH E STUDENT ASSOCIATION Volume XXI Goldsboro, N. C., Friday, June 4, 1948. Number 8 Commencement Plans Include An Allegory Senior Class Officers Twelve Students Quill And Scroll Twelve students have been re commended for membership in the Quill and Scroll, the International Honorary Society for high school journalists. Those recommended from the HI NEWS staff were: Christine Byrd, assistant advertising man ager; Dana James Gulley, co exchange editor; Ed Strickland, co-sports editor; John Thompson, business manager; Billy Winslow, advertising manager; Mary Ann Ward, co-Hi Lights editor. Mary Ann was also recommended by the advisors of the annual. Those recommended from the annual staff were Erline Griffin, editor-in-chief; Polly Edgerton, class editor; Eunice Bizzell, senior assistant; Davis Byrd, business manager; Janie Bartlette, co-ad vertising manager; Anna Frank Strosnider, co-advertising man ager. HI NEWS editor Marilyn Tq- lochko is already a member of the society, having been selected last year. Requirements for membership in the society are: (1) candidates may be elected from newspaper, year book, magazine or handbook staffs; (2) they must be a junior, senior, or post-graduate; (3) they must be in the upper third of their class in general scholastic standing at the time of their election; (4) they must have done superior work in writing, editing, or business management; (5) they must be recommended by the school prin cipal or publication advisor; (6) they must be approved by the Executive Secretary of the society. Acker Is Named President Of DE Charles Acker was elected pres ident of the Distributive Education Club of North Carolina for the coming year at the state meeting held at Greensboro recently. The DE Club has had an out standing year. Shortly after Christ mas preparations were made to give a skit entitled “North Caro lina Speaks” at the natiotial con vention in St. Louis. The skit was also given at the state convention and later to the students of Golds boro High School. Miss Frances Bayne, advisor and originator of the DE club, has helped the students to make it what it is today. They will strive through-out the coming years to continue to make the DE Club of GHS a club to be proud of. La Nelle Edwards Leads French Club La Nelle Edwards has been elected to head the French Club of GHS, Le Cercle Francais, for the year 48-49. Those who will serve with her The commencement program for GHS will be held Friday night, ./line 11, in the high school audit orium. An allegory will be fea tured. The processional will open the jjrogram, and will be ft)llowed by an invocation by Rabbi J. G. To- lochko of Kinston. The high school band will render three song, after which the Goldmasquers will present “The Summons of Sariel.” Tlie glee club will then sing two songs. Mr. Arnold B. Edgerton will be in charge of the presentation of awards. The awards will be in[ this order; Goldmasquers' awards of merit, Royall Essay prize. Quill and Scroll, Policemen’s Citizenship p7-ize, Borden Scholarship, Weil’s scholastic prize. Dr. D. J. Rose will present the diplomas. Davis Byrd, president of the senior class, will present the senior gift. The seniors will sing their class song, after which Dr. William Howard Carter of fhe Tabernacle Church will pronounce the bene diction. Participating in the allegory given by the Goldmasquers are: Joyce Dowlin, the Clay; Polly E"d- gerton, the Spirit; Mary Olive Grady, the Graduate; Anna Frank Strosnider, Sariel, the Angel of Death; Marilyn Tolochko, the Sui cide; Janie Bartlette, the Old, Old Woman; Evelyn Barbee, the Young Mother; Ruth Edgerton, the Guard ian Angel; George Langston, the Blind Child. It is directed by Mr, Clifton Britton. Paschall Wins Home Ec. Prize Betty Lou Paschall was awarded first prize of $7.50 in the recent fashion review by the home econo mics department. Other prize winners were: Joyce Carter, second prize of $5.00; Nona Gray Best, third prize of $3.50; Joy Creech, fourth prize of $3.00; and Bobby Jean Thompson, fifth prize of $2.00. Other students participating in the review were Nan Bames, Vir ginia Bedford, Marilyn Best, Sarah Brown, Jane Buie, Julia May Cot ton, Ruth Davis, Anna Bell Gran tham, Lina Haddock, Lillian Hay nes, Frances Hollowell, Jean Kluttz, Coletta Lahr, Louise Odom, Irene Stroud, Eleanor Norris, Anne Acker, Betty Lou Adams, Gladys Costin, Gloria Howell, Jackie Du bois, Annie Clara Savage, Sara Thompson, Hilda Toler, Veryl Trueblood, Mary Lou Cogdell, Frances Fulghum, Mildred Rad ford, Catherine Strickland, Mary Sykes, Margaret Weigand, Virginia Carter, Jean Daughtry, Jean Lash- ley, and Thelma Norris. The girls modeled street length dresses and blouses and skirts. Judges were Mrs. Edward Biz zell, former home demonstration agent; and Miss Ann Johnson, home demonstration agent. are: first vice-president, Carolyn Loftin; second vice-president, Mike Pate; secretary, Shirley Haynes, and treasurer, Marion Goodwin. All of them were unanimously elected. Above are the senior class officers for 1948-49. Front row, Bill Elliott, president; and Betty Hollowell, secretary; second row, Anne Lee and Greene Hollowell, cheerleaders; top row, Kenneth Fulg- hum, vice president; and Jimmy Purser, treasurer. Elliot, Borden, Houser And Norwood Elected Class Heads Varsity Club Dance Draws A Large Crowd Members of the GHS Varsity Club held their annual dance in the William Street Gymnasium on Saturday night, May 2©. At this event Anna Frank Stros- iiider, the Varsity Sweetheart, was crowned. The gym was decorated with crepe paper streamers with a large revolving ball in the middle. At one end of the gymnasium a picture of a football player was projected. Participating in the figure were: Erline Griffin and Miller Eason, La Verne Tew and Myron- Ennis, Marjorie Wilson and Sam Lynch, Yvonne Schweistris and John Thompson, Dorothy Crawford and Bob Kluttz, Eleanor Brown and Ed Bass, Laura Lynch and 'Love lace Bell, Doreen Denise and Ben nie Bennett, Virginia Brogden and Doster Brock, Marilyn Tolochko and Charles Crone, Joyce Bagley and John Culloty, Frances Mal- pass and Jimmy Ellis, Sybil Par rish and Bobby Frederick, Joseph ine Jackson and Carlton Frederick, Patsy Donnell and Dick Griswold, Evelyn Barbee and Archie Hamil, Elizabeth Smith and William Hee- den, Janet Cook and David John son, Eunice Bizzell and Bobby Mc- Lamb, Jerry Worrell and W. D. McRoy, Anna Lee Pennington and Troy Pate, Jane Parker and Donald Pike, Shirley Wiggins and Hugh Pope, Betty Beacham and Tom Price, Sara Hunt and K. D. Pyatt, La Nelle Edwards and D. C. Rouse, Mimi Weil and Billy Ruffin, Betty Warrick and Howard Sasser, Joyce Best and J. D. Sasser, Faye Branch and Elbert Sills, Anne Smith and Hugh Shine, Lillian Pate and Billy Thompson, Arden Newbould and Fred Tyndall, Betty Bedford and Herman Vinson, Barbara Russell and Bud Wallace, Ruth Forehand Bill Elliott, senior; Jack Borden, junior; Jack Houser, sophomore; and Charles Norwood, freshman, have been elected to lead the four classes in GHS next year. Those serving with them will be: Senior class: vice-president, Ken neth Fulghum; secretary, Betty Hollowell; treasurer, Jimmy Purs er; cheerleaders, Anne Lee and Greene Hollowell. Junior class: vice-president, Bar bara Anderson; secretary, Peggy Pittman; treasurer, Jimmy Shu mate; cheerleaders, Barbara Har^ rell and Walter Culbreth. Sophomore class: vice-president, June Handley; secretary, Edith Long; treasurer, Annie Clara Sav age; and cheerleaders, Sara Thomp son and David Gainey. Freshman class: vice-president, Jessine Hart; secretary, Barbara Pittman; treasurer, Betty Daughe- ty; cheerleaders, Nancy Bridgets and Willard Carlisle. The candidates for the various offices on the first ballot were as follows. The first named were nom inated by the nominating commit tee; the others, by petitions . Seniors Senior class—president: Bill El liott, Isaac Braxton, Lewis Bryan, and Patsy Donnell; vice-president,: Shirley Haynes, Kenneth Fulghum, Mike Pate, and Reginald Griffin; secretary, Betty Hollowell, Dorothy Crawford and Mary Rachel John son; treasurer, Jimmy Purser (au tomatically elected); girl cheer leader, Jerry Worrell, Kitty Keller, Anne Lee, and Emma Jean Will iams; boy cheerleader, Alvin Joy ner and Greene Hollowell. Juniors Junior class—president: Jack Borden and Eddie Mitchell; vice- pi'esident: Elton Warrick, Barbara (See OFFICERS on Page 6) and Elton Warrick, Barbara An derson and Kennith Waters, Eve lyn Brown and Billy Webb, Peggy Jones and Jack Wilson, Anne Lee and Billy Winslow, Anna Frank Strosnider, Varsity Sweetheart, and Charlie Westbrook. Borden Family Establishes A Scholarship The children of the late Frank K. Borden have set up the Borden Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Borden. The amount of the scholarship is not stated as the sum may vary from year to year, due to the fact that the income for the scholarship is derived from investments. This year the scholarship will come to someone at GHS. Al though the scholarship is to be permanent, no announcement has been made as to the schools to be included in the future. This fund is to open the way for some girl or boy who desires to* continue his education and are un- ?ible to do so because of lack of money. The first winner will be selected from this year’s senior class. Class Day Held In GHS All Day Class Day is being observed in Goldsboro High School today. The seniors are in charge of the activities. An allegiance program, which the four classes are participating in, will be held this morning. iThis new type of program is taking the place of the usual Class Day exercises in the auditorium. Every one will wear white for these exer cises. After the allegiance program, a picnic is planned at Camp Tus- carora for all seniors. Everyone in bringing a box lunch, and drinks are being furnished by the class. The class day program will be concluded by the entire class at tending a movie as the guests of the Paramount Theatre. Ruth Forehand Is FHA Official Ruth Forehand was named coun ty reporter of the FHA at the county executive board meeting at Brogden. Five members and the advisor of the Future Homemakers of America Club of Goldsboro at tended the meeting. They were Joyce Bagley, Peggy Ann Britt, Ruth Forehand, Frances Fulghum, Bobby Jean Thompson, and Mrs. Ruth Shine. The county rally of the FHA was held at the Cliffs Friday, May 21. It was a picnic supper. A number of Goldsboro girls at tended the meeting. Freshman Class Crowns Royalty Nancy Hamil and Ed Bass were crowned Queen and King of the freshman class at their recent social. The social was held in the Wil liam Street Gymnasium, and was attended by about seventy-five members of the class A floor show in the form of a radio program was given. Refreshments consisted of punch, cookies, and sandwiches.