Page 2 THE BLACKBIRD Friday, Feb. 24, 1967 Spirit Of The Game There was a multi-colored flurry of hurtling bodies, straining, reaching upward. One out-stretched hand reached farther, and tapped the ball in. A whistle blew. The hand raised belonged to a white- black-gold uniform. Above the din and uproar were shouts. “Hey hotdog!” “Ref’s a fairy” were among the least of the insults. This was not Berkeley campus. It was not the Russian embassy in Peking. It was the Rocky Mount Senior High School gym. The shouts came from Rocky Mount Senior High students. The scene described above is typical of our school spirit. It s hard to refrain from shouting when your team wiiw one game during the season, but jeers and insults such as those are never appropriate under any conditions. Rocky Mount Senior High has a reputation of such outbursts this year. It’s too late to do anything now but let’s have some respect for other teams and for the officials next year. Is College For You? Seniors, do you realize that within these next few months you will have to make one of the most im portant decisions of your lives? Your teachers, counselors, and parents have done everything they could to see that you get the best high school education possible, but a high school diploma is not enough. In today’s modern world, the best way to be sure of a well-paying job and a life of luxuries is a college education. In accepting the responsibilities of college life, one learns to be an individual and to really “stand on^ his own two feet.” He begins to form stronger opinions and beliefs, and learns to stand up for these beliefs. College also gives him the answers to many^ of the questions which have been plaguing mankind for centuries. The doors of a good college can lead you to practically any kind of profession you desire, and can prepare you financially as well as socially. “The future of our generation depends largely on how well you prepare yourself to meet tomor row’s prot)lems.” This is a decision you and you alone can make. Hurrah For The Germ! At Last! Letters Hi-yo Corpuscle away! The Lone WRENger rides again! The Lone WRENger and his Indian sidekick, Killum T. B. Germ, were after the well- known killer and disiabler, the T. B. Kid. The searched from Noseville, his first ■ hit, to Mouthville, but could not find him. He seemed to have dis appeared. No one had heard anything about him. They con tinued to search for him, mov ing down the Windpipe Road. At LungsviUe, traces were found —inflation, tissue broken, and tubercules. When (the Lone WRENger tried to find out where the Kid had gone, no one wanted to teM him. Finally, one small boy spoke up.' He said that the Kid had headed toward Lymph Nodesville, farther in the Midchest. The Lone Wrenger traveled on to Lymph NodesviUe on his fa mous horse, Wihite Corpuscle. There was even greater inflam mation in Lymph NodesviUe, but ithe WRENger still could not find the Kid. The WRENger and KMlum T. B. Germ took the Blood Road to Kidney and Joinits Town. At Kidney, there was infection, but no T. B. Kid. It was the same in Joints Town. Not finding the T. B. Kid in either of these places, the Lone WRENger and Killum T. B. Germ returned to LungsvUle. Here they found that the T. B. Kid had returned to the scene of the crime. The WRENger called the Kid out of the air- sac saloon. Using his famous guns with the silver streptomy cin and issoniazid bulets, he killed the T. B. Kid on ithe first shot. Once again, the Lone WREN- ger and his faithful companion saved the day. Once again, the forces of evil have been de- feaited. And :so, as the sun sets slowly along the horizon, the Lone WRENger rides away to continue his fight against T. B. The Lone WRENger rides again! Note: The above ariticie by Carolyn Bryant of R. M. S. H. S. won first place in the Nation'aJ Press Project. With the ending of last semes ter, a whole flock of burdls were received into our exclusive group. Membership was extend for such crass lactions as: pass ing the semester with a D-; coercive dropping of a subject due to passive interest (flunk ing out): and 'the supreme sac rifice, may we remember them as they were, being drafted (their lighters were defunct of fluid). Among itiie more notable of our entries were two members of the honored Junior Class. It came about that Sarah Willis and Pait Stussie, out for an af ternoon drive in Pat’s motor oar, a 1950 Ford, aptly named the “Black Bomb”, found them selves on ViUa Street, in the vi cinity of our ivy-covered halls. Glancing at the gas needle, Pat observed that they had enough gas to get home but little more. Dear Editor, It is well-known throughout the school that Seniors have special priviledges. One of these is getting at the front of the luinch line. They get to leave class two minutes early iso that they can enjoy this priviledge. This is all well and good. But where do sophomores and Juniors fit into this picture of being able to geit in the front of he line? Wlho gave these students the right to break in the front of the line? Many times I have been standing in line aibout to be served, when a group of soph omores have come and gotten in line with some of their friends in front of me amid many others. Juniors, too are guilty of this. I think that all underclass men should show more courtesy to others, especially to Seniors, since this is one of their privi ledges. Underclassmen should remember that one of these days they will be Seniors. Betsy Elmore a Junior As everyone is aware, our lunch periods last but a short time. Standing to the lunch line takes up most of the time al lotted. The time we have left is taken up looking for a table and then a seat to sit on. I’m sure no one would invite a guest to their home anid ex pect them to bring their own table and chairs. Each day it is a race and scramble to see of you can acquire seats and table. This is certainly not good for proper disgestion. Also it is bad when ten to twelve people have to tsi at a table made for eight. Sarah, seeking fun and action, said, “Let’s chance it and go to the Goody Shop.” Taking the short cut over the over-pass, they came upon a red light at George St. and Tarboro. As .they slowed to a stop, the engine cut off. While they sat with traffic piling up behind, a good-natured local clod, looking as though he could use a shave and bath, came to the girl’s aid. Mistaking his advance, Pat and Sarah rolled up the windows, locked the doors, and huddled in the mid dle of the seat fearful for their lives. By this time a goodly crowd had gathered and after tinkering with various appa ratus, a fireman asked if they had any gas. At long last the mysitery was solved! Many minutes and a few goUons of gas later, our burds were home. Congratulations flock! Thoughts have crossed my mind about possibly eating in the parking loit. If this problem continues, more students will probably begin eating there. This would only oause the trash problem to become greater. So, PLEASE, give us more tables and chairs to sit on without having to beg, borrow, or sneak, and maybe our indigestion will soon disappear. Pat Stussie Junior (Editors note: The following letter was written in ref '*>nse to a letter to the editor pub lished in a past issue. We wish to thank Miss Medlin for her observations on the subject.) Dear Sir: UnfoTitunately, Jeff Surtes left out a part of school spirit in his letter to ithe editor in the January 27 issue of The Blackbird. 'The part he left out was spoTitsmanship. True, a school does include “the bush of the crowd as the crucial shot is in the air,” al though I hope that he wasn’t re ferring to a shot by a Black bird player. It also includes the “hush of the crowd” as the op posing team’s player shoots from the foul line. I am proud to say that my school, Golds boro High School, has this sportsmanship ingredient in our school spirit. We are too busy urging our own team on to a hopeful victory, at the appro priate times, to .annoy the other team. I sincerely hope that your school’s student body will learn to retain that the game’s-begia- ning-we’re-winning sportsman ship until the end of the game. Bobbie Medlin P. S. I wish future luck to an otherwise fine high school. From The Roost Of The Jr. Editor As one closely scrutinizes this issue of the BLACKBIRD, (as I am sure all of our fascinated readers do) one would of course notice the masthead at the bot tom of this page. Now that we have drawn your attention to the acknowledgements, we hope you will also notice the unfam- Hiarity of the names printed there. The courageous and cora pe temt junior staff has agreed to temiporarily reheve weary and faithful senior staffers of thedr positiofltis in the publish ing of the BLACKBIRD. At this time, we of the junior Sitaff would like to bestow upon the more deserving senior staff our sincere thanks and con gratulations,, for we now esteem and value the effort amid time that goes into putting out a newspaper. The junior staff also xepresses a desire to our readers: We would greatly ap preciate any letters commenting on or givanig suggestions to the quality of this isue. Monkey Business This is a note only to those sensitive intelligentcia who took the initiative and purchased the gireat literary magazine. The Paradigm. Kathy Viverette and her staff of monkies have been working hard to produce a true masterpiece for the world to behold. (Contributions of art, poetry, prose, and even music score are still being ernestly re quested. So to all budding Van Goghs, Vdtaires, and Sousas, send in your work and let us know how good you really are. Accoujiting for the increase in price of The Paradigm is the fact that no advertisements will appear in the pages as in for mer issues. Although some com plaints over the price of the magazine have been sounded into the ever-alert ear of THE BLACKBIRD, we are certain that aiU grumblers will regret their grumbles when they see the superior results of Kathy Viverette’s efforts. The paradigm wiU come out in May, giving all subscribers something to look forwand' to besides going barefoot in May Day. Upcoming Events Students are urged to attend the Student-Facul- ty Basketball Game to be held in the gymnasium this Friday night. The game is sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Game time is 7:30 and admission for the event is 50c for adults and 25c for students. Sea son passes will not be ac cepted. Member of Columbia Scholastic Press Association $1.25 Yearly — $.2S Single Issue EDITOR Wild© ADVERTISING MANAGER Bob Chapman BUSINESS MANAGER Lynda Harrell CIRCULATION MANAGER Betsy Mann PAGE EDITORS: Betsy Heady, Betsy Mann 2nd Dickie Bradshaw, Kathy MatJiews Carolyn Bryant 4th Pat Stussie, Sarah Willis 5th Betsy Elmore 6th Carolyn Davis 7 th Diane Fowler 8th Leigh Wheeler, Diane Whitfield ADVISER Mrs. Margaret WiUiams PRINCIPAL Mr. V. J. (!!olombo Burd Of The Week No. 8