Congratulations . . . Class of ’69 THE BLACKBIRD Published by the Journalism Class of Rocky Moiint Senior HiKh School VOLUME XXXX, No. 12 ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. ■ FRIDAY, MAY 23. !%!» RMSH BEAUTY COURT WINNERS and their escorts are Anne Joyner, fourth runner-up. es corted by Page Lea; Donna Armstrong, se cond runner-up, escorted by Wayne Robertson; Lucille Williams, Maid of Honor, escorted by Stewart Edwards; Skipper Greathouse, Editor of the Blackbird; Kay Bclcher, Beauty Court Queen, escorted by Bcnjie Martindale; Emily Peyton, first runner-up, escorted by Mult Wil son; Debbie Mills, third runner-up, escorted by Michael Haggerty; and Debbie Skinner, fifth ruimer-up, escorted by Ken Thompson. RMSH Senior Wins Scholarship Robert Earle Oollins, RMSH senior, is the recent recipient of a higihly-vaiuied scholarship for four years of undergradu ate study at Greensboro Col lege in Greensboro. The sobolarship, which ap parently has no name, is awandied to one atudent in North Carolina who 'has ex pressed interest in Greensboro Collegte and w;ho shows out standing potential for aca demic success in college. This is the first year of the award. Appi-oximately fifteen others were finalists in the competi tion for the award. The awiard consists of a $,5,000 sdiolarship granted im- mediaitely upon reception of the honor. Continued academic success, which means a 2.7 quality point average the Frestiman year a«d a 3.0 aver age on a four point st'ale DECA Holds Banquet ROBERT COLLINS The Distributive Education Club held its annual Bosses Banquet at Josh Builuck’s Wednesday evening, April 30. Judy Davis, Distributive Education Presidtmt, presided over the banquet. Oharlottc’ Nash greeted the guests and gave tlie official welcome. The rt>sponse was given by Mr. FIIA Mothers Entertained At Annual RMSIl Dinner Tlie Future Homemakers of America Clwpter of RMSH entertained their motliei's at (heir annunl Mothc’r-Daugtter Banqu'’t at Josli Bulkick's Restaurant, f’riday night May 9. The tnbic decorations were rtl aixl wliiie. Places were nuarkcd with rad place carried out in the club’s cards and program booklets dcsiigncd ajid made by club members. The theme for the banquet was “Bridging the Generation Gtip.” Debbie McCan'or, club pres ident. welcomed the guests, and 'her motter, Mrs. W. J. ATcCarvor responded for the motliers. E'idi girl then intro duced hea'self and her mother and at the same time present ed her mother a oorsage. Gail Williams gave the invo cation and dinner was sierved. Amanda Robbins introduced tlie speaker of the evening. Miss Kate Parks KLtchin. The .'•aibjeot of her talk was “Brid'ging the Generation Gap.” Miss Kitchin empha sized tlie fact that tlie gap between the generaitions today is no dtlferent tlism thaii at any othiT age atid it takes both motliers and daughters working togetlier to recognize and resolve their differences. The program was concluded with the club members re- pt'Qting the Club Creed. The president presented each mo- tl)er a copy of the “Hotnes” issue of “Ideals” which were contributed by her, father. The club plans to aittend the State FHA Convention in Ra leigh tomorrow. Delegaites to the convention will be Debbie McCaiver, Debbie Breedlove and Pam Bone. The theme will be “CStizenship—Who is Responsible?” William Reisfincr Jr., Operat ing Manager of Montgomery Waixls. Mr. Jolm I^ingley, D. E. Co- oixiinator, iniroducod the guests. Tlie students then pre- •sented tlieir sponaons and told the group somctliing about them. Leigh Wheeler gave a report on clul) activities wiiich was followed by the invocation given by Ginger Resico. A buf fet dinner was then served to the 120 guests. Special enteriiiinment was provided by Jim Bjiiley, Ben- jie Martindale, and Emmett Gladstone. Speakers Chosen For Graduation Speakers have been chose'’ for two important RMSH graduation exorcises. Tlie Reverend B, PYank Leggett, minister of tlie First Clu'istian Church, will give the Baccalaureate sormoii. Dr. Gaylord Lehman will read the SCTipture, Revelations 21:1-8, ;uxl give tlic prayer. After this Rev. Leggett will siwak on “Adventure With The New.” A RMSH , senior, Ken Thompson, was elected by the senior class lo present the Commencement Address. Ken was chosen after the senior class voted to have a memiber of the class give tlie gradua tion speech. ay Belcher Crowned Beauty Court Queen thereafter, is necessary for maintainancc of the award. Robert learned of the pos sibility of the scholarship in a senior class meeting from an announcenwnt by Miss Kit chin, guidance counselor. As he was the only one to contact her, Miss Kitchin tlien compil ed his record and sent it to Greensboro. The interviews were held Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26. Robert’s winning was announced at a luncheon Sat- uixkiy. The l!H)8-r)9 RMSH Junior- Seni(H‘, sponsored by the Class of 70, was held in Tarrytown Mall April 25. Highlightx^d was the crowning of Kay Bel cher QS Queen of the 1%9 Beauty Court. 'I'he RMSH Beauty Court is .‘^j.'o.’isored each year by the Blackbird staff. Judges, chosen by the Blackbird staff* were sent a folder containing formal pictiwes, candid snapshots, and descriptions of each of the six teen members of the Court. Principal Honored In a special dedication as sembly program last Friday, the Hi-Noc-Ar staff presented an annual to Mr. V. J. Colom bo. Ella Jean Lewis, editor of the Hi-Noc-Ar. introduced new officers and announced the new staff members for next year. Afterwards, she announced the special dedication of the Hi- Noc-Ar to Principal Colonnbo. While Miss Murchison urged all students lo examine their yearbooks carefully, the staff members were dis.tributing them to the ihomorooms. After the assembly was dis missed. tlie .students returned to their honrerooms to receive their annuals. From tliesc they .selected queen, a maid of honor, and the five runners-up. The judg ing was done this year by tour members of the UNC-CH ba.s- ketball team. Rusty Clark, Dick Grubar, Gira!d Tuttle, and Joe Brown. Tlie Beauty Court of KMSH is never complete without the ma^ts. They were Connie Bra’dsihaw, daughter of Rev, and Mrs. Francis C. Braw- shaw. and Divid Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Skinner. After the entrance of the mascots, Denise announced the runners-up. the maid of honor, and the 1969 Beauty CJourl Queen. The runners-up were Debbie Skinner, fifth runner-up. es corted by Ken Tliompson; Ann Joyner, fourth runner-up, es corted by Page Lea; Dobbie Mills, third runncr-up, escort ed by Michael Haggerty; Don na Armstrong, sccwid runner- up, escorted by Wayne Rob ertson; and Emily Peyton, firs^ runner-up, escorted by Mutt WiLson. Lucille Williajns, escorted by Stewart Edwards, was choson Maid of Honor. Kay Bebher. a member of the Blackbird staff and (scorted by Beiije M.'irliiKlale, wa.s crowned ' Queen of tin- 1969 KM.'JH Beauty Court. FBLA Members Atlend Employer-EraployeeDiimer The Cooperative Office Oc- cupiitions class and tlie Future Busines's Leaders of America of RMSH had their first Bm- ployer-Empk>yee Baiviuet. Friday evening. May 2, at Josih Bulluck’s. Melinda Trevatlwn, presi dent of tlie FBIv\, opened tlie program wiUi a welcome to the employees and their .sipec- ial guests. Folbwing the iaivo- cation given by Fk>ra Tillery, vice-president, dinner was •serv^. After tlie dinner, Debbie Siiearin, reporter, introduced tlie guest s|x«akor Mr. Holton Harrison, principal of R, M. W!il.s-op .(umicir Higb School, who pjive a .sliort talk titled ^.'Cluinge Demands Choices.” In concluding tk; banquet, Mrs. .Jane G. White. Coopera tive Office Oc(.’ui>ations co-or- dinaitor, gave a few remarks. Altlnnigh many FBl«A mem bers do not work, tliey voted to Ik'Ii) |wy the expenses of tlie banquet as tlieir project of tlie year. Witliout their lielp tlie biinquet would not have taken placti and each girl in I lie COO and tlieir employers would' not have been recognized. FBLA OFFICERS are Debbie Shcarin, reporter; Lynn Taylor, treasurer; Melinda Trevathan, president; Flora Tillery, vice- president; and Wanda Newton, secretary.