PAGE G THE BLACKBIRD, ROCKY MOUNT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1962 H. R. Officers Elected 155 Students Are Named By Principal Edson For Scholastic Ability During First Semester Senior homeroom officers: Mrs. Teague: Pait Smith, President; Ol ivier Hammel, Vice Presidenit; Syl via Blaylock, Secretairy: Wayne Modflin, Treasurer; Mrs. Winstead: Ronnie Mac MiUian, President;; Ri'fca Aberniaiflhy, Vice President; Pait Todd, Secretary; Dionne Sut- tles. Treasurer; Mrs. White: Ed Pullen, President; Glen StX)glIln, Vice Presidenit; Amy Rocker, Sec retary; jeanie Oakley, Treasurer; Mrs. Hobbs: Larry Katzin, Presi dent; Charles Price, Vice Presi dent; Robert Bertits, Secreftary; Ann Boatner, Treasurer; Mrs. Parker: Tom Nicholson, Presiden't; Norman Thompson, Vice President; Jon Wiggs, Secretary; Charles Threat, Treasusrer; Mrs. Bailey: John D. Dauglitridige, President; Emitt jdhnson. Vice President; Alice Yount, Secretary; Ted Eartmam, Treasurer. j-uiUor homeroom officers: Mr. Privott: J. C. Kermon, President; Stephanie Maibthews, Vice Presi dent; Georgia Tao-kington, Secre tory; Connie Jones, Treasurer; Mr. Trevaitihan: Tom Parrish, Presi dent; Bobby Jones, Vice President; Robert Racks, Secretary; Gae She- arin. Treasurer; Miss Murchison: Glen Hemmerle, President; Judy Council, Vice President; Margaret Doherty, Secreitary; Carlton live- BREWER’S Gift Shop 103 S. Raleigh GI 6-7171 - - - At The CENTER Friday March 2nd SUB DEB FASHION SHOW ON STAGE 9 P. M. Also Screen Program starts March 3rd Rosalind Russell Alec Guinness Ray Danton in “A MAJORITY OF ONE” starts March 9th James Cagney Horst BuckhoUz Arlene Francis Pamela Tiffin “ONE, TWO, THREE” Laurence Harvey Geraldine Page in “SUMMER AND SMOKE” In Color Twist All Night “SWING ALONG” gay. Treasurer; Miss Vause: Buddy Elmore, Presidenft; Carolyn Feliton, Vice President; Judy FeJrtxm, Sec retary; Tim Shearin, Treasurer; Mrs. Walsbon: Dwight Thomas, Presidenit; Ctaarles Paite, Vice Pres ident; Dell Harris, Secretary; Har old Bamihiardhit, Treasurer; Mrs. VanBusk&’k: Skipper Tuttde, Presi denit; Dell Lamm, Vice President; Ruth Ward, Secretary; Wrennde Plht, Treasurer. Soplhiomjcre homeroom officei’s: Mrs. DeV/atit: Pat Ezzell, President; Chuck Robbins, Vice President; Larry High, Secretary; E’ilie Wat son, Treasurer; Mrs. Cuthrell: Russ Norriis, President; Warren Oobting- tmm. Vice Presidenit; Raye Pitjt- man, Secretary; JUl Weldon, Trea surer; Mrs. Williams: Neal Adkins, President; Mickey Badley, Vice President; Mary Wright Edmond son, Secretary; Donnde Alien, Trea surer; Mr. Harrdson: Jerry E3at- mian, Presideinit; Charles Tharring- ton. Vice Pesident; Mike Robinson, Secretary and Treasurer; Mr. Mc Gregor: Steve Kelly, President; Larry Modiin, Vice President; Car ol Cunningham, Secrettary; BiU Bonner, Treasurer; Miss Walker: Ruff Creech, President; Evelyn Ferguson, Vice President; Lynne Evans, Secretary; George Bames, Treasurer. Freshman homeroom officers: Mr. Cobb: Bill Smyth, President; Make Hinshaw, Vice Presidenit; Htoiebt Soden, Secretory; Janeit Byrne, Treasurer; Mrs. Hayworth: Joel Snow, Presidenit; Nell Flem ing, Vice President; Caroline Bxif- faloe, Secrdbary; Cabton Haiptig, Treasurer; Mias Bissebt: Raven Lindsey, Presidenit; Burt Gurgan- U6, Vice President; Tommy Shea rin, Secreitary; Dan Stallings, Tre asurer; Mr. Felbon: Gadl H^libbalrd, President; Jimmy WiUis, Vice President; Mitzle Moore, Secreitary and Treasurer. Twenty-six students from Senior Ii!i@h nmde the “A” honor roll and 120 made the “B” honor roll. These students have made and maintained an “A” or “B” aver age on their subjects for the sem ester. Senior Honor RoU Studenits having all A’s in the Senior Class are John H. Daughit- rifee, Judy Kinoheloe, jo Ann Hill, June Blanton, Judy Rdley, and Marilta Rosen/thal. Those sen iors who had aU B’s were Mary Cox, Bill Campbell, Charles Meyer, Mollie Hughes, Ann Miller, Polly Reynolds, Robert Davis, Ktelen Brake, Pait Palte, Jeaneibte Pittman, Drew Harrell, Danny Mears, Tommy Wood, Jackie Asihby, Martha Bro wn, Brenda Er-zeUe, Margie Fox, Sandra Sultan, Pat Todd, Ted EaJtman, Faye Bass, Kay Brock, Georgia Davis, Marilyn Ward, Tommy Faulkner, Lods Griffin, Sam Hall, Nancy Caddell, and Vicky Carson. Junior Honor Roll Jmnior A students were Jimmy Hubbard, Martha Jane Carson, Virginia Aldradge, Jim McChesney, Pat Lane, HSiton Barrett, Dwight IlKimas Jr., and Bebo White. The B honor roll students were Wrennie Pitt, Skipper Tuittle, Steve Wright, Sonidra Shellton, Dianne Smith, Ruith Ward, Butch Clayton, Rus sell Elmore, Judi Felton, Ohar- lebta Jordan, Suzanne Arie, Gwen Joyner, Ann Flye, Margaret Do herty, Judiibh Council, Nancy Til- son, Rebecca Jo Penny, Routh Oates, Gloria McDonald, PCathy ja«kson, Dell Harris, George Speight, Greg Low, Herman Allen, Sylvia Bell, CaroJyn Stanley, Jimmy Coates, Jan McCrary, and Patricia Williams. Sophomore Honor Roll Students in the Sophomore Class having all A’s were David Parker, Turner Batitle, Jack Cummings, Franklin King, and Nancy Peyton. Those having aU B’s were Jean Hayworitih, Sara Jones, Camilla Reid, Ronnie Bardin, Larry Mod iin, Carol Cunndngliam, Jacky Sniiith, Aundrea Deaton, Andy Nic- kols, Keaither Harwood, Martha Puckett, John Alexander, Larry High, John Dew, Dorothy Joyner, EUie Waitson, Wairren Cotbingham, Russell Morris, Mary Jane Bandy, Marie Piibtman, Margaret Griffin, Barbara Haddon, Judy Bradshaw, Laurie Coffins, Bryan Parker, Lin da Sorrell, George Bames, Larry Johnson, Marahall Pittman, Bur ma Baker, Frances Evans, James Kincheloe, Robert MiUis, Rachel Powedl, Virginia Ryals, Lana Vau ghn, Neal Adkins, Paibricia Gower, and David Damford. Freshman Honor Roll Freshman A studenits were Coop er Brake, Joel Snow, Caroline Buf- faloe, Barbara Davis, Susan Strand- burg, Hiram Cuthrell, and Charles Dunn. I’hose on the B honor roll were Steve Dumning, Rjoberit Hogg, Margaret Dudley, Betsy Neal, Ray mond Hunt, Ann Dill, Jean Gur- ganus, Gail Hubbard, Mitzie Moore, Patricia Whaley, Helen Clark, Jan et Hicks, Raven Lindsey, Virginia Medlin, Susan Roane, Lynne Tuc ker, Lewis Dozier, Tommy Shea rin, Wallace StaiUdngs, Steve Car son, Edmond Gravely, Mike Kln- shaw, Eamie Strickland, Bill Sut- tles, Jennifer Petterson, Hairrietta Soden, Jeanette White, Margaret Parmer, Cecilia Dudley, Linda Crickmore, and Olivia Pitt. BISSETTE’S DRUG STORES 420 W. Thomas St. Telephone GI 2-7138 “Plenty of Free Parking” “24 Hours A Day” “Rocky Mount’s Musical Voice” BUCK OVERTON Rocky Mount May-Gorham Drugs, Soda Fountain Cosmetics 123 Tarboro St. Dial GI 2-1127 Dillon Supply Co. :U8 s. >Vashinf;(oii St. IMioiie 2-2161 Mebaiie Shoe Co. 132 S. Main St. Shoes — Hosiery — Handbags Imperial Cleaners I'crsotiiilized Servico lij By Ed Strange Dial GI 2-5821 m \. RaloiKh St. Get The Best Get Sealtest Milk and Ice Cream Phone GI 6-4128 VOGUE DRESS SHOP For Fashions That Are Right On Any Campus 312 S. Main St. emptro! conditioning"^ YORK Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment Residential and Commercial Free Estimates Cheerfully Given Pearsall Oil & Heat Telephone: Day Gibson 2-4126 Night Gibson 6-5276 Rocky Mount, N. C. Rocky Mount New Car Dealers Association A-C Motors, Inc. Ray Bandy’s Thomas-Farris Motors, Inc. Rose Buick Company Bel-Air Chevrolet Caddell Motors Davenport Motor Company Flake B. Chipley, Inc. Allan Mims, Inc. J. C. Friar Motors, Inc. John Vann Motors, Inc. ) The world’s } most fascinating career girls? IMGREDIENT See the story about our school’s nancy felor Secretarial Finishing Course on pages 10 and 11 in ^^American Weekly THIS SUNDAY Read how our Nancy Taylor Secretaries earn $25 to $100 more per month than ordinary-type secretaries...thanls to their finishing school looI. Call, write or visit the ONLY school in this area offer ing the exclusive Nancy Trylor Secretar ial Finishing Course. ' Carolina School of Commerce 121 N. Main St. Dial GI 2-6317