Friday, May 19, 1950 GOLDSBORO HI NEWS Page Flvtf History Reveiwed As Far Back As 1400 A.D. As We Wuz DID YOU KNOW: That when cast iron stoves were first manufactured, the pro motors had great difficulty in selling them because the story- had been circulated that iron when heated gives off a poison ous gas. That a French monarch for bade the use oivblue cloth in both men and women’s clothing because, “God’s sky is blue, and man’s imitation can only be in sulting to the Almighty.” That during his lifetime as xuler of the French state, a well known monarch prohibited the sale of life insurance because, ■‘^Only the Almighty knows when a man is going to die, and there fore investing in life insurance can only mean gambling with God.” That aftex seeing a room “Car peted” (tapestried) on the sides as well as on the floor, a wise acre wag exclaimed, “This is no room, it has five floors and no walls.” Many Are Doubtful That in 1865, eleven years be fore Bell invented the telephone, the editor of an eastern newspa per, in discussing the various reports ad rumors that had been circulating for 10 years, wrote, •“Well informed people know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires and that, were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no value.” EVERYTHING IN DRUGS At GOLDSBORO DRUG STORE PHONE 1 WILSON Slme Serwe All Work GUARANTEED 235 N. John St—Phone 1063-J That neither the theory nor the practice of the modern say ing “Cleanliness is next to god liness,” was known up to about a century and a half ago. Fan cy exterior clothing was worn by the elite, but 'bathing was conspicooos by its absence, while onderwear, worn only in win ter, was rarely or never changed. A Little Ditty Here’s a little ditty written 500 years ago: Carriages without horses shall go And accident fill the world with woe. Around the world thoughts shall fly, In the twinkling of an eye. Water shall yet wonders do, Now strange, shall yet be true; The world upside down shall be, And gold found at the root of a tree. Through hills man shall ride, And no horse or ass 'be at his side. Under water man shall walk. Shall ride, shall sleep, shall eat, shall talk. In the air man shall be seen, In white, in black, in red, in green. As easily as a wooden boat. Gold shall be found under stone, In a land that’s not now know. Fire and water shall more won ders do, England will at last admit a Jew. That Ci Crozet in 1826 declared that “a rate of speed of more than six miles an hour would ex ceed the bounds set by prudence, though some of the sanguine ad vocates of railways would ex tend this limit to nine miles an hour.” That an eloquent diveine in the United States went so far as to declare that the introduction of the railroad would require the building of many insane asy lums, as people might be driven mad with terror at the sight of locomotives rushing across the country with nothing to draw them. —Information gotten from Fools and Foolishness, by Harry C. McKnown. Ashton Griffin is the first Goldsboro High student ever to win the Angier Duke Scholar ship. Heating and Cooling, Inc. CHRYSLER AIRTEMP Air Conditioning — Arnold B. Edgerton Magazines and Newspapers Pipes and Tobacco Cigarettes and Candies— — At — HARRELL’S NEWS STAND THE CENTER BYRD’S NEWS AGENCY — DRINK — Gardner’ls Homogenized Milk — EAT — ‘‘Velvet” Ice Cream — GARDNER'S DAIRY PRODUCTS — Kids Furnish Lots of Wit Pictured above is a first grade room at Walnutt Street school, taught by Miss Smith. Students are supposed to be in the twelftth grade now. (Last week’s pictures were of Sara Hunt and Walter Culbreth.) LC.U. Drive Held In G.H.S. A total of S29.52 was raised in G.H.S. for the Intern^Vional Christian University, which will be built in Japan with money raised by this country. Each person contributing a dollar or more will have his name written on a scroll and sent with the money to Japan. Each homeroom giving a dollar or more will have the room num ber put on this scroll, also. The rooms contributing to the I.C.U. are as follows in order of the amount given: Room 12, $4.02; room 20, $3.00; room 13, S2.56; room 19, $2.40; room 8, S2.29; room 9, $2.12; room 11, S1.82; room 24, $1.50; room 7, $1.42; room 10, $1.35; room 16, $1.27; room 1, $1.25; room 17, $1.11; room 2, $1.00; room 18, $1.00; room 4, $.63; room 4, $.65; room 25, $.50; and room 3, $ .25. Miss Clyte Spicer’s homeroom led, followed by Miss Janie Ipock’s room, in the drive. Student Puts Woes To Popular Music By FAYE PARNELL Sung to the tune: "I Can Dream, Can't I?" I’m aware my grades are a sad affair. There’re many points lacking there— But I can dream, can’t I? Can’t I pretend that I’m grad-u- ating, On June the 8th? My grade is 69. For one point I pine. I can’t see any hope for me. I work so hope-less-ly; But I can dream, can’t I? Can’t I hope. For it’s not so far away Until graduation day— And I can dream, can’t I? By Faye Peirnell Have you ever paid attention to what small children say? I have never heard funnier or more original sayings than they make, and in their infantile minds they know no better. At the supper table the other day the discussion centered around cats and their kittens. “One day Judy (my niece) dis covered them, with big round eyes she exclaimed: “ ‘Look, mother, she laid some little kittens’.” Another one told on my cou sin is this: “My aunt had a cat with three little kittens; my cousin being only six, cut a shine for one. The kitten had not been weaned and couldn’t leave their mother. This didn’t make any difference to my cou sin. My aunt promised her one when they got big enough to eat. To which my cousin re plied: “I don’t want to eat it; I want to keep it.” On the radio one day a man told this one: A man was sitting down one evening trying to read the pa per. His young daughter asked question after question disturb ing her father. He asked her, “Don’t you know that curiosity killed a cat?” There was a long pause. “Daddy, what did the cat ask?” Let’s see you top these. W. H. BEST & SONS Remember When? Libby Lou dated other boys? Joyce Pate had pigtails? Pat couldn’t drive? Nobody parked in back of Ed’s Drive-In? Lucille had long hair? Ruth didn’t mind being called Minnie? Callie didn’t date Rod? Julian and Barbara went to gether? The girls weren’t slow? George L. wasn’t bashful? Emily dated Herman? There was a Spanish Club? The Hi News had a gossip col umn? The Library was not noisy? K. D. talked in a whisper? PCNNCr'S FOR TESTED QUAUTY AI THRIFTY PRICES IT’S SMART TO BE THRIFTY Lovelace Bell and Lib Smith say. Use The FOREST DRIVING RANGE TO KEEP TRIM! No more diets for us!*’ Pork Chop Battleship KEEP TRIM -- PLAY GOLF The FOREST DRIVING RANGE And Miniature Golf Course