THE BLACKBIRD Published by Journalism Class of Rocky Mount High School VOLL'ME XlviV ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Wednesday, April ZZ. 1953 NUMBER 8 Edsonians Present PlaySf Book, Stage In Drama Festival With munh e::citcment and an ticipation, the Edsonians left Ro'ky Mcunt on Wedne»lay aft er: o on, 1.5, to attend the North CaroJi-'.a drama festival to prcrent "C'cd Medicine” and “T.vo Crooks and a Lady.”They ako carried a Ecrapbook and a stage model to be judged. Claapel HHl, AprU 18. Rac!:y Mount hi^rh school’s Edsonians came away with top honors ia tfee scrapbook contest sponsored at the Drama festival in Chapel Kill last weekend. Kon: ruble mentions were given to both of i:;e plays, “Good Eiedicine” and “Two Crooks and a Lady.” It was the first time thut a Rocky Mount group has como away f.rst with the scrapbook honors. Nancy I’arry and Sarah Moore di J the excellent job of makLis: lha scrapbook. Those in the cast of “Two Crooks and a Lady” were Suzanne CoviHgtcn, • Lucil'e; Joe White- I. ''sr’T C; IvZi's, £;i!i;o£.-Vanf; Kay Sanders, Miss Jonei; aiiu Newsome Maples, Inspector. The naeinbers of the cast of “Good Medicine” were Patsy McAule:, tlie doctor’s wife; Newsome Maples, Dr. Graves; and Christine Hufman, Hett„ Sage. Prcduction Staff The producticn staff of both plays were Donna Clark, Grady Gardner, Barbara Ann Moore, Brooks Hinson, MoHie Spruill, and Edith Ann Johnson., The stage crew were Bart Ritner, Nicky Shine, Dan Stancll, Albert Parker, and Eddie Pennington. Sarah Moore and Nancy Parry designed and made this year’s scrapbock, the cover of which Is tooled leather. Jn this book are the pictures and pro;rams of this year’s production; The burden,^ cf p;.bl, pie (See Stori>. Pictu: ling the school paper and annual will be on the shoulders of the pictured peo- i from left to right, sitting are Valentine McMillan, Gordon Wilkinson, Bobby Oeans, CarolGardner, Theo Pitt, and Ruth Parmer. Standing are Robert Daughtridge and Jearge Knight. Photo by James Reid Bulluck Improves Monday. Arril 21'. f. • - 'S'--'!; View Hosyila: th;n I’aul Bul- uck -l.-i rr. !. 7!! -'ji(:i;>ly and is comp!s^tcly >"t of critical condition. Paul, r' r. ’ a nurse, is much betfer sr.d Js completely conscious. Ke w;!! !;e In the hospital for sor‘-etl»ne and it will be a "nod while before a niiwbpr nf ’"“Itors are allowed NEWSEES Officer Slate Set i‘. '• Elections committee met this past week arid prepared a slate of officer? Jor next year’£ Student Organfzation. Those who were pominated for the offices are, president, Baxter Savage, Sue Gregor;, and Thco Pitt; vice pi-e3i'lent,.'Marvin Ward and Eddie B^oth;, secretary, Mar garet Daughjri'dge, Gfordon Wil kinson, and AvsH-ey Kennedy. Pe titions. for additioDal candidates may be circulated through today. There will be no rariiDalgning until tomorrow morning. The elec tion date is to be announced later this month. Those wh"' are e’ect°-^. will head the .'student bi'dy in tl^e Senior high tichool next ,' ear. Marv Wilkinson, pie'll dent-of the Student Organization, aD- pointei the E'cctions com'nittee. They were, VivHn Wil’iTms, Eddie Booth, .'’n'' J'->nr)t Sp'^i-n frcm the jun'or cItss: F'-ed Reiihon. Ai^n F’"in‘:on, S'’'nd'' Tho’'r>. Kt’' ford, reprs-pnting the fre'h'ne’^ class; and Sheila Robbins from the senior class. Jimiors Plan Prom 111 Cinderella Style Cinderella is making plans to attend the annual Junior-Senior banquet and dance which will be held at “Ye old Country Club,” May I. Her favorite knight will have his hands full, helping her with her wrap.'^ and glass slippers during this “Cinderella Ball.” The highlight of her night will be the coronation of the queen and the selection of her court. The program has been kept secret. The Highliters from Wilson un der the direction of David Batts, has been secured to play for the dance. The decorations and program I will carry out the idea of the Cin- ' derella theme. Green and white, ■ the senior colors, will be used for j the invitations and decorations, j What’ll They Eat? Menu for the banquet will in clude ham, string beans, potato salad, hot biscuits, apple pie, tarts, and tea. Tomato juice will be served on the terrace prior to the banquet. The committees with their h'”'rir.en r.nd advirers are music c'lmmittee, Harry Gray and Mr. Earl Fr’’ott' program. George Knight and Miss Athleen Turn- ""r; fo-d. E’i abeth Vann and Miss Je""ir> Johnson; decorations, Peggy Pettit. Miss Alma Murchi son and Mr. Lee Chapman; invi te tior® Tjin'.i'oad (“Boots”) Pitt- r’-'n ■’nd Mrs. Ova Vnn Buskirk I and c'epn vr^ 'R’’! Tharrington I and Mr. Den Fean tain. Under the direction of James Cobb, the Flora MacDonald Col lege Choral club presented its spring concert in a special As sembly April 14. They sang selections of folk songs, religious and Scotish bal lads. As an added attraction eight of the girls, dressed in Scotch cos tumes, gave three of the folk dances. One of the most well known was the Highland Fling. Singing and touring with the group is a 1950 RMHS graduate, Phyllis Leggett. Alice Diehl Barnes, senior, presented tJie winning speech from RMHS in the World Peace Contest sponsored by the University of North Caro lina. but she lost out in the dfstrirt competitinm to a stu dent from Jamesville. Alice was chosen from the five finalists—Jim Barksdale, Christine Hufman, Janet Spain and Sue Gregory. These finalists were selected from the second and third period American History classes en tering the contest. “Building World Peace: What are the accomplish ments and what are the pro- sDects of the United Na tions?” was the theme for the essays. Donald Edwards and Billy Knowles were selected the Boys of the Month for April 1. Donald is atteniine the Kiwanl,s meeting while Billy is the Exchange Boy. Street Picks Queen -JauiCn ilowi'll Cl;ar.t, nc-tod author, has graciously ■ consent ed to be judge of the beauty 30’.itest for this year’s Juniorr Senior. The pictures will be sent to him when they are completed. ■ ■' Mr. Street Is the'author of iie recent best seller The Vel vet Doublet and many other jest sellers. Notably are The Uauntlet, the life of a small ;own Baptist minister, and Dabrey books covering life in Vlississippi from 17S)4 to the present day. Mr. Street moved to Chapel flill in 1945 so his daughter ind two sons could attend UNC. ?ubl. Staffs Choose 954 Editors, Mgrs. Editors and staff:-; for noxc ear’s Blackbird and III-Noc-Ar lave been selected. The co-editors 'or the Blackbird are Valentine 'icMlllan, who was advertising nanager this year and George Cnight, who was a colmunist this vear. The Hl-Noc-Ar editor is Bobby Deans, who was on the ■taff this year as a Junior mem ber. Next year’s business manager .’or the Blackbird is Caroljn Gard ner, who was a columnist this year. Busine«ss manager for the Hl-Noc-Ar Is Theo Pitt. Circula tion manager for the newspaper Is Patsy Pearce and for the year book it is Gordon Wilkinson. Ad vertising manager for the Black bird is Ruth Fanner and the Hi- Noc-Ar is Robert Daughtridge. Electcd To Posts The BUckbird staff is elected by the entire staff and the Hi- Noc-Ar staff by the Junior mem bers only. In the rsi-ent Columfcic .‘Coho’": - tic Press Association contest in New York, the Blackbird received a one rating in its group of news paper publications. Since next year’s staff will have so many senior members, they say they hope for a medalist rating. Juniors who have an avei-age of a "B” on English wor^ may elect Journalism In place of' eleventh grade English, on recommenda tion of their English teachers and the Journalism instructor. Seniors take Journalism as an elective course. Staff members for the Hl-Noc-Ar are elected by the staff from the Junior and senior classes. Colleges Select R M Grads To Impt. Student Offices The North Carolina Sym- !>hony Orchestra, under the r’’~ectj'in Dr. Bpnjnmin Gwalin. s’pve a co’’'ert for the gram*»iar cell'll In the high school aud'torlum. Part of the RMHP c>^olr p’"'*- fented a groun of splection.* for the Club last Satiirdav nigh*-. “’'Corning Pro^'er.” “I Wish I Wiiz ” and “Alleluia” were among their selections. Phyllis Leggett, a graduate of the class of ‘50, is now a senior at Flora MacDonald College. Phyllis has been an outstanding student both in high school and college. Recently she was elected president of the student body a:nd brought further honor to herMlf and to her alma mater. I Bobby Gorham, class of 1950 ' and editor of the Hi-Noc-Ar for I that year,: has been elected presi- ! dent of the student body at the I University of North Carolina. Bob- I by was running on the University ! Party ticket and won out over 1 two other candidates. Russell Cowell also of the class of ‘50, has been elected vice-presi dent of the senior class at Caro lina. He is a NROTC student. Another graduate of RMHS, Tom McMillan, has been elected treasurer of Pi Kappa Alpha at the University of North Carolina. Tom is now a senior. Success in another way has come to Christine Glasgow, for merly Christine Searey. After graduating from school here, and attending Flora MacDonald Col lege, Christine married and is now the mother of two darling chil dren. Herman Geddle, who graduated In the class of ‘49, is with the nary In Japan. He holds the rank of 3rd class petty officer. Herman plans to further his education at the University of North Carolina when his term In the navy Is ccHnpleted. George Starling and his cousin Leonard Starling, class of '49, had leading roles In the East Carolina College production of the operetta, “The Student Prince.”