J Patronize Our Advertisers LACKBIRD Published by the Journalism Class of Rocky Mount High School Patronize Our Advertisers Vol. VII No. 5 Friday, February 12, 1937 FROSHIES PLAN PARTY FRIDAY Informal Affair To Be Held By Class at Recreation Hall The £reshma.n class will give an inionnal pariy next Frid;.y at the Re- creaiion Ballroom from §;30 to 11:30. Entertainment will be varied. 'The Proctor Sound system will provide mu sic for dancing, while games and con tests will be played. Members of the eighth grade are working together for the purpose of celebrating the Valentine season. The \ alentine motif will be carried out in the decorations. As the feature of the even^ ' ing, a Grand March will be staged Class officers will head this figure with their ddnce partners. They are Billy Arie, president; Margaret Jeff reys, vice-president; Nancy Bean, se cretary; and Jack Purvis, treasurer. Virginia Lee Knight, Billy Arief Bet tie Jane Oliver, and Jean Harper ar€ included in the slate of officials for the past term. With their escorts, the girls will assist the new executiv es in leading the march. Following the leaders will come offi ctrs of the home rooms.. The outgo iiig officers and newly-elected students will participate in the figure and will end the march. Miss Xate Parks Kitchin and Mr Marion Justice are the advisors for the freshman class. Miss lola Park er,. Miss Frances Ledbetter, Miss Eli ii.beth Barp, Miss Gladys Rodgers .\iiss Ruby Vause, Mr. C. E. Privott, and Mr. Bob Eason will attend as home i'oom teachers. Mr. Cyrus M. Ed.Eon and Mr. R. Quillen Ward have also been asked to be -present. Invitations to chaperone the dence have been issued to Mr. and Mrs. C M. Arle, Mr. :.nd Mrs. R. n. Jeffreys Mrs t’. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. J. W inirvis, Mr. and Mrs J. V. Knight, Mr and Mrs. T..T. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs • P. N. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gar land, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Park er. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Marshburn Tdr and Mrs. J. Dillard Bulluck, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Liverman. Details in connection with ' the af fair are being completed by the com mittee in charge. This is the first social event for the present eighth grade and freshmen are looking for ward to it as a high-light .in the car eer of the .class'. 5c Per Copy THREE PLEDGE FOR SOCIETY Members of Staff Choseu for Quill and Scroll For Out standing Work Pic'ured abov^^ are members of tlie Blackbird Staff. Reading from left to right, those seated are Georjine Murphrey, 5t:irtha Longest, Doris Robbins, Mary Lee Daughtridge, editor; Elizabeth Low, Jane Spruill, and Anni.} BraswiH. Those standing from left to righi are 0. D. Andrews, Frances Henry, Frank Lee Greathouse, business manager; Halen Saunders, Bill Grea1h.o;ise„ Joseph Jones, and Bill Leloudis. PLANS FOR DEBATING SOCIETY BEING MADE Interested Students to Cooperate Forming Orgai-isaticu hori HONOR ROLL Classes Elect Officers For Second Semester Officers of the various classes have been elected recently to head the class activities during the spring term. These prove to be an unusual ly fine group of officers and much will be expected of them. During the past semester many class projects have been put under way ; and it is hoped that under the guidance of tiiese new officers, even more progres.s will be made. John Dozier was elected to head the twelfth grade officers as presi dent. Other officers include Pansy Crowder. vice-president; Martha Anne Speight, secretary; Jack Green, treasurer. For the eleventh grade Mickie Bennett was chosen president. Work ing with him are Dillard Bulluck, \dce-president; Rose Carlton Dunn, •secretary; Norman Harper, treasur- . el*. Treading the tenth- grade slate of officers is Phyllis Perritt, president. Other officers are Roy Thurmo;nd, vice-president; Carolyn Perritt, sec retary; Jean Lewis, treasurer. Aubrey Walker was chosen as presidt^Y.t cf the ninth grade. Mary Womble, vice - president; ' Peggy Speight, secretary: and Henry Owen, treasurer, complete the list of- offi- . cers for. the ninth, grade. , For the eighth .grade Billy Arie was elected president. With' him are Margaret Jeffreys. ’ vice-president; Bette Jane Oliver, secretary, and Jack Purvis, treasurer. The debates held between rooms and between classes have call ed attention to the need for a debat ing club in Rocky Mount high school. Principal I. E, Ready, Miss F"rances Ledbetter, and Mr. Cyrus M. Edsbn have agreed to aid interested students i in forming such an organization. An oratorical and debating society existed here four years ago, on the ordei' of the successfui societies in Chai'Iotte, in Greenville, and in other high schools. The public speaking class of Mr. Ed.son last year started to revive this society. A constitution'was drawn up, which provided for two senates. Each senate was to have a president, vice- president, clerk, treasurer, and sear- geant-at-arms. The senates never functioned, because the public speak- class was not continued, new debating club would have the same purpose: to create and ex tend an interest throughout the high school in debating, public speaking, and oratory,' and to develop effective speaking, clear thinking, and free ex- pres.sion of ideas and opinions. Any student in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade, who has a true in terest in the speech arts, is eligible for membership, according to qualifi cations set forth in the constitution. Pupils interested in forming the so ciety may apply to Miss Ledbetter. After it is organized, candidates for membership must be nominated at the beginning of each semester. Witii tlie formation, officers with regular duties will be elected for this term. The constitution says that the meetings will be held on the first and third Monday nights of each month in the high school at 7:30. The consti tution and. by-laws may be amended by a three-fourths votes. Meetings would be conducted by parliamentary procedure, and the so ciety u’ould have a faculty advisor. It is expected that an oratorical and debating .society shall be formed along i.hesa lines soon. averaged a straight A for the entire semester of 1^36-37. This indicates that 3 per cent c-! the student body are of superior ,;;cholastic standing. Eight e.ght of' .he students aver aged a B on their terms work mak ing a total of y per cent. 8th Grade—A Honor Roll—Frances Keel; B Honor Roil—Billie Arie, Jack Purvis, Jean Cl- rry, Laura Ann Parker, Dorothy Slaton, Carolyn Bass, Margaret Boyd, Evelyn Breedlove, -Ka WILLIAMS TO DIRECT STUDENT BODY AGAIN The Quill and Scroll, international honorary society for high school journalists, has approved Frances Henry, Elizabeth Low, and Jane Spruill for membership. Th^r names have been added by the executive secretary, Mr. Edward Nell of North western university, to the roll of the Josephus Daniels chapter of Rocky Mount high school. Prances has served as sports edi- r of the Blackbird; Elizabeth as news editor; and Jane, as ad'vertising manager, for one term. The responsible positions they have held, their commendable pro duction records, and the excellence of the work samples submitted In their behalf are proof that these stu dents are capable and efficient news paper workers, and deserve journal istic recogfnition by induction ^to the society. In his letter approving the candi dates recommended here, Mr. Nell praised their efforts. “Colorful and descriptive” were his words in praise of the sports stories by Prances Hen- ISucceeds Himself As Student Presi dent for Second Semester Scout Programs Celsbrate Founding Sunday, February 7, Boy Scouts here and all over America began to celebrate their twenty-seventh anni versary. Sundiy afternoon at four o’clock all Scouts and their -parents and friends met in the high school auditorium to hear Reverend Groves I of the Raleigh Presbyterian church. 1 Monday at 5:30 p. m. scouts all over, I the state turned on their radios to j perience I hear President . Roosevelt, Frances Lane, Sara Thorne, Anita Wheeless, Zonabia Wheeless, Billy Green, Elizabeth Fant, Edith Rae Turner, John "Wilkins, Jack Qhad- wick, William Lynn, Phyllis Bryan, Lliivvood Roljards, W. L. Turner, De wey Weaver, Marg’aret Jefferies, Eagenia Marshburn, Tedd Poplin, Elsie Jane Dorsett, Isla Gorham, Bes sie Rollins, Stephen Bennett. 9th Grade—A Honor Roll —Mary Louis Womble, Ida Harper, Elizabeth King, Betty Knowles, Lila Mae Lane; B Honor Roll—Louis Proctor, Clar ence Lane, Catherine Beard, Carroll Gardner, Garland Brantley, Delon Kearney, Mildred Thorp, Adie Wilk in, Earl Parker, Eleanor Nichols, Rae Mangum, Irvin Staton, Elizabeth Coleman, Mary E. Ezzelle, Mary Scoggins. 10th Grade A Honor Roll—Edna Erie Smith, Catherine Breland, Elaine Rhodes; B Honor Roll—Charles Edge, James Minter, Nelson O’Quinn, Vir ginia Shearin, Anne Stinson, Gran ville Willis, Sheldon Boone, Charlotte Perritt.. 11th Grade —A Honor Roll—Lottie Beard, Reece Thomas, Norma Large, Prances Henry, Eveline Looney, Lulu Wyatt Wilkinson, Mary Lee Daught- ridge, Ruth Harrell, Margaret Woot en, Constance Sweeny, Catherine Bryan, Dorothy Jackson, Sue Murchi son; B Honor Roll—Helen Drum mond, Kathleen ViVek, Tom Avera, Betsy Powell, Joyce Powell, Paul Mooring, Pete Strum, Norma Dozier. eVrnell Elmore, Jack Gravely, Lyn ette Mangum, Mildred Morris, Betty Savage, Mickie Bennett, Billy Kear ney, Audrey Boone^ Verna Bradley, Corinne Green, Rodir Robbins, Rose Wilson, Louis Aycock, Bettie Jacks, (Continued On Page Four) Recently the officers of the student government organization were elect ed. As the majority of votes for each officer was received in the first elec tion, no run-offs were held. For the first time in the history of the student government organization of the Rocky Mount high school the president was reelected. This is due recognition to the services that Bill Williams has renaered during the fall semester; and throughout the spring semester even more is going to be pected of the governing officials. The remaining candidates for the office of president were Helen Saunders and Prank Lee Greathouse. Bill Leloudis won over Elizabeth Low as vice-president. He succeeds Martha Anne Speight. As secretary, Betty Jane Oliver as elected to succeed Bill Leloudis, She has the distinction of being the first freshman ever to hold an office in the student government organiza tion. Mildred Thorp was the other candidate for secretary. Succeeding Pete Dowdy as treasur- is Snead Low, who won over Lulu Wyatt Wilkinson. Working with these officers is the student assembly composed of a rep resentative from each home room. Members of the student assembly ara as follows; Charlotte Denny, Anne Stinson, Joyce Powell, Leo Dew, Prances Hen ry, Bill Greathouse, Edith Wood, Vir ginia Tyree, Evelyn Starling, Joe Va- den, Clarence Lane, Eddie Ryals, Sue Murchison, Margie Price, Ca.rroll Jones, Jean Harper, Charlie Harris, Laura Ann Parker, Mary Virginia Simeriy, Billy Looney, J. D. Johnson, Caldwell Ward, Errol Warren, W. L. Turne.*. Durham Boxers Here Tonight The Broughton High of Raleigh says in “The Hi Times” that they are to have a radio receiving set in every room to enable them to hear .educational programs, announce ments, etc. This addition is to take place very soon. Tonight the Blackbird leather sling- ers will meet for the second time the Durham Bulldogs. In their first meet ing at Durham, the Rocky Mount boys defeated them. By their increased ex- ring since that meet- honorary I ing, the Blackbirds will have better [president of the scouts, and V/alter i form' and be in better condition, jw.- Heax, -president cf the scouts.; xhe matches will start promptly at j Tuesday morning in each grammar j eight o'clock at the Recreation Hall, i school from 8:30 to 9:3) scout pro-1’2"iiere will be at least eight bouts • grams were put on by scouts from the j rnached up and perhaps some exhibi- different troops. This anniversary w:ll';tions to fiil the card out. last through Saturday, February 13. i The Blackbirds will beat the Bull- ^ During this week all scouts aro wear-1 (jogs, but the point is to beat them [ ing their uniforms. i VFors© than the first time. ry. “The work by Elizabeth Low,” he wrote, “shows that she too has been well trained in the fundamentals of good vvriting.” Jane Spruill gained approval for her excellent use of an advertising card system, and. for her cooperation and success in working with the bus iness staff of the Blackbird. The newly-accepted members ■will bo formally initiated into the Jose phus Daniel’s chapter of Quill and Scroll. A program will be held in the auditorium before an assembly of tha student body for this purpose. i-iocal chapter activities have been confined heretofore, because of the small number of society members to carry on projects. With the addition of the three students and the nam ing of the local chapter for Ambas sador Daniels, the present members are anticipating work of major Im portance. Mary L«5e Daughtridge is president of the Daniels chapter; Annie Bras well, vice-president; and Frank Lee Greathouse, secretary and treasurer. Miss Hazel Griffin is faculty ad- sior and member and she is largely responsible for the success of the Josephus Daniels chapter of Quill and Scroll. Current Events Test Held In High School A National Current Events test was recently held in the high school to test the knowledge of the students and to see how well high school pu pils keep up with what is going on in the world. The test was composed of nation al affairs, foreign affairs. Important names in news, important words in news, the United States Constitution in the news, general current informa tion, and speeches by spokesmen of various governments. 100 questions were asked, each counting one point. Of the 100 ques tion Pete Dowdy had 95 correct, mak ing the highest grade in the entire school. Corinne Green, with a score of 93, was second high scorer. The number of pupils in the entire school who took the test totaled to 893. 466 of these made a score of 50 or above, with 427 scoring belov 95 pupils took the test in the twelfth grade, and 82 made a score of 50 or above. 7 students made the grade of 86-&0. Group Committee Chairmen Selected Bill Williams, president- of the student government! organlzatloin, has completed his selection of the members of the standing committees. Joyce Powell heads the elections committee as chairman. Working with her are Charlotte Denny, Lau ra Ann Parker, Bill Looney, and Mary Virginia Simeriy. Other committee chairmen are P. G. Cobb, fire drills committee; Reece Thomas, lost and found committee; Prank Davis, house and grounds committee: Doris Robbins, social committee; Lula Wyatt .Wilkinson, cafetria committee: Prances Daugh tridge, program committee; and Nel son O’Quinn, traffic. The following boys were chosen by their respective home rooms to be a member of the traffic committee: Haywood Taylor, o. D. Andrews, Leslie Johnson, Franz Holcher, El- wood Inscoe, William Glover, Charles Brock, Buddy Hicks, Ben Winstead, Dillard Bulluck, Linzy Mayberry, Jo seph Bass. . .Members of the auditorium, repre senting their home rooms, are Jack Greene, Charles Prady, Dewey Wea ver, Thomas Kelley, Raymond Thompson, L. J. Albertson, Edward Fly, John Wilkins, and Jack Purvis. President Williams, also appointed a traffic committee to keep the halls in order during the two lunch pe riods. During the fifth period Nelson O’Quinn, Richard Parrish, Van Kennedy, Mike C^rr, Authur Grif fin, and J. C. Cox are on duty. Dui-- ing the sixty period C. L. Moore, Marcus Beard, William Glover, Ed gar Carter, Carroll Gardner, Milton Aycock, George Leloudid, and Mar tin Baily are on duty.

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