PAGE TWO THE BLACKBIRD, ROCKY MOUNT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MONDAY, MAY 2G, 1958 Puff!! Just ’round the curve! 11 H \ m m Uphill All The Way Struggle Ends in Starting That time of year has arrived when seniors take their last walk down cherished halls, say good-bye to young, carefree days, and breathe a long, deep sigh as they begin the trip along new roads of life and learning. Struggling up the last mile to graduation, the load becomes heavier and heavier. There is so much to do that sometimes one feels he will never take that final step to receive his diploma. As “the time ” nears, many find themselves with mixed emo tions. There is a certain sadness when one thinks of leaving childhood chums but again there is an air of excitement to think he will soon be out in the world to make a name for himself. Many graduates w’ill again become underclassmen when they enter various colleges and universities, from New York to Florida, in the fall. AVith only three short months to rest and play, they will again begin the hard struggle with books, slide- rules, and exams. Some will enter the business world, while others will accept the so-called drudgery of married life. Whether utopia is reached or not, each graduate leaves a bit of himself at Rocky Mount Senior High. In future years he may look back on his high school days and remember them with a warm feeling of satisfaction. Graduation is that time of joy and sorrow, when feelings are mixed and one finds that often he becomes choked with emotion. It is not the “end of the world,” just the beginning. THE BLACKBIRD ocky Mount Senior High Member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association EDITOR CAROL THREATT Advertising Manager Molly Arnold Business Manager Pat Bell Assistant Business Manager Gloria Gold Circulation Manager Anna Spruill Sports Editor Russ Clack ADVISER MBS. T. D. YOUNG Published jiine times during the year by the Journalism Class of Rocky Mount iSenior High School. Student Leaders Say What’s Your Musical I. Q.? Thanks To You All And Good Luck During the year 1957-58 the Re presentative Assembly of the Stu dent Organizafon has met fifteen times, in an effort to serve you, the student body. I would like to express to .Viss Annio Lechevalier, the faculty, student.!,Mr. ('. M. Edsoii and Miss Kate larks Kitchen my sinccre thanks for helping to make tills a successful year. I appreciate all the help that you, the students, gave me. Blount Taylor SO President It has been a satisfying adven ture to serve as editor of your an nual this year. Having held this position of trust and responsibility will definitely be an asset to me in the future. You now have the object of a fine staff’s effort in your hands. I hope you will like it, and I urge you to reward those staff members who have worked so hard by letting them know of your approval. May the 1958 HI-NOC-AR preserve for you always the memories of our wonderful experiences together! David Harper HI-NOC-AR * * * As another year passes, another editor leaves THE BLAiCKBIRD nest to fly away from Senior High. Being newspaper editor has been the most outstanding experience of my high school career. I am delighted to have worked with the adviser and people of the staff. I hope the newspaper improved this year and will continue to grow bigger and stronger, to represent the students and teachers of Sen ior High. Carol Threatt THE BLACKBIRD editor Posthumous charities ire the very essence of selfishness when bequeathed by those who, while alive, would part with nothing. —^C. C. Colton May 30 Concepts Some of the seniors are frolicky and gay As they happily approach the 30th of May; Some say that they can’t wait While others seem to dread that date. This will be a year we shall long remember. Starting our memories back in September; • When we started off as seniors everything was fine, Until now we realize this is the end of the line. ■VVe’ll say our good-byes gradua tion night. And hope in our hearts everyone will take the path that is right. Some tears will be shed that night in May When we walk down the aisle in our gowns of grey; We’ll think of those we’re leaving behind Our friends and teachers who were so kind. Now we know that Senior High is a great place after all Come summer, winter, spring, or fall by Sandra Melton ACROSS l.A Hilltopper Hit 3. “— and My Shadow” 5. Girl’s Name 7. Down by the Old — Stream 8. So -- 9. Hit by the Sheperd Sisters 11. — Grant DOWN > 1. A Debbie Reynold’s Hit 2. Suc!c6r 4. — by The Everley Brothers 6. — Martino 9. — the Hop 10. Bdie Gorme (Initials) Ben Blackbird Sez It’s a time for joy, a time for tears, a time we’ll treasure thr ough all the years — We’ll remem ber always. Graduation Day. It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are natur ally affirmative. —John Burroughs Backward Glance Recalls Year's Events As the end of school draws near, memories of the past year are called to mind^—important topics recorded in issues of The Blackbird. In the TV American History class an educa tional experiment was carried out. The Nation al Merit Scholarslips were given to juniors this year for another ‘first”. Along with this, speci al emphasis was placed on scholarship. Dottie Lou Thcrpe captured the “Miss Print” title and George DeWitt, TV celebrity, selected Carol Wilson, oeauty queen from among 16 junior and senior girls. Mr. Ken Yarborough resigned as coach and Mr. Don Hlpps, former assistant coach at Wake Forest, will ta^^e his place next fall. The paper paid tribute :o Spero Kouroukls, one of the teams’ bigges: supporters. Students and teachers were saddened by the loss of a friend and teacher. Miss Wita Bond. Another loss to all was the unexpected death of Senator Kerr Scott, former N. C. governor. School improvement campaigns were carried out and career week brought imformation. The Blackbird and the Hi-Noc-Ar staffs sent delegates to New York for the Columbia Scho lastic I ress Association convention, from which ihe Blackbird brought a first rating. The Blackbird also sent six delegates to the South ern Tnter-Scholastic Press Asso,ciation conven tion ni Lexmgton, Virginia, there the paper re received and honor rating. The Blackbird recorded these events—but the students made the news.