VOLUME XXX Published by Joumalism Class of Rocky Mount Senior Hifh School ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THURSltAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 DUMBER 4 ‘Moon Queen’ Picks Miss Print of ’58 In Special Program 111 a scitting of a thitojie i''(xwn located on the nnoon, the ‘M'oion Queeii’ crowned Doltie Lou Thorpe us the most beautiful represeota- tive for the sateiWite and as Miss Print of 19G8, during an assembly, t-his afteriiloon. Dottie Lou had 18,423 votes to make her the winner. Runner-up was Nannie Hussey with «,77!) votes. Forty-five thousand, n:n:e hnn- idred and seveuty-saven (4'5,977) votes weru collected by all the glJis and their •helpers. Each, pen ny counted a.s a vote and vvajs ac cumulated by the girls fcir Tiic Hlackbird, which has sponsored tlhre ili£s I’rint contest for the laisit ten yt'ars. With so much attention in tlie nicdein world on space and trips to the nioion, the staff decided that the theme of tbe program should be ceutered around the lattcir. The Queeai, Susie Street, and the Prime Minister, Hajiiiond Parker, B1 ■ ke(I^^'u 'tfelviii7vllest ^ K'irls from which one would be chosen to repreisw.t the moon when the earth people land there. The two girls, w'ho received the most votes were :-eeognized as Miss Print, the Lady of the Moon; and the runner-up, little Mo.on Beam, Other contestants were Xaiicj Cojreiiis, Margaret (’armicliaei, Bonnie Baker, Sandra IVeller, Jmli Weller, Dade Mall, Patsy Warren, Betty Jane 31unden, (Jloria Nelson and Jane Sutton. i he program was made more lovely with Selections of music played by Kaye Simpson. The de votion was given hy Alvin Daiiffht- lidffe and the story was narrated by Clark Lee Slniff. ■ 1 ■ 4 I 31 K R R Y C H R 1 S T M A Saint Nick to Visit Here, Choir To Siug Tomorrow Santa will make his annual visit to Senior High in the perso'n of Principiil C. 31. Edson, Miss Alma JInrcliisoii will give a special Chrisit- majs reading, and the Senior High c'lu)ir w\]l sing duriing regular assembly tomon-ow aftoruo'on. For the past few yeais, the Ser vice Club sponsored the last assem bly before the holidays with Mr. Udson representing 8anta Claus, Schools, Armed Forces College Day Draws Many Api,ro,l„«fcl, JO coll.ga, Cte:.!!™, Ch„„„, Imsane® schools. 4 schools of nur- Carolijia, Flora MacDonald ’card smg and 4 branches of the armed Her Webb, Oree.isbovo, Lou’sbur°- services ihiad representatives here Alars Hill, Mereditli, N c Stat^ for College Day, Deeenil.er 8. { Brevard, LaC.rana:?, ’.Vcistern Caro- Many juniors and seniors gather-1 lina. Peace Jr. College, Pfieffer ed in groups in th« gymnasium to Queens, St. Ma'y’t, Jr. CoMege' V'llsit the representatives of the Salem, Stetson University, Delaud' schools in wluoh they were most interested. The morning period was divided into six lialf-hour apprmtnient per iods. The schedule was arranged so that ea«h situdent, if he so desired, could see as many as three different rtipresentatlves dur ing the appointed periods. All except East Carolina and UNO met in the gymn. Due to the number of sitiidents interested in these sichiools, they met in the bandroom. Colleges represented were Atlan- Fla., Stratford; University of X. C.; Virginia Interment Jr. College. Bristol Virgin'a; W’ake Forest and W'onians College of UXC. Two business schools were Caro lina School of Coniinerce and Kings Business College. TJie nursing Eichools were Rex Hoapital, Park View, Highsmith :\Iemor:al Hospi tal of Nursing ani Petersburg General HosptaJ. Four branches of the armed ser vices attended: the Army, the -N’avy, the Air Force and the Ma rine Chrps. and Miss Murchison reading either a light or seriouis story. The stu dents never seem to tire of this freait. Choir Program Tradition It has been the tradition for a very long time for the choir, under the direction of llr. Harold Parry, to sing at the Christmas assemiWy. ilcmbers this year practiced many weeks on several Fied Warinig ar- rcngemea+s before the Christmas seaison for performances in ajssem- b.y and for various civic clubs and organizations around the city. 'I'he program begins with “It I Can Help Soimebody,” the Christ mas seal song; th's is followed by, “Calm On the Listening Ear of Night,” with Frances (iorliam as soloist; next “The Amish Carol of the IlilJs,” a duet by I'i'ffffy (iup- ton and Barbara White; thiis is foiloweI hy “Christmas Niigibt,” “As Lately W'e Wiajtched,” “Dear Sania, Have You Had the Measiles,” and “Christmas W'^as Meant for Children,” with Frances Gorham as Soloist. The program ends with “Birtliday of the King.” (iroiip Schedule Fnll The cha r has kept busy perform ing for the following groupis: P. T. S. A., Decemiber 2; Woman’s Club, December 7; Kiwanis Club, Deciember 8; and an assembly, December 19. December 17, the choir will sing in the Municipal Stadium. The band and choir will also lead the public and the East Carolina TraJning School boys in carols: all are cordially invited to attend. Paper, Part Exam Exams already?! 6endo.r members of The Black bird staff are heavng a sigh of re lief as this paper “hits the street.” because it means that they have compleited part of their mid-term jofurnallsm exam. Bach of the senior members had to plan a page, cover the beats, and then write every stoiiy on the assigned page. Junior members will be using the knowledge they have gained during the semester into putting out the February issue on their own, with little assd/sitanice from the senior members. Santa Mural, Tree, Lamplighter Music To Highlight Dance Beautiful dc’coraitii.-.ims cf a large “Santa” mural, Christmas seals, a big Ciirisitmas tree, beils, and music by tihe Ijamplighters high- ligfliit the annual informal Christ mas dance in the gym tomorrow night, December 19, from 9-00- 12:00. Each st.udent will recei\e a bid in the shape of smiling old Sai«t Nick. \o one will be aUowal to enter the gym witliouit one. ’Gues.t bids may be secured from Jliss Kate Parks Kitchen, social direc tor. Tlie I^mpligQiteiis will furnish the music. They form the State College Band and are taking the l>lape Oif tile Staitesmen. Nancy ('og'Srlns, social committee chair man, secured this, group for $158. Regular rules for school dances wEl be obstrvod. The are as fol lows: no. admasions witliout a bid, no re-entering the gym after leav ing, no admissio-n of a junior high studenit, no- smoking in the gym, nni proper conduct throughoait the evening. D\irin8 the intermission, refreslh- menits of punch and eanidwlches, furnished by the P. T. S. A., -will be served. The P. T. S. A. also ore helping the social committee to pay for tho bail'd. ^ he &ocia,l oomniittce is compofi- ed of the foMowing situd-ents: Sue l)aiij,-htridge, Virginia Riddle, Etc- l.vn Harrell, Franiile llnrrlson, 3rar(;aret Carmichael, Sam Gor ham, Bobby (ianlner, Ann Battle, Bobby Branch, Kay Beach, Gloriii \eIson, Jiidl Weller, George Wil liams, Ellen Stovall. Jndy Smith, Jimmy Wheeler, Bntcli Jones, Bet ty Gail Fuller, Bill Stancil and ->rary Carol Cochran. Paint in That Line! Shown above working on a nniral for the Christmas dance are Frannle Harrison, Sam Gorham, Ellen Stovall, Bobby Gardner and Betty Gail Fnller, nieml>ers of the social committee. Photo By Johnnie Harper