PAGE 2 THE feLACKBIRD, ROCKY MOUNT SENIOR BIGH SCHOOL Senior High Commended On February 9, three buses of Senior High students journeyed to Goldsboro to see a basketball game. Because ot ths iniense livau'y with Goldsboio, those going were warned about possible trouble. Although losing the game was a disappointment, most of t_he Senior High fans mriintained their sportsmanship. However, when the Ians left the g’ym thsy were con- fronted bj a ling of Goldsboro students who dared them to pass. Tempers were lost and fighting broke out. _ Several students were injured, but none seriously. The fighting would have been worse had not the students riding in tho buses immediately boarded them. Most students Ircm Senior High are to be commended for their behavior. They showed intelligence that few schools would have under tho circumstances. New Semester, New Cliance As we start second semester, we all probably have many hopes and aims. To accomplish these aims we must work hard. Looking back on the first semester we can see our weaknesses and our strong points. Now, this semester, we can put our concentration on the subjects we did poorest in. To many seniors, failing or passing a subject this last semester means gi’aduation or not. This is one of the rea sons why studies should be taken seriously during this semester. Those who are newly elected officers must work hard to keep their promises. They should use this chance to prove their abilities to those who thought them capable of the responsbilities. This semester can be a me'jnorable one and one in which much can be accomplished if all work hard and co-operate with their leaders. A Easy Ways To Make Friends By Changing Personality Traits Unusual Symptoms At S. H. There is nothing wrong with our dances except that there are not enough people attending them. What should be a crowd turns out to be a small group. Students should realize that attending school dances is just as important as attending a ballgame. We should not only support our team, but all the other school activities as well. How' would you feel if you planned a party and none of your friends came to it? The dance committees work hard preparing for the dances only to find that their efforts are almost useless. What would happen if these committees were to stop their work and if the school were to prohibit dances? Yes,_ the whole student body would complain about the strict decision of the faculty. They would fail —tiLjzeaJiza-that-dances are expensive, especially if no one attends. Plan to attend the next school dance now. Don’t help make the next dance a flop. What’s Wrong With Dances? Many people in our school today are suffering from terrible chronic ailments. One of the most common of these is Gymitis. This disease has strange effects. It causes its victim to miss basketball games and to lose interest in school activities. The symptoms of Gymitis are homework pain and excessive laziness. There is a cure for this dread ed disease, however. Doctors say the patients should be aroused to go to the games. This is the best and only cure. Another ail'ment is the 8 p. m. droop. This disorder causes its victim to become drowsy just before a basketball game. The remedy for this disorder is one dose of Spirit. T.V.! Yes, many poor helpless students are suffering from this disasterous disease, it is caused by a germ known as the T.V. germ. This germ also causes its victim to miss basketball games. By the use of Gym-Ray this disorder can be easily cured. The patient must be exposed to the gym about twice every week at 8 p. 'm. Some students are suffering from Basketball phobia, a common mental disorder. The patient with Basketball phobia must be treated with Gym-Ray also. Are you sick? “Wihialt’s wrong with me? VS^liy don’t I have more friends?” We who honesitly desire to make more frienas afte'ii ask ourselves these qu'esitaons. Unfortunialtely, this is as far as meat of us get in seek ing ouit the ohstaides which keep us fnom maJdng valuable friendships. Many titneis 'the problem is due to a failure to forgeit curselves. The ability to lose ouinselves in the oon- vensaltion of others is just not there. Many times it is caused by fear. We are afraid to let thait warm feeling we have for some one we like go. Instead, of beaming a nice waim smile, we choke up and murmur a snobby “Hi.” One of the first steps in maiking good friendships is the realization of your par.ticular problem. After 'this step you shiauld work toward improving your meithods of mak ing friends. Ftor instance; SMILE — not like a ninny at all but as if your were expecting the best to happen insitead of tihe worst. WAUC — with your head high and your shoulders back even if your feet hurt. DON’T TALK ABOUT YOUR POSSESSIONS — sly or fontiiright- ly. This nioit only shows bad taste, buit reflects a basic sense of in- seomiity on your pant and reveaJs a hostile and aggressive nature. If the i>eirson you are talking to has more possessilons, you are already beajten. If he is less wealthy, you only succeed in making him feel bad. DON’T MONOPOLIZE THE CONVERSATION — If you keep busy teiUing all you kniow you won’t learn anyfthdng. DON’T SHOW ANGEIi OR UN COMPLIMENTARY EMOTIONS IN PUBLIC — These aatdons show immaburity. DON'T BE AFRAID — If you are too shy, people who wanft to be your friend may feel that you do not desire 'their friendship. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1962 TV Poll Conducted By Blackbird Staff O'Ut of 83 students thaJt were ask- ■: ed aibouit thedr favioriite televfeion j programs 23 stated thait they iiked Ben Casey and 10 preferred Thril- :i ler. Rouibe 66 was third favorite ■: Wiilbh eighit votes and BonJanza was ^ fourth with six votes. Dr. Kildare j received four votes tying with i Oheckmate. Advenjbures in Paradise received three votes and Bozo the Clown was sevenibh with two votes. T’he programs receiving only one vote were: Surf&ide 6, Saturday Nigihit at the Movies, My Three Sons, 8Tth Precincit, Twil.ight Zone, The Datedtives, jack Parr, Hinlt- Sbones, Gain’s Hundred, The New Breeid, Rad Skellton, Garry Itoore, The Untouchables, Leave It To Bea ver, The Diick Van DUie Show, Dansarama, Circus Boy, Donna Reed, Omnibus, Paladm, Andy Grifflith, Dick Tracy, and The Three B'booges. Teachers seemea to favor Ben Casey, The Garry Moore Show, and The Perry Como ShJow. These pro grams received the same number of votes. Others mentioned as favor ites were: WTi/at’s My line, U. S. Steel Hour, College Bowl, aiwl I’ve Got a Secret. These figures siiow thait teachers eno'oy about the same programs as the s)tuden/ts do. T’. V. anyone? Principal Edson Gives Views Concerning School Problems Senior High has faced many pro blems during the years. Second semeater will be no excenitdon. According to the presenit out look there will be more absentees during second semester because of Ifche flu epidemic. There will also probably be more dlS'Ciplinte pro- tolems. In first students were -too busy adjusting to school life to get into mischief. K'owever, during second semester skipping ochool and other mischief becomes frequent. v/ill have problems supervising the graduation committees and gabting the seniors ready scholastically for gradua-tion. Problems at Senior High are oujneious but are solved with plan- n'lng and inlbelligence so as to main- .tain its high standards. During fiir^t semester there wa^ much deatruabion of sohool proper ty. Desk, tables in the new biology lab, and bathrcom partitions were marked, screws were locsened in new desk, and trash was thrown in the parking lot. The equipment has been used with great care. Athletes will find it hard this semester to keep up sohool work beoause of numerous trips which will have to be taken. The faaulty Opportunities for Scholarships Given To Senior High Students THE BLACKB9RD official pablication of Rocky Mount Senior High' Member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association 4ssa'- Editor Dwight Thomas, Jr Assistant Editor Dell Harris Circulation Manager Stephanie Matthews Business Manager judy Felton Advertising Manager _ Nancy Helms Assistant Advertising Manager Marilyn Spencer 1st Page Diane Wilhalf, Jimmy Williams 2nd Page Barbara Davis, Sue Xaylor 3rd Page Carlton Edwards, Katrina Kobylarz 4th Page Ronnie Arrington, Stephanie Matthews 5th Page Mike Floyd, David Lamm 6th Page Lee Cuthrell Advisor Mrs. Z, L. Williams Principal Mr. 0. M. Edson JiTe you a junior and are you planning to go to college? Per haps you have deoidied to bscome a lawyer or a doctor and desire to fumbher your educaltion in one of those fields, juniors who plan to go to college have an oppor tunity to take several tests that could lead to valuable scholarships. One of these is the Preliminary Sch'Olasibic Appitude Test, which is offered to the juniors by the col lege boards. This tesb aids the student in finding the college for wlaich he is beab suibed, wliat his weaker subjects are and v/hat he should work to improve. In De cember the test scores are retunr- ed and the schtool advisor explains what the scores mean in relotion- ship to college preference. Anoifiher of these test is the Na- 'tional Mierit Scholarsihip Test. This test is given to students to find those who have superior schol astic abdliities. The Nattonal Ivlerit Scholarship Corporation was eebabldishjed in 1955 and the sponisors have con tributed direct finaincial aid to over 5,000 situdents in the lasb six years. Paribicipanlts are not only con- isiidered by priviaite organiaabilcciis for speoiad sdholarships. These sch- ollarsihips are awarded to dhose whiO quailify as semi-finalist. The names of the semd-finalist are printed and sent to all colleges laeiking for the names. Out of that Mat this year 5,000 semi-finaM will receive financial aid. These chances to quaUfy for sohol'arships in the junior year ahould be eagerly anlUoipabed by the freshmen and bhe sophomores. Juno Day Changed To Valentine’s Day The celetoraition of VaJenltine’s Day goes back to the reign of Em- porer Claudius, in 260 A. D. At this time there were three CShrisitdan Martyrs, Saint Valen)tine, his son, and his grandson. These men re fused to celebrate the day of Juno, the God of the heathen Roman people. As a result of their refusal they were beheaded. Three generations after this Gre- goiy the Grealt, being hdmseif a Roman Pope anid Christian, desired to pay homage to these bhree cour ageous men. Gregory did not be lieve in Juno so he changed the celebration of juno to the Day of ValenJtinie. The custom of sending and re ceiving valenttines came under the reign of Gregory also. This is con sidered antiquity because it is be- Ueved that birds mated on this day. On the eve of Sainit Valen tine’s Day the young people of the village would gather ait a particu lar spot, and each drew lioibs, names of the opposite sex. This way each genJtleman got his lady for his valeniUne and became the valentine of the lady. Someitimes the drawings became announcemenits for Banns of Matrimony. Ittiese are a few of the beldefe of times of the origin of Valen tine’s Day. Of oooirse today the giv ing of valenJtines is merely a way for young pec^le to show friend ship toward one another. Ben Blackbird Sez Glass, china, a!nd reputation are easily cracked and never well mended. If a man could have half his wishes he would double his trou bles.

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