PAGE 2 THE BLACKBIRD, ROCKY MOUNT HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1951 the Who Are The Thieves? Give me your attention for some announcements, please. Twice in the past’ two days wallets containiiig money and other valuables have been stolen from two of our girl students. It is alarming to know that we have a a thief in our midst! All students and teachers are re quested not to leave valuables of any kind lying around where they might ba stolen.- The office would appreciate any information that might help put a stop to the stealing that has occurred recently.” This announcement came as a great shock to majority of the students of Rocky Mount high school. This offense right in the walls of our school is cause enough for alarm on the part of both students and teachers. To know that a thief or thieves are on the loose right under our very noses IS alaiming. It makes everyone scared to leave any thing of the least bit of value lying around. No one knows whether or not he will return to find his books, coats, or other valuables m the same place or to even find them at all It they are left for two or three minutes. j ^0 this lies in the hands of the stu dents of Rocky Mount high school. They are the only peo ple who will be able to find out and punish this thief or band of ihieves. Lease On Peace This is the story of two people I know. You mieht know them too. Their names? Miss World Peace and Mr Communism. These two folks ought to be pretty well-known bv now. Even though Miss World Peace is very shy (so it seems right now) Mr. Communism is not afraid of anything (o” so it seems right now). Maybe I’d better explain their case. Miss World Peace has a very cozy apartment in one of the few good sections of our world, but her landlord, Mr. Communism, wants her to move so he can remodel for a new tenant, Mr. Rus sia. Miss World Peace has some good friends who are try- ing to help her out but she needs more than a few friends now. Mr. Communism has also raised the rent so she will have to ^ve in and move. Everything seems to be pressing down rather hard on Miss Peace’s head right now. She to his whim without making miserable the lives of others. You see Miss Peace is not the only one in ™ family, American People, are living with her. to a neighborhood where she will have to give up her moral standards, her ^ schools, her business, and her democratic way of life. She would have to move into a concentration camp, be an atheist, have no way of supporting her family, and will have no way to educate her young people in her home Some of you might be asking„“‘Well, why give us this ^b story. It isn t up to us to help her out” ISN’T IT? THINK HARD, YOU, MR. FUTURE LEADER. What do you say? Does Miss World Peace get a new lease on her apartment or does Mr. Communism succeed in five?"^ ^ larger place to My Lady’s Hat Speaks Being a lady’s hat can be pretty | av.’ful. I’eople laugh at me a lot but ■' I never see what is funny. I think I jam a very attractive hat. I have several flowers on me and blue bird sitting among them. I go out oiice or twice a week b.cause I’m quite new. I go to el urch, teas, dinners, etc. The rest of the time I sit in a stuffy old boy on a stuffier closet shelf. Mrs. Bingle’s hu;;band got quite mad when she bought me. He al most- had convulsions from laugh ing at me. But when she told him how much I cost, he turned a beaj- iiful shade of blue. Then he told A'i's, Bingle what he thought of i le, and he hurt my feelings just a bit. rersonally I think Fm worth eveiy ^ent of the thirty-five dollar . plus !he five she didn’t tell him about, ioo. He tried to make a hat like me so Mrs. Bingle would return me and wear his creation. It didn't turn »ut so well. He got glue on flowers and the brim, and the bird hung over the edge so it seemed to be looking in Mr. Bin^le’s ear. When I go to church, people tell Mrs, Bingle how pretty I am; then V hen they think I’m not listening they talk about me. But Mrs. Bingle talks about their hats, so I ouppose it’s all right. I often wonder if, when I get old, I’ll have to stay on that old cloLet shelf like those other hats. They never go anywhere. Just two other hats and I ever go out. I won’t woryy about it however, be cause I’m so pretty I doubt if Mrs. Bingle will ever get tired of me. Th^TrAAcf TheTi^bv9 Fire — No Respecter Of Place Or Person I Wonder Why! THE BLACKBIRD Official Publication of Rocky Mount High School Member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association EDITORIAL STAFF Fred Patten Jo Ann Windham Sonny Hallford George Pearce, Marland Reid Donna Clark Wilton Holliday „ , . . „ Marcia Milne Columnists & Club Reporters Bobbitt Alumni Reporter Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor News Editor Sports Editors ... Feature Editor .. Exchange Editor Literary Editor .. Clay, Barbara Coley Beryl Pteres „ . BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Circulation Manager Assistant Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager & Typist FACULTY ADVISER MRS. T D YOUNG Subierlptlon Rate ^ ' nn I’d been in the window of a furni- ti're store for a long time but no one seemed to want me. Why this v'as, I didn’t know,' for everyone seemed to look at me. An old lady came up and grinned at me, a big man made faces at me, a little boy stuck out his ton- Sue at me, and even an old pooch stood out front and barked at me. Last week I found out why everyone had been looking at me. It is not because I am pretty and shiny, not becatuse I am different from others of my kind, but be- ctose through me, they could see the image of themselves. They ccL'ld see themselves as they really were and wish to become different, in mosit cases. A perfect picture of the world can be seen through me. But in me the world is peaceful and silent. I just wonder if the world is peace ful and silent outside as it is in me. What can I do about'it if it isn’t? Slop reflecting? No, sir! ! ! That’s rr;y job! I can’t change this world. After all, what could a mjrror do? “Fi-rhting fire is the job of fire men. Why should we try to stop fires? “This is a statement made by many, but those who believe this a lot to learn. liocky Mount is lueky to have two fire stations and a group of good firemen. Yet, if too many people get careless, fires may be started that can cause much damage be fore fire trucks and volunteer fighters can stop them. “Plre Prevention Week” began ye.'terday and will last through this week. George ' Patseavouras, chairman of the fire drill commit tee, and his committee have plan ned a program of fire drills this veek climaxed by an assembly on “Fire Prevention.” The purpose of this week is to help the people of Rocky Mount, school students mainly, to know how to prevent fires, wh^t to do in case of fires, and to have a “know how” or' anything else which might come up during or after a fire. In school tf.eie will be fire drills, the pur pose of which is to teach each stu dent which way to leave the build ing if fire occurs and how to act don’t talk, don’t run, but walk sjteedily, keep in line behind your iearier). School is not only the place where fires must be stopped. Care less persons have caused many other tragedies. Millions of dollars worth of timber has burned, and unless the careless become caceful, much more wiirburn. Homes, fac'-' tories, hotels, banks, stores, ware houses! All of these are subject to that which will destroy almost any thing in its path. Lifer is no excep tion! Life would be a much more won derful thing if everyone would be csveful and HELP PREVENT FiRE. , j3 Teeth’ Tam Holliday Donald Bryan Marilyn Ezzelle —- Sonny Hallford Claranda Mangum Jane Edwards Freshman Program (Continued from Page 1) duced. Miss Dorothy Craighill’s homeroom was in charge of the de votion. Miss Rubie Vause’s home room conducted the devotional at the previous meeting. Although the orientation program is officially over at the end of the eight weeks period, guidance for the freshmen will continue through the rest of the school year, say the leaders. Production of the preferred types of pesticides was increased appro ximately 60 per cent In 19Bl above the IC.O My teacher asked me to write an essay. Teeth is my subject. leeth is a noble animal. Teeth is hatched in the mouth. Most every man has teeth ‘cep- tirig a hen, she ain’t got any—she sv.allows her vittles whole and C'htws them with her gizzard. My grandmother has false teeth; she puts them in a glass of water. I told her she ought to buy her a "■izzard. * A man has one mouth, one knows and two years and two eyes. His mcuth is to hatch teeth in; his nose is to sniffle air with; his eyes are to catch dust in and his ears is to keep his hate from falling down over, his face. Man has one skeleton. A skeleton is W'hat’s left when the insides are tiiken out and the outsides are taken off. Man has one spinal colm. Fis head sits on one end and he sits on the other. Man has one skull. Kis brains are on the inside if’n he’s i’ot any. Woman’s has ankles. Ankles are to keep the calves from coming down and eating up the corns. And that’s all I know about teeth. Author Unknown The South Rises ‘Agm’ A sea of flags and caps was seen in the Halls of R. M. High And a cry was heard from the senior steps and the girls ex pressed a sigh. For the hero of the day appeared in a pair of old blue jeans, And in his hand and on his head confederate signs were seen He called his troops into battle line and their voices carried on the wind— All blended into harmony—The South (oh, goodness) has risen ‘agin’. Marcia Milne The Ladder Of Success 100%-I did 90%-I will 80%-I can 70%-I think I can 60%-I might 50%-I think I might 40%-I think I might 30%-I would 20%-I don’t know how 10%-I can’t 0%-I won’t Mr. Han.'ien: Quick! the formula’ for water. Aiiey: H I J K, L M N 0. Mr. Hansen! What’* that?