BLACKBIRD Published by the Joornalism Class of Rocky Mount Senior nigh School VOL. XXXVII—No. 7 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1967 PHOTO BY KILLEBREW JUNIOR OFFICERS (1 to r): Bobby Thompson, vice-president; Benjie Smith, president; Kitty Keel, secretary; Stephen Draper. Three Leave RMHS As Semester Begins Second semester will begin January 25 with several facul ty changes announced by Mr. V. J. Colombo, principal. In a special release to The Black- bord, Mr. Colombo presented tlhese shifts. Mr. Frank Hammond, who has taught band in the City School System since 1960, left the teaching profession entire ly January 6 to become a pilot with Piedmont Airlines. Mr. Hammond began his career here with the students who are now seniors; he taught them tho fundamentals in the sixth gra^fc Rocky seen its -JiiUJid enj^y al growth during hfe tenure. As muon as he loves teacliing and working with young people and music, Mr. Hammond finds the draw of flying, a long-time avocation, and the better place for his family too much to ignore. When asked how they felt, most of his istudents could only say, “He’s a great guy.” Mr. J. C. Sykes, who is also a longtime instructor for the city system, replaced Mr. Hammond. Mr. Sybes has pre viously worked with the Jun ior High bandis. Having helped many students no wat Senior High, his will not be a strange face. Mr. James Hart, first se mester art teacher, left the school January 24, to take on a new position as Director of Audio Visual Aids and Special Services for the city system. Mrs. Rusty Spears, known to many through her affilia tion with the Rocky Mount Arts C3enter, replaced Mr. Hart. Mr. Edward T. Smith, as sistant principal during the first semester will leave the city to become principal of Enfdeld Graded Sdhools. Mr. Smith taught English there bo- fore coming here. He left Rocky Mount January 25 and will assume his duties there around February 1. Mr. Dudley Whitley, head football coach, will become assistant principal. Mrs. J. C. Sykes, wife of the new band director, will take over Mr. Whitley’is eco nomics class and Mr. Smith’s English classes. State Officers Elected By Three Classes m! For Second Half During Iho months of Dec ember and January, Senior High Students went to the polls to elect officers to serve tliem through tho second semester of 1966-67. After first hearing speeches promising more leadershiip, the classes elected these all-im portant officers. Sopliomores elected thiedr first officers since coming to Senior High, juniors elected those who will guide them through the Junior-Sen ior; and seniors elected offi cers to serve them during graduation. Senior officers elected are Cor- nilia Dotortty, president, Jim Middleton, vice-president; Bev erly Rosser, secretary; Julian Ruffiin, treasurer. Jundors elected: Benjie Smith, president; Bobby Thompson, vice-president; Kitty Keel, sec retary; Stephen Draper, treas urer. Officers for thie sophomore class are Ken Thiompson, pre sident; Jay Bobbitt, vice-presi dent; Ramsay Lea, siecretary; Anne Pittman, treasurer. Teresa Rhodes, chairman of the Elections Committee, term ed the voter turn-out “poor.” As usual, sophomores led the school In the percentage of voters registered voting. Un official tabulations show 53% of the seniors voting, 67% of the juniors, and 73% of the sophomores. PHOTO BY KILLEBREW SENIOR OFFICERS (1 to r): John Ruffin, treasurer; Jim Middleton, vice-president. Missing were Cornelia Doherty and Beverly Rosser. Open House To Be Held After Ball Game Tonight The Social Committee of the Student Organization will hold an open house Friday, Jan. 27, following the Enloe basketball game. The open house is to be held In tlie school cafe teria, and will last from about 9 o’clock until 11 o’clock. Gwen Seigman, chairman of the Social Committee, has an nounced that the event will be for all students of RMSH who will receive an invitation. Gwen reported that the open house would be informal re quiring only school clothes. A juke box will provide music for dancing. The stu dents may play card games, chess, and other games pro vided by the committee. Re freshments for the get-together will be served by members of the committee, ^veral of the members helping out with the planning are Kathy Cherry, Dickie Seaton, Ramsey Lea, and Dillon Coleman. Tonight’s soiiee will be similar to the ono held last year after the Jacksonville basketball game. All students are invited to attend and bring their dates. e Student Organization “The Student Organization- A microphone for the student voice.’' This microphone has definitely been utilized by the Student Organization during the first semester. This is widest in the various accom plishments and activities un dertaken. Some work has been acknowledged, other work has been performed befliind the scenes. But most important, the work has been done by the students themselves and great er accomplishments are ex pected next semester. FoUoW' ing is a detailed outline of the work of each committee thus far this year. I. Publicity Committee Projects A. Special News bulletin board in “A” building. B. Twelve theme bulletin boards in “B” buiMing. C. Five special bulletin boards in “C” building PHOTO BY KILLEBREW SOPHOMORE OFFICERS (1 to r): Ken Thompson, president: Rrms-jy Lea, secretary; Anne Pittman, treasurer; Jay Bobbit. V.oo-presidc0v 1. Homecoming 2. Thanksgiving 3. Christmas D. Maintenance of the Tilery at Hammond Street sign. II Activities of the Publica tions Committee A. Publication and distribu tion of handbooks at a cost of $600.00. B. Publication and distrlbu tion oif student directories at a cost of $260.00. C. Designing, printing, and plan for distributiom of thank-you-grams at a cost of approximately $30.00. III. Activities of the American Field Service A. General activities in wel coming and orienting AFS Student. B. Selection of gift at Christ mas for AFS student. C. Writing of 50 letters to civic clubs in Rocky Mount requesting contri butions to AFS budget. D. Acknowledgement to AFS contribution to the bud get. IV. Operation of Student Store A. The daily operation of store, 8:15^5:30 in morn ing, part of first lunch period and' one afternoon a week after school. B. Accurate records of pur chase and sale of all ma terials. C. Payment of sales tax monthly. V. Services of Lost and Found Committee A. Accepting and filing rec ord of all articles turned in to the lost and found department. B. Publication of aU articles through daily bulletin and bi-weekly report to the 3. »0. Assembly. C. S(^ziesti3rDfd! tS all articles. D. Disposition of unclaimed articles at semester end VI. Service of the Fire Drill Committee A. Holding of fire drill month ly- B. Replacing of instruction signs in rooms. VII. Service of the Traffic Com mittee A. Beginning-of-thc-year direc tion of new students through the building. B. Cooperation with House and Grounds Committee toward improving the parking lot. VIII. Service of House and Grounds A. Work in the parking lot 1. Repainting trash cans. 2. Filling in holes in park ing lot. B. Cooperation with Mr. Phill Overton of the City Health Department by submitting write-up and pictures £or city cleanup scrapbook. C. Cleaning up planter in lobby in preparation for new plant for spring. IX. Activities of the Elections Committee A. Opening of books for reg- 'istration of transfer stu- dent.s, sophomores, and any othei- unregistered students for one week. B. Preparing for and con ducting the throe class elections for Second se- mestsr class olficeins. X. Services of the Social Com mittee A. Orientation party for trans fer students in Sept. at approximately a cost of $10.00. B. Homecoming dance in Nov ember at approximately coat of $200.00. C. Managempit of Mendsfilpi b'orciiVany iliirin'j liblf ti'aAf* of home conference bas ketball games. D. Operation of concession stand at Homecoming Dance. XL. Service of Assembly Com mittee A. Preparation for and co operation in two weekly assembly totalling seven teen assemblies. B. Types of Assemblies 1. Two guest speakers 2. Motivation Assemblies a. Magazine kick off b. Hi-Noc-Ar Assembly c. Paradign Campaign d. Blackburd Campaign e. Fire Prevention 3. Inspirational Assemblies a. School Spirit b. Veteran’s Day As sembly c. Christmas Assembly e. Mount OHve Choir 4. Recognition Assemblies a. NHS Assembly b. Black Masquers As sembly c. Football Awards As sembly 5. Demonstrations Assem bly a. Edsonian previews b. England As We Saw It Assembly c. Stage Side Chats XII. Activities of School Spirit Committee A. Sponsoring of five Bon fires and pep raUies. B. Printing posteis acknow ledging athletic events be fore each game. XIII. Activities of the General Organization A. Regular Attendance at S.O. meetings. B. Attendance of delegates at the State Student Coun cil CoDgresis. D. ^romotdon of the maga-