The blackbird Published by Journalism Classes of Rocky Mount Senior High School VOLUME XXXII ROCKY C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1%2 J Juniors Appoint Committees for Junior- During the past week, members of ttie junior-Seniior Oommittees have been busy planning discussing plajis for the annual prom sdie- duled for May 11. Under tihe direcfen of dhjainmaji Bryan Daley and ajdwisor Mrs. Ora VaniBusklrk, the music commdittee’s job is to furnish a dance band for the dance. MemberB of this commi ttee are Mooney Sltotesbury, Caro lyn Swain, Marion Bames, Bultdi Fergusson, Sue Sihearin, Ziee Outh- rell, Greg Low, and Sldpiper Tuit- tle.’ Obaiinnan Tom McAuley, Ginraa Aldridge, and adyisor Mrs. Evelyn Walston head the puc^ram com- mittee, which is in charge of pro viding en/teritadnment for tiie dance. Serving on -this committee are An nie justa, Jackie Redding, Caro- leltta Jorden, Wrennie Pitt, A. G. Smi’th, Bec!^ Edwards, and Jan McCrary. The responsibility for the prepar- a/tiirons for ‘the Junior-Senior Ban quet falls on the shoulders of the banquet commiittee, which is under the' direction of chairman Becky V/hOber and’ adfviEjor Mr. Henry Trevaithan. The members are Gaye Pitit, Dtoae Tanner, Judy Council, Rutih Oates, Jim MoChesney, Thre- esa Haggerty, Tim Shearin, Jay Dauglhitridge, and Ru(th Ward. Headiing the invitaitions commi- tee are Steve WrigOit, Dwight Tho- for the banquet and dance, are chairman Linda. Dickson and ad visor Miss Rubie Vause. On the oomtnittee are Suaanne Arie, rane BeU, Bernie Capps, Linda Cunning ham, Margaret Dofherty, Diane smith, Anne Vanderslice, and Brack Townsend. Chairman Glenn K'emmerle and Shelly Stallings, under the direc tion of advisor Mr. Earl Privoitt, head the decoratio'ns commiittee, Which is responsible for deciding upon a theme and to carry it out iior in decorating the gymnasium for the dance. Serving on this commi ttee a erSteve Wrighit, Dwiglvt Tho mas, Nancy THson, Judi Felton, Anne Nelson, Bartera Swinlson, Sondm Shelton, OaroJyn Felton, HUItion Barrett, Stephanie Matt hews, Mickey Souitherland, George Ramey, and Richard Harmon. Chairmen for the Clean-up com mittee, which will clean the gym- naeium the morning afiter the dance, are Terry Britt and Martha Jane Oarson. It is under the guid- dence of Mr. Ralph Gorheun. The members of this committee have nioit been anncfunoed ait this time. It has been annoamced tha/t a date bureau wUl be sat up for those students who have nnit already got ten daites for the festivlWes, Presi dent of the Junior Claiss, Greg Low, urges aU students to come to the dance and the banquet. Above is Mrs. Ora VanBuskirk giving advice to (1-r) Charles Threatt. Anne Gower, and Lynn Casto concerning their science flrproJeoU. pho,„ by KlH.b«» Science Department Will Hold Its First Annual Science Fair Outstanding Science Students Selected To Attend Junior Science Symposium Two ouitatanding science studenrts have been seieoted by their teach ers to represent Senior High, in the 1962 Junior Science Symposi um to be held in Durham, March 15, 16, and 17. Larry Il'lgh, represenlting the bio logy departmenit, and Bebo White, representing the ohiemdstry depart- niuit, are to aittend the symposi um wiJbh Mrs. Ora VanBuskirk, who wUl serve as advisor. The symposium will be attended by 180 outstanding sophomore and junior boys and girls who have done well in mathmaltics, physics, dhemiatry, biology, or other science courses. Sponsored by the North Carolina Academy of Science and the Unalted Staites Army Research Office (Duitoam) wilth the coofpera^ tion of Duke University, the sym posium has as its tiheme: “Re search in Pnogress-Science in the Making.” Students attending will face a varied and interasting program — lectures, demonatritions, and tours of the vairiouis facUiities ait Duke. Housing wUl be at the Jack Tar Hotel in diownltown Durham. The primiary objeotives of the 1962 Symposium is to search out poteatiaJly taleniigd youth of high sohool age In the state- and to en courage tihe development of their scientific interests and abilities. Logistic management, transpor- tion, housing, and subsisbance for parUcipanlts is provided by the United States Army Research Off ice (Durham). Ocdnciding with the symposium the annual Duke Engineers Fair win be seen by participanits. TTie symposium has been held annmlly since 1958 and Senior Hig'h has been represenlted every year. Journalism Class To Journey To New York for Convention Nine members of the Blackbird Helms, Lee CuithreU, Dell Harris, Staff and theair advisor will jour- and advisor Mrs. Zeno Williams, ney to New York City, for the pur pose of attending the Columbia Press Association convention and siglDtseeing March 15. The Columbda ScholasUc Press AssocSaltion is seat high school pa pers from all parts of the coiuvtry and ra/tes them according to the size of the school. Senior high is in tihe 750-1000 atudenft cartagory. They will attend as many meet ings at OolumbSla Unlveraity as possible, and tihe highlighit of the trip will be on Saturday, when they aittend a luncheon at the Wal dorf Astoria. They plan to tour Manhalttan Island, the United Nations Build ing, Raddio City Music Kail, Coney Island, and the Statue of Liberty. They also plan to attend such Broadway piUays as “Carnival”, “Gift of Time”, “Camelot”, and “Shot in the Dark”. Pictured above are (1-r) Jon Members of the Blackbird Steff Wiggs, ^rilyn Spencer, and attending the convention are Judi Deli Harris busy malung plans Felton, Katrina Kobylarz. Jon for the JournaUsm classes an- Wiggs David Lamm, Stephanie nual tnp to New York, M«s Marilyn Sp^r, Nancy Photo by Killebrew Two Seniors Named Nat. Merit Finalists Judy Riley and Robert K. Smith h/ave recenltly become finalists in the National Merit Scholarship compcititiion. They are among 10,000 high school students in the United States who have earned this cov eted hortor. CJollege soWoliaiiishipa will be awarded to around 1000 of the finalisrts. The competition for the scholar ships began in the latter part of the 1961-62 school-year when all interested juniors were given an oppori/unilty to take the Naitionsu Menlt Qualifying Test. Judy, Ro bert, and Linda Blackburn ach ieved the high test average re quired to become semd-finalists. A recommendiation from their high scores dettennined Judy and Robert as finalists. They are now eligible for the sohotoships that are awarded by the National Merit CJorporation to many of the finalists. These schol arships range in size from $100 to $1500 a year and are applied to the winning student’s college expenses while he is attending a college. The amount of these grants is determin ed by the financial need of the Student receiving them. Scholar ships are ailso offered by many corporations in the United States to some of the finalists. The science department will soon sponsor the firsit science fair ever held at Senior High. Science pro jects are now being completed by many who plan to enter the fair. Present dates for the fair are March 7, 8, and 9. Under the guidence of Mrs. Ora VanBuskirk, the science fair will give many studenibs a chance to show the results of numerous hours spent developing and experimentuig with his own hypathesds. Students in both the physical and bixjlogical sciences have been encouraged to exhilbiit any individual research projects with which they have been ejcperimeniting; however, no Stu dent will be required to prepare a Junior Issue In order to gain experience for puWiishinig next year’s Blackbird, the junior members of the Blackbird Staff are edi ting this issue. This year, for the first time, the jimior members have been putting out the Babybdrd, a sujpipQIemeiiit to the Blackbiird, whEe the sentiors have been publishing the Blackbird. This month, the junior members wiU be publishing the Blackbird, and the senior members will be working on a journalism re search paper. project for the fair. The projects wiU be divided into two claisses. Those projeots per taining to any of the physical sciences, such as matlieanatics, chemistry, and iihysics, will be jud ged separaJtely from those perltain- ing to the biological sciences. Top v/inners in each of these classes will then attend the district csience fair at Hast Carolina College in Greenville, March 23. Winners in the disitricit fair are senit to the state science fair in Cluapel Ii!ill. An all-expense paid trip to the naitional sdenoe fair in Seattle, Washington, will be awarded to the top student in each division ait the staite fair. Ihree distinguished judges have been selected to judge in the local science fair. Dr. A. W. Sharer, the head of the biology depoxUnent at Wesleyan College; Mr. Alan Ds- Ratt an employee of the city health service; and Mrs. Mae BeU, direc tor of the Children’s Museum, have consented to lend their time and service to the fair. The projects wiU be sot up in several of the scdence rooms. Non- partidpaiting students are invited bo visit the fair both before and after school. Interested parents are encouraged to view the extiibdts on Thursday night or Friday after noon until 5:00. Judging of the projeots win be completed before the Thursday might opening. Annual Leadership Award Presented To Robert K. Smith By Local Club An announcement of those re- Robent K. Smiilth was recently ceiving scholarships will be made named winner of the Elk’s Youth about April 26. Leadership Award, which is given Student Organization Has Valentine’s Dance Feb. 17 The Student Organization sipon- sored a Valentine Dance in the school gymnasixmi from 8:30 to 11:30 Saturday night, February 17. Decoraibed in tihe holiday theme, the gymn was transformed into a festive hall. A red and whiite cano py, draped from the ceiling, added to’ the hoiMidlay atmosphere. The alttire of the studenlts aittending was semi-formal. During the inltermissdon a com bo, the Blazers, was presented. The newly farmed group has as its manager. Skipper Sprye. It is com posed of Ilenneth Braswell, a stu dent art; State College; Marvin Pike a junior at this school; Ike Ander son, a senior; and Graham Herring, also a seniior. Kenneth plays the gmibaa' and sings; Marvin, the gui tar and piano; Ike, the guitar, pia no, and trombone; Graham, the drums. The Social Committee, with Polly Reynolds serving as chairman, was in charge of the planning of the diance. The dance was originally Ibo be tihe Spring Dance; however, the Valentine theme was adopte. Refreshments were served by the P. T. S. A. to the students and several teachers who served as chaperones unltU the dance was over. The Valentine Dance was the last school daaice the Student Oirgam- zaltion will sponsor this year. to a deserving sejiior each year by the local Elk’s Lodge. President of the Studenit Organi- aaition, high salesman in this year’s magazine campaign with subscrip tions amounting to $125.02, and a past president of his homei'oom are only a few examples of his ouit- Standiing leadership. He also is a inemebr of the National IiV>nor So ciety, a finalist in the National Merdit scholarship competition, an outataniding senior, and a former Kiwanis Boy of the Month. Six students were originally noml- naited by the faculty for this award. Each compiled a brochure on their personal achievements which was given to the Elk’s Club where it was graided on neatness, origina lity and content by local citizens. These judges selected Robert as the winner. As recepient of this award, Ro bert will be presenlted wiith a $100 Lodge. His brochure wiU be sent Lodge. His brochiu'e wil Ibe sent to the Staite Elks’ Associaition to be judged. The winner of the state contest will then compete on a na- itional level.